Apophis (Familiar)



2 years, 5 months ago


14 years
King Cobra

Denew - King Cobra


A curious creature, Denew is often viewed as quite the self conflicting character. Easily excitable and yet just as easy to annoy, Denew expresses every thought and emotion on his face whether he wishes to or not. His attempts to hide them only making them all the more obvious. He finds it difficult to lie and as such can come across as quite offensive or inconsiderate. He simply has yet to learn better, and with proper direction and explanations Denew is a fast learner and won't try to offend anyone purposefully. Unless that's his intention. A little petty sometimes. Constantly trying to act grown up yet time and time again, finding himself struggling with feelings he finds childish, Denew hates having to rely on someone else and always tries to show his best. He knows he just needs time to learn more about himself, but so long as he can stay with his family, Denew trusts he'll find the right path.

As Apophis' familiar, Denew prides himself in being the very best companion she could ask for. He works hard to assist her with her work as much as possible, and knowing the workaholic she is, he tries his best to check in on her. The job of a familiar is to assist in certain spells and enable the caster to work at their best. Yet still, Denew tries to expand his own knowledge and become a familiar that can do more than only assist. As much as he loves helping with spells, he is well aware of how well adversed and in her element Apophis is when it comes down to it. He's not sure even with years of practice he could even match the level Apophis manages to work at, so instead focuses on more practical uses for himself. Be it through his physical abilities or his own form of magical arts, Denew strives to create something even Apophis hadn't thought possible.

His earliest memories consist of mixed emotions. The first creature he laid eyes upon when he hatched seemed unsure of him. Denew can still recall the times she had placed distance between them and with his small stature, she'd been completely unreachable to him. Something changed before long. He still isn't sure what changed her mind, but from then on Denew only recalls his past fondly. With a lot of love, some stern but heartfelt words, Denew grew under the watchful eye of Apophis. Becoming a much greater, stronger creature than he had been and will still continue to do so if he'll get to see Apophis smile. The same as she had done when he first managed to catch up to her and give her a hug. One full of pride.

No matter the mood swings or his stuck up moments, Denew is dearly affectionate. It takes him time to warm up to people, naturally distrustful and with a resentment to change, he can be overly cautious and a tad protective. He can take things to heart easily, even when its just teasing unless he trusts the individual enough to know better. If he softens, he can be a little irritable at obnoxious pressences, but will happily joke around so long as it doesn't impede his tasks. An attitude he learnt from Apophis, he is a man of his word and will do his upmost to hold up anything he agreed to. Unless of course, there's something persuasive enough to redirect his attention. Which truly isn't difficult so long as they know what to wave.


  • His eyes glow purple when Apophis is using dark magic, even when they're seperated
  • When it grows stormy outside, Denew insits on sleeping around Apophis as he'd done as a child
  • Denew doesn't need to eat often, but once a week he insists on eating with Apophis instead of letting her hole up in the lab
  • Even if he doesnt say so, Denew often views Shezmu as the brother he never had. Despite their fights and arguments, he does enjoy having him around and finds the house too quiet without him.
  • Denew resents two faced people and finds it cowardly for them to hide behind a facade like that.

Now that can't be right..