Portia Xenakis



6 years, 7 months ago


Portia Xenakis

  • Age4,981
  • BirthdayNovember 28
  • ZodiacSagittarius
  • GenderFemale (she/her)
  • OrientationUnknown
  • Height5'8"
  • Buildlean, busty
  • WeaponLance
  • Sentic Ability 1none
  • Sentic Ability 2none









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Portia is not a human, but an Eidolon- a god-like being with powers that exceed humans. Because of the longevity that Eidolons possess, she's learned a great deal. It's difficult for Eidolons to not look down on humans. Portia hates to say she sometimes looks down on humans, but truth be told, she has a much more positive outlook on humankind than many other Eidolons. Portia truly loves humans and looking back at her past adventures, she has a hard time accepting that it's come down to this. She will continue to go against the grain and fight for what she believes in.


Portia in her current form.

The Beginning

Portia was not always in a human's body. In fact, she's a mighty Eidolon whose lived for a couple of thousand of years. It's because of her constant rifts with other Eidolons and their ideals that she's chosen to live amongst humans. She chose the form of a human woman, acknowledging that the female form seems to be easier to work with visually to get what she wants and come off harmless- a little thing she learned while observing and living with humans.

Her life as a human wouldn't be peaceful though. The kingdom's Elite Team- made up of only the top tier Sentic fighters- suddenly began hounding her. Portia was well aware that it likely wasn't for a lovely chat, and made it clear she'd be defiant and fight back. They may be the most powerful of humans, but they still aren't a match for an Eidolon- even if her powers have diminished and her memories are fading. 

It'd have been easier to revert back to her Eidolon form, however, living as a human for so long meant she trapped herself in the body. She'd have to figure a way to claim her true form once more. It's during one of her many escapes through the Elite's clutches does she slide down a cliff, and nabs a group of unsuspecting humans into a plot to settle a feud that is actually many, many, many thousands of years old. 

The Middle


The End



Renaldo Elrith


Renaldo is definitely the responsible adult, and Portia finds it easiest to speak with him. He's also blessed- or cursed- with immortality, making him a fine human companion to speak with that understands Portia's position. His gentle nature and the way he tries to always educate others as well as himself won the Eidolon's respect. She goes to him with questions about humans and their behaviors, seeing as she hasn't quite understood why humans do what they do. 




Portia is quite curious about Alister. She's never seen such a defiant, stubborn human, and especially not one that would run with a fool's errand with such vigor as Alister. The odds are stacked completely against him, and yet, he pushes back, refusing to take the hand he was deal with laying down. For that, she commends him and respects that. It reminds her of somebody she knew long ago; ah, yes. Silas, whom Alister was named after, considering Silas is his ancient ancestor. 


Lev Caverah


Alister is not the only stubborn one that Portia is fascinated by- and it only makes sense that it turns out to be Alister's big brother. Though she's quite saddened to ultimately be fighting Lev- he's her old companion's bloodline, after all- he needs to be taught that the way of life the Elites lead is not what Silas intended. Lev is incredibly strong, commendable and honestly rightfully earned his spot as leader of the Elite. She respects him. Even if they may ultimately fight to the death one day.



Enemy & Ex-Friend

Vita, a name she'd rather forget, such a useless, petulant child. The bad blood remains between Portia and Vita, despite it being years. At one time, they were friends! A disagreement led to a battle, and now the two are at odds. Portia feels that Vita should accept being the loser and leave her alone; she's well aware that Vita is the one pulling the Elite around, causing troubles for Portia's group. It's rare the two have a truce to speak without venom in their words. 

Design Notes

  • Her hair is naturally two toned- a sign of an Eidolon.
  • Her lance is two separate pieces that float to form a lance.
  • Shapely body. She picked that on purpse.

"Humans really should try harder."