


2 years, 8 months ago



  • Species
    Human - Iñupiat
  • Gender
    Female (She/Her)
  • Height / Weight
    170cm - 53kg
  • Body Type
    "H" Morphology
  • Age
  • Status
     SINGLE >:'(
  • Specialty
  • Tribe Name
    River's Fangs

Important Notes

Nickname : Teku | Ete

Full Name : Etekumuiq

OST : N°1 | N°2

• Grey eyes | Light brown hair turning black at the end | Smiling woman | Unstoppable and thick hair | Underweight | Ribs visible under the skin | Chilly | Often has dark circles under eyes

• Synic | Sarcastic Likes to joke | Self-deprecation is OK | Likes dirty jokes & dark humor | Lost confidence in her and relationships | Lively | Understands TEK 


Iñupiat or Inupiks are a Native Alaskan people living in the Northwest Arctic and North Slope boroughs off the Bering Strait. Iñupiat people are hunter-gatherers, as are most Arctic peoples. Iñupiat people continue to rely heavily on subsistence hunting and fishing. 

Traditionally, some Iñupiat people lived in sedentary communities, while others were nomadic.


Relations :

(Survivors at beginning : 18 - Survivors at the end : 6)

  • AMPREH'S :
    • KahuereTribe member (Leader | Elite fighter) - The courage of this young woman impresses Etekumuiq. That's why she joined her tribe! It takes crazy people to go beyond the impossible.
    • Limni KOLYMPIA Tribe member (Vet | Doctor | Advisor) - How cute she is! Every time she sees her, Etekumuiq wants to hold her and her boyfriend's round cheeks in her hands. It is beautiful the ardour of the youth.
    • EtekumuiqTribe member (Mechanic | Tinker | Sentinel) - "Hahaha!... ... ... My life is a mess..."
    • Ahinano Tribe member (Gatherer | Aprena and Diving) - She likes to call her "the mermaid", despite the fact that Ahinano does not sing. Because she comes from the sea. And all that. You know. She's cool, Ahinano. She's cool even with her face when Etekumuiq calls her the mermaid, and she doesn't understand why.
    • Álvaro NAVAS Tribe member (Vaquero, manage the cattle) - So he's even cooler. Etekumuiq manages to type the discussion without any problem
    • Rufino NAVAS Tribe member (Vaquero, manage the cattle | Breeder) - Who says shy little boy, says teasing. Etekumuiq loves to tease him. And she knows he hates it.
    • NanubéTribe member (Hunter | Gatherer | Sentinel) -  She... the iñupiat would not even dare to give her a friendly blow to the shoulder, otherwise, she knows, her wrist would be directly broken.
    • Frigg Tribe member (???) - Even her Yutyrannus have an IQ more intelligent than this girl. Etekumuiq takes malicious pleasure in making her go crazy, and this since the day she captured her.

    • Saron ZENEBECH Tribe member (Bodyguard | Elite fighter) - She finds her tall and barraged; strangely, the duo Saron and little Kahuere match well. It looks great, to give a first impression of the tribe! However, Etekumuiq wouldn't give her a shoulder either.
    • Thahan SUKSAI Tribe member (Elite fighter | Fisher) - Etekumuiq thinks more about wearing her balls than Thahan does. And she doesn't even have any, that's saying something!
    • Leland MURPHYTribe member (Hunter | Maintenance & Builder) - A guy she thinks is too classy, and really cool. Yep, she likes Leland.
    • Ubalde De ROHAN Tribe member (Doctor) - A nerdy chick, who works with Limni the nerd. During the visits Etekumuiq sometimes tries to joke with her, but it seems that some of her jokes are too high.
    • Arak LOBSANG Tribe member (Mechanic | Tinker | Sentinel) - A bro, a real one, a good working companion! Without him, the tinker's days would be extremely monotonous.
    • Lian ZHŌNGTribe member  (Fisher | Gatherer | Aprena and Diving) - Alas, Etekumuiq does not have much time to speak to him, but it seems however very sympathetic this small fellow.
    • Nereyda Tribe member (Kitchen | Maintenance) - The only person towards whom Etekumuiq keeps her seriousness. She loves this grandmother and likes to spend her free time helping her and teasing her tenderly from time to time. She misses her sometimes.

  • NALAK's
    • Meralbayr KHÜRELBAATARTribe member (Spokesperson | Mother figure | Elite fighter) - Her best friend. You can imagine that behind her exemplary mother's face, Meralbayr loves to gossip...
    • Mbweli Tribe member (Strategist | Intendant) - Do not insist. It doesn't fit. Etekumuiq yawns within five meters, and these are not legends.
    • Ho'opi'iTribe member (Cultivator | Sentinel) - The tour of the little bro. Etekumuiq forged strong links with this small guy, because she survived several weeks, several months at his side in the northern tundra.
    • Céen (Called "The Chamallow Knight") - The little darling of Limni darling. He too is allowed to be teased by Etekumuiq.

Main Dinos :

- Hexapleion (♂), her mutated carno

- Pegomastax

- True master of Meri and Pippi

About Etekumuiq

Etekumuiq is a 20th century iñupiat.

She is the kind of dynamic woman who never forgets to smile or respond with a certain zest, an energy that makes others smile. Her charisma and mannerisms are rarely forgotten by others, she manages to attract attention whether it is by the aura she gives off or her words that always seem to be interesting or funny. Etekumuiq manages to take any subject with humor, sometimes in a sacrasmic way.
She prefers to smile at life and laugh at her misfortunes than to cry about them.

In her past life, Etekumuiq remembers being married at the age of nineteen to a widowed man in his thirties. She moved in with him and took care of raising the children that this man had had with his first wife; a difficult task, but one that Etekumuiq performed with gusto and a smile, out of love for this man. It happened that one winter this man did not come home after the usual hunting time; neither dead nor missing, Etekumuiq learned months later that this person had left to live elsewhere and had built another family.
From this was born at first a pure hatred towards men and relationships.

If today Etekumuiq is able to tolerate the male gender, it is for the moment difficult to say that she is able to trust a person to rebuild a serious relationship. This is also true for friendships; she hardly gives her trust.
This history, she prefers to laugh about it. And to forget it.
Now on the ark, Etekumuiq prefers to hunt at first on the island, then, with the discovery of the TEk technology, prefers to devote herself to her passion: tinkering, touching, improving. It turns out that her hands are capable of great dexterity. If Limni had the idea of the conception of the special armors of the tribe, it is thanks to Etekumuiq that these ideas could be born.


  • Crafting
  • Joking


  • Betrayal
  • Being left behind