


2 years, 6 months ago



The Immortal soul of a powerful boon.


A Tl;Dr.

Born from the corpse of the late Saint Nevermore, Harbeest is the end result of Nevermore's powerful divine boon staying with the body and developing a soul. His name - "Harbeest", was adopted by him out of convenience after learning this was what he was called by commonfolk. He is huge - the initial revival as a soulless beast contorted and deformed the body as Material forms suffer without a soul, with the resulting shape being somewhat mitigated by the boon attempting damage control. By the time Harbeest has settled into himself many thousands of years later, he had adjusted the body more to his liking, and to look less like the stretched out corpse of a by-gone Beasttame.

Harbeest inherited a lot of mannerisms, memories, and knowledge from Nevermore, being the same approximate mental age upon developing a soul. Although presenting some confusion to begin with, Harbeest still remembered most events from the perspective of the Boon, such as recalling healing or reviving Nevermore as opposed to being the one revived. When he's settled, Harbeest is remarkably placid and calm compared to his old harpy charge. He has a unique relationship with life, being a divine soul in a mortal body, finding great joy in the simple things. It may have taken a good second to get there, but he's content in what he's got and exceptionally kind, and prone to adopting wayward strangers if he feels they could use the help.

Harbeest's relationship with gender is practically non-existant, and accepts any pronouns or terms, but largely refers to himself with he or it. He is pretty much bisexual, and would count as being on the autistic spectrum like Nevermore.


  • A good roll in a field
  • Reading
  • Trying new things
  • Knitting
  • Socialising
  • A good roast pheasant with....wait, we've done this before.


  • Being compared to Nevermore
  • Being compared to Undead
  • Being hunted like some kind of wild beast
  • Dying/reviving
  • Isolation
  • Inexplicably, a poorly mixed drink.


  • Harbeest as a concept has gone through several storylines, only recently settling on something canon.
  • Similarly, his design has changed a lot, too.
  • A lot of his shapes are inspired by baboons and horses.
  • "Harbeest" is just a combination of the words Harpy and Beast.


Early Formation

Soon after a revival leading to the boon developing a soul, Harbeest adapted poorly to being thrust into consciousness. Anxious and unpredictable, early Harbeest had the general knowledge you'd expect from an 60+ year old man, but was unable to appropriately handle emotion or how to time social cues. To make matters worse, he also didn't understand how to take care of a material body for a long time - being a boon of Staying Alive, he would never become completely helpless, but for example may wait all too long before getting something to eat or drink, or before sleeping. He had a habit of going on a frenzy if confronted with, say, a field of domestic Deer, and this ended with him getting in a LOT of trouble. He dealt poorly with people as a result for a very long time, typically assuming if he saw another person, it was because he did something wrong and they wanted to hurt him.

Despite this, a calm demeanor and an act of kindness is typically all it would take to win his trust at this point. Following being found and befriended by a fellow immortal - Pietre - he slowly started acclimating back with people and was allowed to settle into how to handle emotions, and how to Not go without eating for weeks only to become a wild beast at the sight of defenseless livestock, just as an abstract example.

Relative Modernity

After a good 3000 years, Harbeest had fully settled into himself, even altering his appearance some to be more palatable to others and himself. He is very social and kind, being exceptional company. Very little stresses him out, and he always manages to find delight in the little things - although is equally un-excitable. He's always eager to learn new things or teach others skills of old, and tell stories from his grand lifetime. He surprisingly didn't inherit any pessimism from Pietre, who he still sees now and again, and instead becomes a perfect foil to the Lich in time. Although he does experience some existential worries, these tend to become thoughtful and philosphical as opposed to feelings of dread or fear.

Harbeest can be a little slow on social cues, at times - things are constantly changing, and he will occasionally react innapropriately for modern times, but is still easy to talk to and great at gatherings. He may not be able to symphasise properly if somebody is having a really difficult time - if only because living so long has shown Harbeest that stressing over the small things isn't worth it - but he makes an effort. He is profoundly difficult to piss off, someone would really want to press the right buttons over and over without him just leaving - but when it happens, he's most likely to respond to someone attempting to get under his skin by throwing them across a room. 0 to 100.


  • VERY Laid-back.
  • Motherly and Caring.
  • Generous.
  • Endlessly Wise.
  • Gentle; a great babysitter.
  • Excellent cook.


  • Can be very patronizing.
  • May try and help someone when they don't need or want it.
  • Doesn't take things seriously at times
  • Although rarely angry, will tend to choose aggression as a solution to anger.
  • Doesn't really understand the concept of land or animal ownership...
  • Too big for most houses.


  • Crochet and knitting.
  • Foraging and Hunting.
  • Cooking.
  • Studying
  • Magic.


  • Food: Gamey meat, LOVES wild Venison.
  • Drink: Honey tea. Doesn't drink much since it's difficult to get intoxicated.
  • Music: Varied taste, but likes older stuff the most.
  • Animal: Puffins.


  • Plumage/Hair Color Glossy Black.
  • Eye Color Golden Yellow
  • Skin Colour White
  • Height ~20' stood upright, 7' at shoulder.
  • Body Type Well-built with plenty of weight.

