Bree King



2 years, 5 months ago


Bree King

sarcastic • reckless • combative

i'm the one to blame

if you stay around, i will let you down
i've been counting down the days
til you figure out i will let you down



expand/collapse all TRIVIA
  • born "Odette Brennan," but prefers to go by Bree King — her dad wanted to name her "Bree" and "King" is her aunt's surname
  • self-sabotage is her middle name
  • she's really good at smirking
  • as a banshee, she has an ear-splitting scream and can sense the potential for death; although her abilities aren't honed, her sensitivity to death manifests itself in feeling extremely unsettled when she or someone she is emotionally connected to is in danger. She feels on edge for some unexplained reason and begins to see flickers and strange shadows as death approaches. A more powerful banshee can sense death on others to a greater degree.
  • she's a total sucker for people with good senses of humor; all of her boyfriends have been extremely funny guys
  • pretty OK with recreational drug use (and has tried one too many in her youth), but she's super against driving under the influence
  • quit smoking a few years ago, but she'll pull out a cig if she's stressed out
  • has a Geordie accent, but can easily slip into a Northern Irish or American accent
  • has a cat personality, but her best friend and boyfriend are 110% dog personalities
  • locks herself in the bathroom to escape arguments/when she can't handle what's going on
  • sometimes appears in Elli's hair style tutorial videos
  • currently lives in Kas' home in Monaco with Elli and the boys


  • a good coffee
  • dark chocolate
  • bread!!! (baked goods & sandwiches are her #1)
  • long drives at night
  • scrapbooking
  • watching Jack play video games even though she's not a gamer


  • snooty, condescending people with superior attitudes
  • drunk drivers
  • soggy food (especially wet bread...)
  • seeing children or animals get yelled at
  • Independent — She's a do-it-yourself type of person and would sooner Google how to cut off her own arm than ask for help — not out of pride, but because of a lack of trust in others. She's used to having to go through life on her own and it's made her into a very capable person for the most part. She tries not to rely on anyone, and to Bree, admitting "I trust you" to someone means so much more than "I love you."
  • Selfish — Bree is a survivalist most of the time and can be pretty heartless when it comes to guarding herself, but if someone earns her love, she'll protect that person with her life. Sometimes she can be bitter due to her childhood and how no one protected her, but then she remembers how hard her aunt Esther tried to take care of her, and Bree remembers how miserable it felt to be so vulnerable and powerless before she was adopted. Sometimes these memories make her want to be a better person and to be the kind of caring protector she wishes she had as a child.
  • Easy-going — She's very accepting of others and despite how mean she can appear, Bree is actually very easy to get along with. She believes everyone has their own thing going on and that one person's experiences doesn't invalidate someone else's problems, so her friends tend to go to her for advice or to vent. Her straightforward and honest attitude makes her everyone's favorite listener in the friend group.
  • Destructive — She's a piece of shit and she knows it. She believes she doesn't deserve nice things in life because all she'll ever be is trash, so before a good thing has a chance of leaving her or hurting her, she'll end it first. She's cut off many romantic relationships before they could get too serious because of her self-sabotaging nature. Other times, Bree's behavior is one giant self-fulfilling prophecy; she'll pick petty fights until there's a breaking point, and then tell herself, "I knew it. I knew it from the start it wasn't going to work out."
  • Sarcastic — She has a sassy and sometimes dry sense of humor, and loves to go back and forth with her friends. She has a tough love kind of approach to her relationships and can come off as a little harsh or snarky to outsiders. However, she knows when to stop and has figured out how to finesse different types of people pretty well in her professional and personal life.
  • Reckless — It's less of a problem now as an adult, but Bree has a tendency to lean too hard into the fun parts of life. She'll go over-the-top if she's having a good time without thinking about the consequences. It was worse in her teenage years, especially when she surrounded herself with friends who weren't exactly the best influences and would stoke Bree's high temper. Her youth can be summed up in with three words: chaotic, messy, stupid. She was never afraid to drive too fast, drink too much, or talk too much shit, which resulted in her getting into one too many fights and spots of trouble. Bree reined all of that in for the most part and is instead now seen as a fun and charismatic girl who knows what she's doing and has her life together, but hints of Bree's impulsive attitude still pop up from time to time. She's always ready to hop on board with her friends' shenanigans and they can tell she's a party girl (luckily her new friends are much better people than the ones she knew during secondary school). Bree will happily hype up her friends any day of the week if it's all in good fun. Unfortunately, her tendency to chase the high of a good time is what gets her into trouble when it comes to Jack...
  • Chaotic neutral — Although she's cleaned up her act and is a law-abiding citizen (most of the time) now, Bree also has few qualms about doing things she isn't supposed to be doing if she's having fun doing it. She tries to check herself more often now, but she'll do things for her own benefit at the expense of others from time to time. Her friends have joked about her being a cut throat bitch and Bree just laughs it off, but a large chunk of her mindset is still very "I must protect myself first and at all costs." When it comes down to it, Bree does believe that the ends justify the means... so she'll excuse the morally questionable behavior of those she loves solely because she loves them; she's sat back and watched Jack get into bar fights and she even shrugs off him being a hitman. At one point, Bree almost let Jack choke to death on a chicken nugget because she hated him at the time.
  • Acts of service — When someone goes out of their way to do something for her out of the kindness of their own heart, it means so much to her because it takes a lot for her to like someone enough to do something for them.
  • grew up in an abusive household and was abandoned by her parents
  • her parents had an incredibly toxic and volatile relationship; when they weren't fighting each other, they were taking their frustrations out on Bree
  • adopted by her paternal uncle's wife, Esther, and moved to England with her; her uncle Chris passed in a car accident before they could meet
  • was a total wild child until she cleaned up her act, got into photography and moved to Paris for work in her 20s
  • made some good quality friends in Paris, including Elli, and eventually took Elli under her wing as her best friend; she helped Elli through her Major Breakup and even invited Elli to move in with her despite really preferring having her own personal space
  • as a way to cheer Elli up and to take a break from work and the city life, she takes Elli out on a summer holiday where they're supposed to explore, take funny pictures, sip colorful drinks, and flirt with cute boys, but...
  • gets caught up in a whirlwind adventure with Elli and these two criminals who have hearts of gold? there's kidnapping! an evil wizard!! amnesia & heartbreak!!!


