


6 years, 6 months ago




Name Tiyr Rathen
Age ~30
Gender Male
Height 5'5"
Race Blood Eater (formerly human, 1/4 elf)
Status Obsessed
Occupation Cult Member




Tiyr was kidnapped and turned into a blood eater by a family of Douhmel vampires. Although he was little more than cattle, he was treated well (due to his successful transformation and rarity of their type) and payed this back with complete subservience. After a while, the other Blood Eaters rose up in defiance, turned on the family, and destroyed them. Having failed to talk Tiyr into it, and knowing him to be loyal, the other Blood Eaters made sure he was incapacitated during the uprising. Tiyr managed to free himself only after much of the carnage was done, and he vengefully hunted down the other Blood Eaters that got away and ate them. Since his family was now dead, he had no where to go but back to the mortal realm where he vacantly went through the motions… until he met a cult leader. Not only was this cult leader a vampire, but he noticed they had the same eyes. Not just in color, but look. From that moment he was in love and obsessed. He joined the cult surrounding him and made it stronger, and eventually became the haeryc’s second hand man. He would do the cult’s dirty work and kept people in line, and worked on brainwashing parts of the cult to become the leader’s food.

Surprisingly, he had a strong aversion to blood after the incident with his family, and he refused to eat unless his food was in the form of cooked flesh (rare enough to get the blood he needed, but it was easier to force down than pure blood or raw meat). The only loophole to his avoidance was in the case his jealousy over Kalhicel got the better of him- but even then he could only put up with a taste. Tiyr made sure to avoid getting any blood on himself due to his disgust of it, and if he needed to make heads roll, he would make sure to put on enough protection. His worst fear was ruining his clothes, so he had gotten good at making clean kills and cuts that would allow him to avoid blood (Though may actively choose to be messy for theatric ritual purposes). This aversion also made it harder for him to go berserk for blood like other vampires and those of his kind. He was, however, easily pushed into a fervor when acting on his emotions for his leader. When demanded to kill people by the leader himself, he may go into a joyful beast mode where he would be a lot more messy and instinctual than he usually was- though still avoided blood best he could under those circumstances. He also didn't mind seeing his own blood if it was drawn by his leader, and he dreamed of being sucked dry by him. In that way, he also tended to try pushing the leader into showing his vampiric side, cause, y'know, hot. Tear ur enemies apart then proceed to eat me next bb <3 Though he didn't seem aware of it, his leader had absolutely no interest in him and didn't put up with any of his fantasies. That didn't stop this guy from stalking him, openly flirting with him, and acting on his jealous tendencies.


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