In early formation, Harbeest still greatly resembles a stretched-out old harpy, with "stretch marks" all over his face and body from where the skin stretched, broke, and healed. His irises are still a typical size, so he tends to look wild-eyed. He does, however, look fully alive as opposed to a dead-man walking by the time he develops a soul. Although not quite as washed out and grey as it was when Nevermore died, he still has poorly kept grey and broken feather at this point. He still retains Nevermore's lankiness - largely due to not taking care of himself properly. He is mostly quadrupedal for convenience, but can still comfortably rear up on his back legs, and will sit or lay more like a person. His neck is very long, and although his hind-legs are still proportionally similar to normal Harpy legs, his arms are much longer at the forearm. His wings aren't proportional and are useless for a long time before he fixes them.

Modern Harbeest, aged 3000 or so, has filled out and smoothed the edges of his form. His face is much chunkier, with a more baboon-like appearance. His irises are larger to appear kinder, having almost no eye-whites visible most of the itme. He has powerful jaws and full facial feathering. His plumage is much denser than early-fomration and a beautiful glossy-black, and he is typically wearing large earring studds that are red gems with gold borders. He still has the 'stretch mark' scars from initial rivival, although they are faded and instead mostly present as an unevenness and lumpiness in the skin. He is hefty, having a more rounded,muscular torso. His hands are somewhat Paw like, being somewhere between digititrade and plantigrade, while his feet are plantigrade. He has 'fixed' his wings, with the wrist bone holding the primaries and the feathers themselves being an appropriate size to allow for magic-assisted flight. Although he still has Nevermore's underbite, this is no longer as extreme or visible, and typically won't have the lower canines showing at all. He still posesses the two face scratches, wyvern kick, and chest scar quite prominently. Although not too fussed about covering up, will typically wear loose-fitting simple custom clothing, like a cloak or skirt.

Design Notes

  • Neck is long and connects at the back of the head.
  • Head is very Baboon-shaped in modernity.
  • More human-like lips and irises in early formation. Sharp teeth.
Click for Reference

art by SaintNevermore. Outdated.



art by SaintNevermore


Was Nevermore's Divine boon in life. Nevermore's soul is obviously deading it large in the after-life as a Saint, but the two still talk now and again in relative Modernity. Harbeest feels a deep fondness for him.


art by SaintNevermore


Fellow Immortal. Befriended by Pietre in early formation and helped out with things like Being a part of society. Good friends, occasionally on the more casual-open-relationship type partnership, though nothing too serious.


art by SaintNevermore

FhanFirst? Husband

WIP Character. Husband to Harbeest at some point. He only has like two images and in one he's dead so this will be altered later, but they have kids together!


art by SaintNevermore

FaethroIt's Complicated

Faethro was the creator of the boon that became Harbeest, so he feels....something for the Divine. They have talked very infrequently. It isn't a parent/kid thing, but it's...They're on good terms.


art by SaintNevermore


On Harbeest's very short "KILL ON SIGHT" list on behalf of Pietre. This may be a placeholder until I make more guys.


art by SaintNevermore



Soulless - "The Beast"


When Nevermore was laid to rest, his loved ones were assured the boon was long gone and this his soul could finally rest in peace. But Divine magic is stubborn and unpredictable. A week passed, and the boon bounced back in full force, reviving his decaying body from the dead. It distorted and mangled as the powerful boon juggled reviving dead cells and retrieving an inaccessible soul, leaving an unrecognisable soulless beast in the place of the harpy’s likeness. Living Material forms can't exist without a soul, and it is the lack of a soul that caused the body to deform, with the Boon somewhat mitigating just how distended and horrific the body became. It still settled, however, in a monstrous and elongated form.

Soulless, The Beast as it was known would wander aimlessly, the body mostly staying alive only barely through magic and the odd urge to eat carrion or foragable foods, although still frequently dying. The boon was somewhat overworked during the initial revival, and it had taken quite some time for it to just about fix up things like the effects of decay and physical traits that now hinder survivability, although it always looked very rough and sickly. It could feel no pain or fear - at most being a mild threat to livestock every now and again, entirely ignoring people, even if they threatened it. It would only have some kind of threat if Nevermore was on the Material plane - typically visiting in a disguised form like Deities would. Almost the second his soul was present, the Beast would begin honing in on his location. Sometimes, Nevermore would come and go with no issue - the Beast would quite slowly saunter in the general direction, not correcting for terrain or obstacles. Other times, however, Nevermore would happen to be just close enough. Confrontations would start peaceful, with the Beast simply trying to get as close as possible, before the boon's desperation to get the soul back would kick in, and the Beast would tear apart the semi-divine Harpy in it's attempts. Nevermore would always reset in the Divine plane, however - the draw of return being vastly more powerful, and the Beast would go back to it's mindless, empty nature, as if nothing had happened. During soullessness, the Beast was hunted a fair few times by both disgruntled farmers and wannabe-Beasttames alike, however it always revived stronger, and would end up left well alone.