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Jack Auken [ boyfriend ]

"Yeah, you're not half bad~"

They started off as friends with benefits during the worst possible moment because they're a pair of impulsive idiots, but after many shenanigans and Bree rejecting Jack any chance she gets, they end up in a committed relationship. She adores his sense of humor and big heart, but somehow they always find themselves in tricky situations; they shoplift, speed through the night, get into bar fights, break furniture, and drag their friends down with them, but at least they're having fun doing it. Despite the rough start to their relationship and the shadiness of Jack being a hitman, Bree's banshee senses never once actually picked up feelings of danger or death from him.

She can't help but feel like he brings out the worst in her since it's so easy for her to fall back into her more wild and reckless habits around him, but she also feels like he accepts her and has her back. As they settle into more comfortable routines, she starts to pick little fights in order to provoke him because something in the back of her head tells her it's all too good to be true. She looks for any excuse to leave him and resorts to trying to get him to leave her because she doesn't deserve someone as patient and understanding him. She says one day he'll let her down and desert her, but she knows, in reality, she's the one who's going to let him down.

Elli Lillegård [ best friend ]

"Sounds like a plan, babe!"

They're a bit of an unlikely pair, but Bree adores how genuinely kind and optimistic Elli is. Her and Bree can relate with being left behind by a parent and Bree can't help but see Elli as the path she didn't take — unlike Bree, Elli didn't lash out in the same destructive ways because of her childhood. Even though Bree is protective of Elli and can take on the big sister role sometimes, she also looks up to Elli as the kind of sweet and forgiving person she wishes she could be. Bree truly believes that if she had a friend like Elli before, then maybe she wouldn't have made so many mistakes as a teen.

Kaspars Devereux-Nel [ ]

"Ahem. Pip pip cheerio jolly good peasants gambooooge!"

They butt heads all the time and Bree was especially not fond of Kas' snooty attitude, but she comes to realize Kas isn't a bad guy...ish. Whatever. She can't escape him since he's her boyfriend's best friend and her best friend's boyfriend. They are actually friends underneath all the sharp remarks they're constantly exchanging. Sometimes they hang out and sigh like two tired cats while their cheery significant others are busy singing Happy Working Song in the kitchen or whatever.

Esther King-Brennan [ aunt ]

"Heyyy... I'm swingin' by in a week~ Did ya miss me~?"

Bree was incredibly wary of Esther at first, finding it unbelievable that some random woman would want a messed up kid like her — and that's what Esther was to her: just a random woman. Esther was the wife of an uncle she had never met or even known about. There had been whispers of Bree's relatives taking her in at some point, but when the whispers died down into silence all of a sudden, Bree wasn't surprised. She was still disappointed the plans had turned into nothing, but she wasn't surprised at all. She knew no one was going to save her.

