Limni Kolympia



2 years, 6 months ago


Limni Kolympia

  • Species
    Human - Greek
  • Gender
    Female (She/Her)
  • Height / Weight
    160cm - 58kg
  • Body Type
  • Diamond
  • Age
  • 16
  • Status
     Taken !
  • Specialty
    Herbalist, Apothecary, Support
  • Tribe Name
    River's Fangs


Important Notes

Nickname : Nini

Full Name : Limni Kolympia

• Her eyes are jet black | No tatoos | Dark skin | White waivy short hair | Brown and white freckles | Has some curves in the arms and belly because of its diamond morphology

• Pacifist | She never goes into battle and stays at the camp to look after the animals| Knowledge of beverages and preparations | Understands easily TEK technology | Calculator | Sweet voice | Patient |  Just sweet and quickly inspires confidence


Relations :

(Survivors at beginning : 18 - Survivors at the end : 6)

  • AMPREH's :
    • KahuereTribe member (Leader | Elite fighter) - Enjoys talking to her; Kahuere always takes her suggestions into consideration and gives her some weight in group decisions.
    • Limni KOLYMPIA Tribe member (Vet | Doctor | Advisor) - ...It is true that from time to time she uses her ability to be appreciated to easily steer the decisions of those around her in her favor.
      • Etekumuiq Tribe member (Mechanic | Tinker | Sentinel) - Even though most of Ete's jokes are in poor taste or too perched, Limni enjoys her presence. It's like having a warming sun, perfect for boosting mood.
        • Ahinano Tribe member (Gatherer | Aprena and Diving) - Ahinano seems to be as gentle as she is, and also knows the subject of water plants well. Limni enjoys communicating with her when she comes across her.
    • Álvaro NAVAS Tribe member (Vaquero, manage the cattle) - A kind and funny man who knows how to deal with young people, including her. It's like having a family friend.
    • Rufino NAVAS Tribe member (Vaquero, manage the cattle | Breeder) - Rarely talk together. It seems that she bothers him and does not dare to come and talk to him.
    • NanubéTribe member (Hunter | Gatherer | Sentinel) - Is not talkative but brings her very useful plants. Limni appreciates her perspicacity.
    • Frigg Tribe member (???) - Is often mistreated by her. Does not like her and avoids her 

    • Saron ZENEBECH Tribe member (Bodyguard | Elite fighter) - The tall woman impresses Limni. The medical visit is always a moment she dreads... But at least she doesn't bark at her.
    • Thahan SUKSAI Tribe member (Elite fighter | Fisher) - Understanding of the torments of the former general of war. Limni listens well.
    • Leland MURPHY : Tribe member (Hunter | Maintenance & Builder) - She appreciates his efficiency.
    • Ubalde De ROHAN Tribe member (Doctor) - She is his co-worker; through her Limni learns a lot about the progress of modern medicine.
    • Arak LOBSANG Tribe member (Mechanic | Tinker | Sentinel) - She often sees him talking with Etekumuiq. Seeing the good mood of these people makes the young girl smile.
    • Lian ZHŌNGTribe member  (Fisher | Gatherer | Aprena and Diving) - A young man of her age with whom she loves to chat when she meets him. It makes Limni feel good to know she's not the only teenager.
    • Nereyda Tribe member (Kitchen | Maintenance) - Whatever Nereyda has to say, Limni listens with great attention. She listens to the elders.

  • NALAK's
    • Meralbayr KHÜRELBAATARTribe member (Spokesperson | Mother figure | Elite fighter) - Best friend and substitude mother
    • Mbweli :Tribe member (Strategist | Intendant) - Don't talk too much together. Mbweli does not seem to be very open.
    • Ho'opi'iTribe member (Cultivator | Sentinel) - Another teenager her age that Limni really likes! He is very caring.

Main Dinos :

Snow Owl : Térébenthe (♀)

Sarcosuchus :  Krokódeilos (♂)

Compies : Meri (♂) | Pippi (♂)

Tapejara : Pterón (♂)

Archaeopterix : Para (♀)

Raptors : Gaar (♀) | Ganthua (♂) | Thémis (♀) | Rhéa (♂) | Ocean (♂) | Mnemosyne (♂) | Theia (♀) | Phebe (♀) | Thétis (♀) | Gaia (♀) | Hyperion (♂) | Ouranos (♂) | Kronos (♂) | Charybde (♂) | Scylla (♀) | Bibrōskō (♀) (βιβρώσκω) 

About Limni

Limni, 16 years old, is a greek woman from the year -300.

Limni learned a lot from her father who was once a doctor in his life before the Ark. This knowledge is useful for her tribe, because even if Limni does not fight she is able to create powerful remedies, poisons, narcotics... She also manages to improve some of Rockwell's recipes to amplify their effects.

This kind of research allows her to stay in the camp with the dinosaurs who are not on expedition.
Limni uses her skills to heal injured dinosaurs, as well as Meralbayr and Kahuere when they return from several days of travel. Totally neutral, Limni prefers to help them advance through the arks passively, crafting remedies and poisons, rather than taking a weapon herself and going to the front.

Her lack of fighting skills is unfortunately a disadvantage when the tribe has to face together the great guardians of the arches... well, fortunately, she knows how to be effective in fighting in her corner thanks to the training of weapons.

Limni is also interested in the TEK technology and manages to understand it better than the other members of her tribe. She is able to form plans, and unlock some systems. Nothing great, but it's quite exceptional for someone coming from the year -300. A rudimentary skill that allows the tribe to move more efficiently through the arches.


  • Taking care of animals
  • Testing new recipes
  • Flamess
  • Rockwell's evolution project does not leave her indifferent


  • Wasting time
  • To use a weapon