Elli Lillegård



2 years, 6 months ago


Elli Lillegård

optimistic • social • sincere

please excuse me

i'm not thinking clear
i never really ever know what to say
when all of my emotions get in the way



expand/collapse all TRIVIA
  • born "Ellis," but shortens her name to "Elli" because she thinks it's cuter and more feminine
  • somehow has the luck of the gods when it comes to gambling?!
  • star clip was a gift from her grandpa
  • collects rilakkuma merch
  • forget-me-not flower motif
  • she thrives during the winter because of baked goods, holiday cheer, peppermint treats, & cozy vibes
  • very good at finding coupons and sales!
  • lives in Monaco with Kas and the others; is generally intimidated by all the rich people, but she's working on blending in...
  • when she's sad, her eyelashes flutter and her eyes will get very wet, but she's actually not the type who cries easily
  • definitely a big fan of Marina and Dua Lipa


  • makeup & self-care
  • cozy vibes
  • stars
  • baking
  • rilakkuma!


  • backhanded comments (really grinds her gears)
  • going to sleep without resolving an argument
  • not getting a "goodbye" ("Why would someone just leave without saying anything? It's... it's just not right!")
  • Optimistic — She comes off as very cheery and has a go-getter attitude that rarely seems to turn off. She's always ready to be a cheerleader for the people in her life.
  • Social — She's a major social butterfly and can strike up a conversation with anyone and anything. Sometimes she can be too polite to exit conversations, though; she has definitely experienced getting sucked into long conversations with old ladies on her way back from the grocery store one too many times.
  • Sincere — She's a very empathetic person and is genuinely interested in hearing about how your day went. Her ears are always open and her shoulder is available to cry on. She grew up with a lot of love and attention, so she can be a little selfish, but she'll love with her whole heart when it comes to others. Unfortunately, this also means her kindness has been taken advantage of, especially because she can be a bit of a people pleaser and has trouble with the idea of someone disliking her.
  • Insecure — She hides it well, but Elli has deep issues with feelings of abandonment. She's quick to blame herself and has spent most of her life plagued with feeling inadequate. She doesn't cope well with major changes in her life, especially when it comes to people leaving her life. When she can't find the silver lining in a situation, she tends to shut down.
  • Naive — Her grandparents were extremely loving and protective of Elli after seeing how heartbroken she was as a child, waiting for her mother to come back for her. As a result, she can be a bit naive and overly trusting of people because of how much her grandparents sheltered her... also, she grew up in a small town where her family was friends with all the neighbors, so the city life is a little fast for her. However, despite coming off as silly and airheaded sometimes, Elli is actually quite studious and detail-oriented.
  • Down-to-earth — Being raised by a teacher and a nurse in a small, quiet town resulted in Elli turning out to being a very modest and kind person. She can look a little high-maintenance or prudish due to how proper and meticulously she dresses, but she loves quiet hobbies, such as knitting or gardening, and she takes great pleasure in the simpler things in life. She's a very content person who knows how to make the most of what she has.
  • Lawful good — She's such a goody two shoes that she won't even jaywalk when no one is looking. She's very hung up on always following the rules because she has a fear of being reprimanded or disappointing others, but Elli's perspective changes in a more healthy way as she gets older...
  • Acts of service, quality time — She'll trip over herself to do anything her loved one's ask of her. Her friends have joked that she's sooo domestic and wifey, but Elli genuinely enjoys cooking and cleaning, and then spending the rest of the evening cuddling.
  • raised in a very loving home by her grandparents because her mom was irresponsible (hello, abandonment issues)
  • dated her high school sweetheart for YEARS!!! and moved with him to Paris to pursue his Big City Dreams, but he was a jerk & left her even though she's top-tier wifey material
  • works as a makeup artist and forms a nice friend group after meeting Bree
  • becomes bffs with Bree despite seeming like a pair of opposites
  • gets caught up in a whirlwind adventure with Bree and these two criminals who have hearts of gold? there's kidnapping! an evil wizard!! amnesia & heartbreak!!!


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Kaspars Devereux-Nel [ lover ]

"Yes, please~"

Even though there's 600 shenanigans with magic, some evil villain, amnesia, and an age gap, she's very in love with this old man. They go shopping around the city, knit by the fireplace, and make gingerbread houses together during the holidays.

