


2 years, 6 months ago



Name Nathaniel Arellano
Called Nathan
Age 20's
Gender Trans Bisexual Male (he/him)
Race Time User
Role Protagonist
Alignment True-Neutral

Nathan is a man who can hop to alternate universes against his will.


  • Weed
  • Movies
  • Cali
  • Saying the word "stupid"


  • Stupid People
  • Monty Bara
  • .
  • .

Past Life

Nathan was born in Mindinao, Philippines circa 1600's. He died of malaria so when God Scientist retrieved his body, he revived him in the lab and raised him. (One thing to mention was that Nathan presented as a girl at the time so God Scientist only knows him as what he was when he was a child.)

Misplaced in Time

Nathan is the main character of Misplaced in Time, an alternate universe of my main story. Nathan warped into Solaria 2 (his universe) when he was young and isn't aware that he did. When he grows up, he starts warping between different universes and this is fine and dandy at first. It starts getting serious when the lines between universes start blurring and he has no clue which universe is home anymore. Him falling for his best friend, Cali only makes his inner turmoil worst when his only compass is him.


Nathan is very much a raging pessimist. He sees the worst in everything and hates everyone and himself. Except Cali. Nathan tends to have this doomer-perspective where nothing in the world matters and chooses to indulge in escapism (like weed, sex and other bad shit). This behaviour only gets more self destructive when he can't figure out which universe is his anymore.



Calipher [ Best Friends ]

Nathan and Cali are best friends. They pretty much only have eachother. Nathan starts to distance himself from Cali once he starts dating Monty Bara and he has to figure out the Universal Ring for himself.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

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