Then Esther came up again out of the blue and in the blink of an eye, an angry 10-year-old Bree was whisked away to England to live with this stranger. She found out her uncle Chris was her father's brother and that he had recently passed in a car accident. Her and Esther weren't even blood related, so surely the only reason Esther went through with the adoption was some kind of sense of guilt? Duty to her dead husband? Pity? Whatever it was, Bree didn't want to have anything to do with it. She caused trouble every chance she got, waiting for the moment when Esther would inevitably throw her aside because that's what happened to kids like her. That moment never came, though, and despite wanting to unravel at the edges, Esther was patient and kind as she rode out the storm. Their breakthrough came when Esther took Bree on a trip to the Czech Republic. As they stood beneath the Prague Orloj, she told Bree point-blank that she had no idea what she was doing, but what was the point in going through life alone? They could have each other. If they wanted to be happy, then they just had to make it happen. She'd give Bree all the time and space she needed, but in the end... what was the point in wasting time being unhappy and living in the past?

Although Bree didn't exactly immediately turn over a new leaf, that trip and Esther's words stuck with her and they slowly began to build a proper relationship. Bree still spent most of her teens getting used to life in England, making the wrong friends, picking the wrong fights, and dating the wrong boys, but Esther waited it out. Bree at least looked happier than when they first met, so Esther trusted that Bree would eventually figure out her life — and she did. Bree cleaned up her act, not wanting to disappoint her aunt anymore, and took up photography — a hobby that Esther had encouraged and nurtured from the start. Bree feels like she owes her life to Esther for being the stable adult she had always needed in her life. She even takes on Esther's family name as her own, choosing to go by "Bree King" as her professional name. Despite not being blood relatives, the resemblance between the two is uncanny in the way they carry themselves and joke around. Bree speaks fondly of Esther as if she's a close friend and she definitely got her dry sense of humor and sharp wit from her "cool lawyer aunt." They keep in contact and although Bree isn't the type to easily accept help or want to burden Esther with her problems, they both have a silent understanding that Esther will always be on her side if shit ever really hits the fan. Esther tried the best that she could when it came to raising Bree, but she had no idea what she was doing. She sometimes regrets her more hands off and friendly approach and no matter how well Bree hides it, Esther can see that Bree never really came to terms with her childhood traumas; however, Esther isn't the type to pry. She didn't know the full extent of Bree's terrible childhood until much later on... She wishes she had known earlier on so she could've put Bree into therapy, but hindsight is 20/20 and Bree thinks the world of Esther either way.

When these two are in a room together, it's all inside jokes and sarcastic quips. Try to stay out of their line of vision or they'll team up and roast the shit out of you.

Nicole & John Brennan [ parents ]

"You realllly just couldn't get your shit together, huh? Fuck you."

Bree can count the decent memories she has of her parents on one hand. Her dad taught her how to hotwire cars and her mom made her steal toilet paper from public restrooms, and they told her she was a good girl for doing these things, so maybe those counted as good memories, too? Maybe she could count the good memories on two hands. Either way, her earliest memories are of hiding under the bathroom sink as her parents had a screaming match in the other room. They were constantly at each other's throats, figuratively and literally. But every now and then, they'd seem to want to try. They'd scoop Bree up, take her out for ice cream, and act like one of those families on TV. It never lasted long, though. Soon enough, there would be a comment here or a scowl there and then voices were reaching new volumes, dishes were getting thrown against walls, and cabinet doors would get punched through or ripped off hinges. Meanwhile, Bree would always retreat to her spot beneath the bathroom sink. As their dysfunctional relationship wore down on each other, her parents started losing their temper at Bree instead. Why was she so needy? Why did she spill her milk? They told her to wait just another 5 goddamn minutes. Bree always liked her dad just a little bit more, though, because he didn't hit as hard. And sometimes... sometimes she'd see guilt in his eyes. She never saw that in her mother's eyes.

Between the incomprehensible screaming and profanities and the rare times when her dad would take her to get away from her mom because she was being too much of a fuckin' mad woman, Bree managed to piece together bits about their volatile relationship. Her parents named her after the princess in Swan Lake after they had snuck into a performance only to get drunk and thrown out ("It was the moment I fell in love with your mum, ya know?" he'd say in sad kind of way); it was a romantic name and a call back to a "cute" memory. Her dad had wanted to name her Bree because he thought the name was charming, but her mom had told him, "Are you stupid? What the fuck kind of name is 'Bree Brennan'?" Maybe they had been happy together once. Bree's not sure. Her dad has drunkenly said something about how she was supposed to fix things between him and his wife, so maybe? Maybe.