Elli was always been a bit intrigued by Kas, thinking he's so well put-together and intelligent. Because of this, she was also a bit intimidated by him and tended to gravitate more toward Jack, but Elli quickly figured out Kas is an extremely reliable and patient person even if he is a bit snooty at times. They bond over cozy hobbies and eventually she finds herself falling in love with him. However, Elli has a lot of insecurities about Kas being way out of her league. She once again feels extremely hurt and abandoned when Kas ends up with amnesia and forgets her.

Bree King [ best friend ]

"Let's paint our nails and be cute tonight!"

Even before going through hell and back with the boys, they clicked so much despite how different they are because they bring out the best in each other. Bree is always ready to stand up for Elli and whip her into shape or be a shoulder to cry on. If it wasn't for Bree, Elli's life would be a lot less adventurous in general, and Elli is deeply grateful to Bree for being there for her during her breakup with Edvard. Bree almost feels like an older sister who makes her feel safe. Even though Bree's wilder side comes as a surprise to Elli, she knows deep down Bree has a good heart and Elli loves her for it.

Jack Auken [ best friend's boyfriend ]

"Hey! No dessert before dinner!"

Jack is basically the male version of Elli... if she was also a hitman and a nudist. They're two optimistic dummies who fight over who gets to make dinner for the group. They also spend a lot of time hugging. She has trouble connecting the goofy Jack she knows with the fact that he's a wanted criminal due to being a hitman, so she mostly tries not to acknowledge his profession.

Edvard Folstad [ ex-boyfriend ]

"I'm sorry, but I think... maybe we shouldn't talk anymore."

They were neighborhood friends and started dating when they were 14. Elli loved him dearly and even though she was perfectly content with staying in Dalen, getting married, and starting a family, she was willing to pack up her things and move with him to Paris. Edvard was an ambitious guy and was never happy with what he had; he always wondered if there was something more out there. He was an adequate boyfriend, but Elli did let a lot of his more selfish tendencies slide because she accepted that was just a part of who he was and she loved him, so everything would be okay. While Edvard attended university in Paris, Elli picked up the slack and worked full-time to support him with the plan of going back to school once Edvard finished. She excused his emotional distance and absences as him being stressed and busy with his studies.

Although it's never outright said — and Elli has yet to tell anyone about her suspicions — Edvard cheated on her and he eventually broke up with her. She was absolutely devastated and after many tears, she's pulled herself back together for the most part. It takes her over a year to tell her grandmother that her and Edvard broke up and Elli is still in the habit of speaking about the breakup as if it was her fault for not being enough for Edvard. At some point during all the drama with her, Bree, Jack, and Kas, she's desperate for something familiar and backslides into hooking up with Edvard again. He seems to want her back, but she immediately regrets her actions while accepting that her life is simply just different now, so it's time to move on.

Henrietta & Jens Lillegård [ grandparents ]

"Love you to the moon and back!"

Elli is extremely close to her grandparents and spent a lot of time with them all throughout her life. She got her love of baking, cooking, and crafts from her gran while her love of astronomy and hiking came from her gramps. She's always felt her grandparents gave her more than enough love and support and has never blamed or resented them for her mother abandoning her. They've always felt bad for being too optimistic about her mother coming back for her and only gave up when they saw it negatively affecting Elli as a child, but she holds no ill-will toward them for giving her false hope; instead, she understands that the whole family was hurt by her mother's actions and she doesn't blame her grandparents for trying to believe in their daughter. She was always more of a (grand)daddy's girl and loved going out on late-night hikes with him to watch the stars. His sudden death deeply affected Elli even though she buried her grief as much as she could. She can't help but feel abandoned by her gramps even though she knows it's entirely irrational and unfair.

She still keeps in contact with her gran and frequently videocalls her as much as she can. Even though her gran supports anything Elli wants to pursue in life, Elli can't help but feel guilty for leaving her gran on her own.

Brenda Lillegård [ mother ]


They have absolutely no relationship and Elli has no memories of her mother. All she knows is that her mother dropped her off with her grandparents when Elli was about 7 months old. Knowing that her mother kept her for 7 months quietly gnaws at her confidence even as an adult because she can't help but wonder why her mother suddenly changed her mind. Was she that much of a bad baby? Did her mother try for those 7 months before deciding Elli was too much of a burden? Did her mother ever like her?

She has vague memories of catching her grandparents whispering and pleading on the phone with her mother to come back. Her grandparents' foolish optimism caused a young Elli to spend nights in front of the door, waiting for her mother with the hopes that "soon" was going to be that night. Her grandparents eventually gave up on Brenda and hid away all of her photos and memories, hoping to put that chapter behind them so Elli could move on.
