


Duke • Necromancer • Twilight

Name Beaumont
Called -
Gender Male
Age Adult
Height 192 cm
Race Kemonomimi
Role Duke
Pronouns He/him
HTML Pinky

Beaumont is the Duke of the Twilight Order. He has been searching for years for a key to the Aftermath, and to gain access to the final resting place of The Queen of the Damned. After the death of The Queen of the Damned of Azumere, all hope and belief in harnessing her power was lost. Many believed it was lost for good. He never gave up hope, but he had no clue who to turn to. He was too desperate to ask anyone, and he didn't know who to trust. He grew up in Azumere, as the son of the Earl of the Azure Court, having had a happy, safe childhood. He had his mother's beauty, and his father's power and social status. He was content. However, when he was young, he developed an interest in the mystic arts. He used to sit in the woods and meditate, learning the ways of the other side and beginning to learn the ways of necromancy, the dark arts of the dead. He was able to channel the powers of the dead through him, and eventually he was able to raise the dead, or at least bring them back to a semblance of life.



  • Necromancy
  • Power
  • Legends
  • History


  • Relying on others
  • Filth
  • Royalty
  • Warm weather

Azumere's royalty has made practicing necromancy illegal for everyone in Azumere besides themselves, but Beaumont took his secrets to the shadows. He did so for many years, learning what he could from books on demonology, and the writings of certain priests of death. He kept his powers hidden from his family and friends, and never told anyone about what he did in the shadows. Because he knew that if anyone else found out, it would be the end of him. It was his fascination with the dark arts that drew him to the Twilight Order. He joined the Order many years ago, having dedicated so much of his life to this dark path. The Order is a secret organization. He can't even give an honest job. He has to lie, cheat, and steal to keep his identity secret, living like a double agent. He lives a life of darkness, devoting himself to the Order and finding the key to the Aftermath beyond all else. He has given up his family, friends, and any semblance of a normal life. Nothing else matters.


Beaumont doesn't get along with Azumere's royalty. He resents their power, their wealth, their strict ban on necromancy. He has never trusted them and they've never trusted him, either. He is a thorn in the side of the royalty of Azumere. The Order has always been his comfort zone. He feels free among the shadows, where he can practice his dark arts, play at being a spy, or just be himself without fear of being incarcerated. The Queen of the Damned's daughter has been a thorn in his side for decades. He never knew who she was, or where she came from, but he knew she wouldn't rest until she found him. The first time he saw her, he knew he was in a battle he couldn't win. She would not quit until she had him under her control. He has been trying to escape her since the day he first laid eyes on her. He has tried to recruit her followers, he has tried to fight her. Nothing has worked.


Beaumont loves history and legends, so he can't help but wonder if the stories of Azumere's royalty are true. Some of the stories his mom told him as a kid were far fetched, and he has always wondered if she just made the stories up to keep him amused. Maybe the story of how the current ruler, the Princess herself, came to be was true. Did The Queen of the Damned really turn herself into a monster, or was she simply a normal girl when she died? Did she really rise from the dead, or was that just a story? How much of the truth is really out there, and how much has she twisted it? He has wondered for years who really killed The Queen of the Damned, and he has wondered about the Aftermath. Was it just a legend? The truth is out there, and he has dedicated his life to finding it. He is ready to find what he has been searching for.

  • He almost always wears his cape, so warm weather can be bothersome to him.
  • He is a bit of a clean freak.
  • His undead are far from perfect, but they still follow his commands.
  • He often travels to Ashen.
  • Despite his rivalry with the Princess of the Damned, he has gotten her out of trouble numerous times.


Leo is an old friend of Beaumont. He is trustworthy, and the two of them have always worked well together. His loyalty to the Order is unquestionable. Beaumont doesn't see eye to eye with some of the other members of the Order, but he does see eye to eye with Leo. He hopes he never has to face him in a fight.



Andromeda, The Princess of the Damned, is Beaumont's rival. He doesn't like her. He has never liked her. She is cold and calculating, and that is what makes her so perfect for her role. She is a thorn in his side, always trying to ruin his plans to find the key to the Aftermath. He has fought her more than once.



Beaumont is keeping a close eye on Raven, a member of the Ashen branch of the Order. He doesn't trust him. He thinks he may be using his connections within the Order to further his own goals. Beaumont doesn't know what his ultimate goal may be, but he is watching him closely.