Pawse n' Play



2 years, 5 months ago


"n0, y0u’r3 N0T 4 r34l g4m3r."

"1'm s0 s1ck 0f 4ll th3s3 p30pl3 th4t th1nk th3y’r3 g4m3rs. N0, y0u’r3 n0t. M0st 0f y0u 4r3 n0t 3v3n cl0s3 t0 b31ng g4m3rs. 1 s33 th3s3 p30pl3 s4y1ng “I put well over 100 hours in this game, it’s great!” th4t’s n0th1ng, m0st 0f us c4n 34s1ly put 300+ h0urs 1n 4ll 0ur g4m3s. 1 s33 p30pl3 wh0 0nly h4v3 4 N1nt3nd0 Sw1tch 4nd cl41m t0 b3 g4m3rs. C0m3 t4lk t0 m3 wh3n y0u p1ck up 4 PS4 c0ntr0ll3r th3n w3 b3 fr13nds."

"4ls0 D34R 4LL W0M3N: P0k3m0n 1s n0t 4 r34l g4m3. 4n1m4l Cr0ss1ng 1s n0t 4 r34l g4m3. Th3 S1ms 1s n0t 4 r34l g4m3. M4r10 1s n0t 4 r34l g4m3. St4rd3w v4ll3y 1s n0t 4 r34l g4m3. M0b1l3 g4m3s 4r3 N0T.R34L.G4M3S. put d0wn th3 b4by g4m3s 4nd pl4y s0m3th1ng th4t r3qu1r3s ch4ll3ng3 4nd sk1ll f0r 0nc3."

"S1nc3r3ly, 4ll 0f th3 4CTU4L g4m3rs."

Name: Pawse n' Play (Tamagotchi Cookie)

"Flavour": Chocolate Brownie Scent

Age: Ageless

Pronouns: They/Them

Gender: Genderless

Species: Semi-Cookie

🔌Pause and Play!🔌

Pawse & Play (Tamagotchi Cookie's nickname) is a playful fox that's always active for fun games! They spent most of their times planning and hosting game nights/events for people to enjoy! Games are never tiring for them that it became the center of their dough. Literally.

They were nicknamed Pawse & Play for their never-seen-before enthusiasm on games, this happened because Pawse & Play's memory from their very first seconds alive up till now are strictly related to video games and electronic devices.

Pawse & Play can however know if you're cheating or not, even if you're far from their range... You'll also have to deal with their springs getting stuck in such places for hours, they can't stop themselves from bouncing around until their energy are wasted.

Likes: Games, wide spaces, loud music.

Dislikes: Soothing/classical music, the outside, tight spaces, timeout corner, non-competitive games/events, getting hanged like a christmas ornament.

INFO: you do not have to draw the redrawn ver. their face cannot change into anything and shall remain in their main face unless plugged in. pressing their power button can put them to sleep by force and it hurts them alot, no one presses it often because of that although they really want to because of how annoying Paws n Play can get.