Early Formation


After wandering soulless for hundreds of years, with a body-age of just over 400, the Beast is slain, or perhaps it dies of exposure, or injury. After all that time, the boon becoming more and more powerful as it has to over-compensate for a high maintenence form, on revival, something special happens. The forms of Divines and the Fae alike are of pure magic, in a high enough concentration to Feel. And just as a new Divine, Angel, or Fae are born, the Boon becomes a Soul. The revival is rough, and the Beast is all of the sudden aware of all it has done - both as Nevermore's boon, and as a soulless Beast. All at once, consciousness hits like a freight train, with emotion and the physical agony of a full revival in full-force, alongisde the conflicting and confused memories of both itself and it's charge.

Although having many memories and much knowledge, the Beast is a Divine soul, and is still unsure how to care for it's material form. He keeps to himself, processing everything over and over trying to make sense of coming to be, before occasionally succumbing to the body's need to live, and being forced to find a way to feed itself or to sleep. When he became starving, he would react far too strongly, and the typical victims would be unprotected livestock or an unwatched steed. Although attempts to communicate are made, the Beast is repeatedly showing itself to be unpredictable and almost feral in nature to people, and starts to get a reputation as a threat.

Although some fanatics would recognise the resemblance to the myth and appearance of the Saint Nevermore, the vast majority would claim the Beast was the shattered, amnesiac form of a rejected Divine or Angel - it's Divine nature being easily recognisable. Word spread quickly, and of course, there were people who sought to slay the Beast, for noble or selfish reason. The Beast became more and more distrusting of people, and all the more worse at caring for its form. A name for the creature started floating around - Harbeest, combining Harpy and Beast. And, of course, the beast heard of the title, and would refer to itself as such for convenience. Eventually, word spread enough to find the ears of a desperate, washed-up Lich, intrigued by word of a powerful Divine being wandering the continent.

Harbeest is discovered after having lain waste to an unfortunate flock of sheep. The Lich, Pietre, attempted to make conversation, before having to defend Harbeest to a distraught farmer, claiming responsibility and offering compensation. This is enough to win the beast over, as the first genuine act of kindness shown. Although greatly unnerved by Pietre's deathly appearance, his mask is enough to put Harbeest at ease, and they stick close together from this point onward. Although having been dead for hundreds of years himself, Pietre helps Harbeest understand how to care for his material form, and knocks together some clothing for him. After a period of time, Pietre goes on to help Harbeest start reintegrating with people again, being quite the bullshit deterrent if anybody wanted to try and start anything with the beast. You have that kind of effect on people when you're a Lich. In turn, Pietre asks of Harbeest one thing - to try and harness his power as a 'Divine' to figure out how to dispell his Lichhood.

Over many, many years, Harbeest settles as he learns how to be a part of society, and about himself. He gets better at magic - he doesn't feel magical fatigue due to his semi-Divine nature, and promises to try and find a way to introduce Pietre's killswitch. Although, to himself, he's been thinking more and more about this whole "immortal" thing, and really isn't finding it to be all that bad.

Relative Modernity


"Relative Modernity" is a way of referring to the "current" version of the character, which is different for a lot of my characters. For Harbeest, this is when he's roughly 3500 years old.

As Harbeest becomes more and more acclimated to being with people, and indeed with himself, he mellows out greatly, and begins finding more and more time for himself. He grows slightly distant from Pietre, no longer focussing on the whole get-rid-of-his-lichhood thing, admittedly for selfish reasons, although they still keep in touch. What Harbeest gets up to when he settles is still open for writing, although he typically goes long periods of living in the wilderness, to reintegrating into a community for decades, before leaving again to be with himself.

With regards to the Lich, Harbeest begins to try and show him the importance of the simple pleasures of 'life'. He makes headway, eventually. This whole time, for years, Harbeest has actually known how to cast a killswitch not only for the Lich, but for himself as well, so Harbeest would hypothetically have a normal existance as your average Divine soul. However, he came to learn that Undead like Liches don't get to go on to the afterlife, and instead simply cease to be. Unsure if Pietre knows this or not, regardless, this is not something Harbeest wants for him. Although somewhat selfish, he doesn't let Pietre in on the fact that he's figured it out for hundreds of years, instead opting to try and turn him away from his desire to end his Lichhood by showing him that even now, 'life' is worth it. It's over a drink one day that Pietre finally tells Harbeest about his involvement in the Awakening of the Urtarasque and about how he became a Lich. And of course, Harbeest is sympathetic, and forgives him.

It's around this time, as well, that Harbeest is able to get in contact with Nevermore. They talk, now and again. He even manages to get Pietre to talk to him as some way to seek closure in the whole Urtarasque thing, and the experience helps them lot.

Harbeest gets several partners in his life, but meets his first husband at around 3300. A harpy man named Fhan, a part of a community Harbeest had been a part of for a few decades at this point. The two have kids together and everything, keeping Harbeest in a town for the longest time yet as he watches his kids, then grandkids, and so on and so forth grow up and live their lives, before eventually leaving for the wilderness again after several generations.



Early Formation, with Pietre.


Old reference - slightly outdated.


Discussing how he feels about 'killing' Nevermore while soulless.

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