She doesn't really remember much of her childhood outside of that home, though. All she remembers is her parents being there and then one day they left and they didn't come back. So a neighbor noticed and suddenly Bree wasn't in that home anymore and she was somewhere else with other kids who were bigger than her and being mean to her, so she started doing what she always saw her parents do — if someone looked at her wrong, she'd bite and scream and kick and scratch. All she had to do was hold out until they'd come pick her up, and maybe they'd even say she was a good girl because she didn't let anyone pick on her. They never did come back.

She has a sense of bitterness toward her parents and wishes she couldn't remember the good moments, though. Because if there were good moments, then it meant her parents had the ability to be decent parents, but they just weren't. They had it in them, but she wasn't enough for them to get their shit together. She remembers clinging to those good memories as a child. Whenever her parents would be passed out — drunk or high — in the living room or just gone because they had disappeared somewhere for a few days, Bree would make her own bowl of cereal and sit around waiting and thinking about how maybe when mom and dad come back, they'll be smiley and take her out to ice cream like they did that one time. Sometimes they really did look happier when they came back after a few days from being away. Sometimes they would come back angry, though, because Bree had dropped and broken a cup from the top shelf while they were gone. It was always a gamble, always a surprise.

She has no idea what ever happened to her parents after they abandoned her and she tries not to care. They're basically dead to her. She has a better life now with good friends and her aunt Esther to watch her back. Unfortunately, Bree still has a lot to work through. She has severe trust issues and will always wonder if she'll end up like her parents in some way or another. She can already see parts of them in herself and she hates it, but she feels like she can't help it. Maybe she's the way she is just because. Maybe she's trash just like them. Maybe she's just a piece of shit, too. Maybe she doesn't deserve nice things or anyone just like they told her. She doesn't legally change her name, but she does prefer to go by the name Bree because she does owe it to her dad for having some sense of humanity in him to call up his brother to try and help Bree and also because she sees the name as a "what could have been" as opposed to the weird romantic reasoning behind her birth name. There was never anything romantic about her parents' relationship, and yet... they always insisted they loved each other and did everything together despite all the fighting, so Bree's sad inner child can't help but wonder if maybe that's just what love is: angry, volatile, painful.

Chris Brennan [ uncle/deceased ]

"...y'know, it probably would've been better if you were my dad instead."

Bree never had the chance to meet her father's brother and she's only seen him in the photographs Esther keeps around the house, but she eventually becomes interested in getting to know who he was before his untimely passing. Luckily, Esther is happy to share stories of her late husband. He was the Brennan who saved himself. Him and Bree's father left their abusive family in Ireland to live with relatives in the States, but while Chris went down one path, Bree's father went down another. They lost contact and after passing the bar and becoming a lawyer, Chris met Esther and followed her back to England. They settled down. Lived a happy life. Had a comfortable house, nice cars, good food. He never told his wife about his vile parents or his messed up brother who kept running away and disappearing until one day he didn't come back at all. It wasn't until he got a phonecall out of the blue and heard a familiar voice on the other end asking him for help. Please, brother. I fucked up. I fucked up so bad. Do something. Anything. Please.

Chris was ashamed to have to tell his wife about his complicated family life, but she easily accepted it and gave him her full support when he brought up his brother's abandoned daughter. They spent many late nights together, trying to track down a girl named after the princess in Swan Lake — Odette. They believed it was a sign when they actually did manage to find her, and the two were more than ready to take her in. That is, until Chris' sudden passing due to a drunk driver. Esther was devastated and threw herself into her work, putting "Odette Brennan" on the back burner. Once she pulled herself together, she figured she wanted to honor Chris' wishes — and a small part of her was hoping to find a piece of him in his mysterious niece.

From all of the fond stories, Bree knows her uncle Chris as a funny and ambitious guy. He was a bit of a shark in his professional life and a survivalist, which doesn't surprise her at all. She vaguely remembers her father once mentioning that it was better to be an only child because siblings were just "traitorous bastards." Esther has enough good stories about Chris that Bree understands he was probably just doing what was best for himself. She knew her father was a trainwreck, so she never blames her uncle for not wanting to get dragged into the mess. Instead, she sees Chris as the kind of person her own father could've turned out to be. He had the potential to make something of himself like Chris instead of being a piece of shit.

In some ways, Bree also romanticizes her view of Esther and Chris' relationship. She's noticed that Esther never bothered to remarry or even date, saying that she was happy with the time she had with Chris and that it was enough for her lifetime. Although most of Bree's ideas of romantic relationships were formed by her toxic parents, in the back of her mind, she wonders if she could ever have something as true, supportive, and safe as Esther and Chris' marriage. Or maybe they're just the exception?
