Haravan Harlot



6 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Theme 1

Case & Point - Savage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVmQSIsfDrY


.: General Info :.

Name: Haravan Harlot
Pronunciation: Har-a-van Har-lot
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 18 (Immortal)
Birthday: January 17
Birthplace: Saria, Sevarian¹
Race: Quealas²
Species: Voidfallen Kau³
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6'4''

Distinguishing Features: Twunk-shapped. Very wiry. Aside from his general bodyshape being feminine in parts, he is quite broad and sturdy. The most notable part about him however is the crystalline regeneration he has due to the void's presence in his body.

.: Current Status :.

Current residence: Kalisir, Hydroxia.⁴
Current home: Veris Fleet
Occupation: Pirate
Relationship status: Single for now. He's open and kinda looking to not be alone.
Social status: Piss poor. He is about as popular as swimming in the arctic sea during the winter months. Some people like it, but a lot of people shudder hearing about it.

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Dónal Kearney - Daughter of the Sea - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjJYxCxzVe4
Language: Arcradarii⁵
Other languages known: Arcanian, and Common.
Style of speaking: Verbose and Arrogant. Tries to go fast, even though he trips up on his own words way too much.

.: Personality :.

Arrogant and very rude most of the time. He's quite difficult to get along with when first meeting with due to his general attitude of not giving a shit and pissing everyone off inherently. Though, getting past that you will see that he is just a boy who struggles with properly relating to others. He does deeply care for those who stuck around him, despite it still coming off as arrogant assholery. Willing to take much more than a bullet for his friends.
Has an addictive and clingy personality. Despite being a free spirit, he does tend to latch onto the first source of good in his life, and several after that. Look at his drug addictions, since they help him feel things that his Void Corruption doesn't allow him to, he latched on quickly. It's gonna be a while before he unhooks off these vices.
Insecurity and envy riddle his splintery hollow bones like a toxic wrap coiling inside his body.

Likes: The feeling of being free, being thought of in good and/or bad light (just means he's being thought of and he likes that!), loves minty tea, specifically of the green variety.
Dislikes: The Vices he relies on to feel, being alone, abandonment/the feeling of it, himself. Ironically he hates crowds though.
Hobbies/past times: Cartography, Seeing new places, and Exploration.
Guilty pleasures: Smoking, Various drugs, and other vices.
Pet peeves: People demeaning his status as a Captain due to his age.
Personal goals: To cut down Obtulon and Jugon's Fury and finally rid himself of the Voidfallen curse.
Religious values: Soltaran
General intelligence: Fairly smart. Can quite easily devise a strategy for dealing with foes on his level.
General sociability: Has the charm of a moss covered rock. Maybe less. 

.: Relationships :.

Ardun Harlot - Father (Deceased)

Evmara Harlot - Stepfather (Deceased)
Valryssia Van 'Erran - Mother (Alive and thriving)
Vanmaren Van 'Erran - Brother (Alive)
About 11 other siblings who are at various stages of alive on his mothers side.

Obtulon Ganon - Took the only things that mattered to Haravan and forced him to become something that is looked on with disgust. Voidfallen. With a single breath, Obtulon evicerated everyone on his father's crew. Including his Father. Made him who he is and Haravan vows to have his head for that.
Tehirut Calvin - Hated by association. Close ally of Obtulon, and a member of the Jugon's Fury. Therefore must be trouble and taken out.
Nargathofan - Not a personal enemy, but was an obstacle in his way for Ocerna's Pike
Vinargasagt - Refer to above.

Friends (currently)
Chromus Talvin - Friend and Rival in most things. Aside from good laughs, they're always constantly duking it out to see who comes out on top.
Malera Solena - She's kinda always there with Chromus, so they became friends though that. They don't talk too much, but they work great together.
Daron Verruth - Met through Chromus. They get along when needed, and is as close as one can get with a very offstandish pirate. Haravan admits he's a bit timid, and tries to not make him uncomfortable. At least when it's not funny.
Khaliah Harnil - The only one of the Wardens to not be met through Chromus but on her own. They hit it off real quick as friends and get along great. Their chaotic energies meld well and always down for a good roughhousing. Khaliah has made it explicit though that she doesn't see Haravan as her type early on.
Vassil Regnur - The 50 ghosts of his father's lost crew bound to him by spirit. They're what he considers his family right now.

Love interest
None, yet~

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Swordskills, Sailor, and Navigator.
Peaceful or violent? Horrifically Violent.
Weapon(s) of choice: Ghastly Anchor, Tetsunal; Void Cutlass; and Vassil Regnur, army of the damned.

.: Abilities :.

-Miscellaneous Energy User-
Sirvane Magic energies surge through his body, giving him a connection to the tranquil and spiritual odds and ends of ORIGIN. Whenever he uses too much energy, his body is outlined in a Light green/Aquamarine color.

