Alojzy (Trivia)



- He generally dislikes his glowing spots.
He tries to hide them in all possible ways, whether by wearing long coats or by constantly staying in lighted rooms.

- he has a dagger, but he hardly ever uses it

- Due to the fact that his fingers were cut off with a dagger, he has a grudge against this weapon.

- He knows Morse Code

- knows how to sew and does it very well

- a few features was quite heavily inspired by a few books

- Technically speaking, he doesn't have to wear such thick clothes. The cold doesn't bother him at all. He only does it because of the spots.

- he is terrible at cooking

- Gourmand. He loves sweets

- spots have properties fluorescent, depending on how much they were irradiated, they can light more or less

- he inherited the stripes on the tail from his mother, the diamond-shaped spots from his father's family (more concretely, his grandfather had spots like this too)

- He never exactly get to know from who he actually inherited the glowing spots.

- The red scarf has a great sentimental value for him. He got it from his sister (the older one), it was her first attempt to knit something.

- he have earrings only because of Jasper

- Jasper is the first boy he fell in love with 

- He loves to cuddle with Jasper. But only with him. Othertime, he generally hates anyone touching him

- He loved Jasper a little too much. If for some reason he wasn't next to leopard, he would literally suffer from broken heart syndrome. He would die of longing.

- he really dislike his scars

- He often avoids mirrors, rivers or other lakes because he doesn't want to see his reflection. He really dislike how he looks because of the scars.

- He never forgave Fionn for make him scars on his face and eyebrow

- If not Jasper, he probably would never have discovered he is bi and would still think he is straight. In fact, the thought of having a boyfriend had never repulsed him, but he hadn't taken the option seriously because of his conservative father. It was only with Jasper that he consider the option that it could be otherwise.

- He wouldn't be interested in having a non-feline mate

- has a birthday on December 4th

- he have low voice

- Alojzy knows it have no sense, but maintains that Maksymilian inherited the spots on his face after him

- After the "adventure" with Fionn's pet, he has an aversion to snakes

- He can be a bit overprotective of the kids at times. But he loves them more than anything else and will do anything for them.