-A Spirit Lighthouse-
His body and soul, using his connection to the Sirvane energies of the world, allow him to use the flowing spiritual energies floating around the multiverse with ease. Able to do things from heal his allies with a soothing wash of energy to manifesting the hatred of those drowned into an Anchor coated in spiritual energies and Malcontent.
Said anchor, Tetsunal, is able to a host of things. Nothing physical to the body however, mainly to the soul of the attacker. He can in most cases just knock the soul right out of a body by throwing the heavy thing right at them.

-A Void Vortex-
Due to his body being home to many nasty energies of Void, creeping and worming their way around though his body, he's got a host of various tricks and abilities that come with it. From a beam of purified Void to use of his signature weapon, the Void Cutlass. These are his offensive abilities most of the time.

Though it's charge time is astronomically long, Haravan has his hands on a little tool that helped him leap out of his own universe for a far better place to live. The Crown of the Sea, home of the Tidecrast Stone. The Stone is said to be able to grant the wishes of any who seek it's power. Though when Haravan got it himself, he took it with him. Hiding it away in another universe all together.

.: Fears :.

-Fear of the Unknown/Xenophobia-
Unlike popular use of the word in the modern day, in this context, he's afraid of the unknown. Specifically the unknown and uncertainty of the future. It terrifies him how he isn't sure about what is ahead for him in life. From things like Change to sudden events happening that would startle even the most positive of people. Life has Haravan on edge always.

Fear of being alone.

.: Health :.

-Universal Displacement-
Due to his shift in home, universe hopping from Sevarian to Hydroxia for a better life, his soul and timeline have been kinda shredded in a way. A living enigma complete with odd effects both physical an mental. Slipping in and out of reality, blackouts, general unease and lack of awareness to surroundings, confusion about self existence, and paranoia.

His body was sundered atom by atom, refused at the very fundamentals of physics. Void energy surges through his body, terrorizing much of what he is and can be. Aside from public outlook, most if not all effects are physical. Ranging from Indestructible immortality to violent tremors caused by core pains in the abdomen and cranium.

Caused by his mother walking out when he was a young fledgling and his father dying right in front of him, his mental status has deteriorated overtime. He may act like an arrogant cocky little bastard, but he harbors some serious deep rooted issues about self worth and overall outlook on his own future.

.: History :.



🜉 Other Details 🜉

- At the young age of 15, he managed to acquire his stellar crew of 49 people only because his father died in battle and he was the only one capable of leading, as he took after his father a lot. Not soon after however, the rest of the crew was slaughtered by Obtulon, leaving Haravan infused with void and a boatload of souls at his command.
¹ Sevarian is the name of a Universe and a Planet located within it. Home to a great deal many of species and peoples. Saria is a Microcontinent, part of Avanta the second largest continent on the planet. It is home to a great deal of peoples, primarily pirates as it is considered a lawless land, untamed by the people who inhabit it.
² Quealas: Phoenix-like people that live on the far peninsula of the Saer desert. One of the few races that cannot create hybrid races. Some, unfortunately, take that as they are special and higher than most others. Really high heat resistance.
³ Voidfallen Kau: Those who were either born into void and weak, or those who were inflicted with the void plague.
Hydroxia is the name of the main hub universe. Home to many of those who I focus on and a hotbed of action. My main playground.
Kalisir is the largest continent, Varis fleet being a nation upon it. Most of the supercontinent being home to the Human Race, a highly invasive and aggressive race of people.
Arcradarii is the name of the main language used by the Quealas.
Soltaran is the religious belief that the Titans, specifically those who dwell in the Star of Aegis, are the creators of the universe.

⁷ ORIGIN is the main magic system I have in place for most, if not all, of my works. Sirvane is a facet of ORIGIN.

Based on Wawhii's questions:

Job - Pirate devoted to freeing him and his crew from the curse of immortality and death.
Dream - To cut Obtulon down.
People interests - None... yet.
Closest friends - The dead crew he has at his side. Gh0o0sties!
Color - Blue
Game - Pirates
Vivid memory - Taking a void blast to the face.
Vision - Terrible. Almost blind.
Loud child.
Metal music is boss for him.
Chaotic sassitude.
Talent - Is really good at sailing, navigating, and all sorts of wayfinding things!
Wish - To be free of his curse.
Bad Habits - Smokes and does drugs to feel things.
Good Habits - Does spare poor people and mainly aims for the rich.
Cooking? No
Books - Can't read.
Texture - Silk and Satin
Emotion - Blunt assholitude. He doesn't share his emotions often.
Money - Poor as fuck
Humor - He likes the really dark shit. Like... the stuff that normal people would say too soon.
Gifts - Likes alone time
Hobbies - Sailing and swimming
Live - On his ship, the Calius.
Strength - Enough to take a punch to the face from a high being and say fuck you that was weak.
Empathy - Hides beind a veil of apathy, but really does care.