


2 years, 5 months ago


code by BunBox


Laidback . Vindictive . Sordid
Shez, Kek
Too old
Demiromantic Asexual
My tendons

"I'm not narcissistic, I'm just better."


With an irritating personality, Shezmu can be quite the attention seeker despite the orange blob form of a body. He doesn't simply "want" to be heard, he has to be heard. He demands things as he wants, when he wants and resents being told otherwise. Immortal, without anything that can harm or even destroy a singular cell of his body, Shezmu has found no reason for him to deserve any less. In comparison to anyone and anything, he is simply superior. Thus he enjoys abusing all the time in the world, lazing around and ignoring or antagonising those as he sees fit. With a careless attitude towards life itself, he often mocks those who take things far too seriously. What a waste of what little life they have left after all.

He enjoys causing issues, creating mishaps and exposing the vulnerabilities of those he dislikes. He dislikes everyone, some more so than others. Able to replicate anything he sees or knows enough about, he has found joy in shedding his former slimey counterpart for the thrilling bodies of animals or other living beings. By taking the form of a creature, he is able to mimic their bodily systems using his original, malleable body to create a firm enough illussion he can pass it as reality. Despite the ease of cloning, Shezmu dislikes trying to directly mimic an already living indivdual. Trying to steal an identity has never sat well with Shezmu. Utilising others for his own gain has always made him feel yet further entitled, but trying to be someone else feels as if he's throwing away his own identity feels suffocating. Shezmu refuses to be anything but himself. That is with no exception of Anubis. As much as he has enjoyed the surges of power he feels when embodying Anubis, Shezmu is never able to shake the feeling of how their minds merge. Unable to differentiate himself and Anubis for the time they embrace souls, Shezmu is uncharacteristically uncertain whenever the time comes.

When he isn't trying to actively avoid Apophis in fear of being dragged into another experiment, Shezmu has found some comfort in keeping her and her pet around. After spending so many years alone, having a routine that involves someone else has given each new day something even he cannot predict. Having someone actually care about what he does, what he says and how he acts makes him feel known. This doesn't mean he treats them any nicer, and as much as he enjoys the times he gets along with them, fighting and causing them headaches brings him just as much joy for much less of a cost to his pride. But he does appreciate them, in his own way. Even if he believes they both greatly owe him for even spending the time of day with them. He is the clearly superior one, after all and any time he bails Apophis out of a predicimant, he will happily hold that over her until the day she passes.

Back when he first found himself in the world, origin unknown, Shezmu had never really questioned how or why he came to. With no expiration date, they never found themselves in a rush to do anything really. Not that there was much he was capable of at the start. He had a malleable form that could not hold a shape. Anything he tried to interact with would disolve or he would simply pass though. Whilst he could explore the world to his hearts content, Shezmu never found anything that inspired his curiosity. It was all the same old no matter how far, how high nor how deep he tried to reach. What was the point of trying to experence things when he, himself had no senses. He had no way to truly feel anything. Creatures bored him making the common outcoming involving his "stomach". With nothing more he wanted to find or do, he simply submitted to a place he knew was enough. It was an eerie, damp and cold place. But it was quiet and rarely disturbed. He could watch his own orange lighting seep through the corridors when he floated back and forth, in and out of them. It was barren enough he didn't need to be wary of breaking everything in sight. Floating and bubbling to their hearts content, Shezmu decided it was enough for now.

There were rare visitors to his abode. Not that they'd have called it a home, even at that, but he was comforted by the location's familiarity over the decades. When he had visitors, naturally Shezmu would observe them. Whilst he had little reason to be anywhere, he was always curious as to what would bring anyone else there. There was nothing to see nor do as a normal lifeform. Wondering how they felt, he found amusement in watching and learning of the differences of each visitor to arrive. Some he enjoyed, others less so. Like any "owner", Shezmu felt the guests should naturally treat the place he resided in with respect. He was a being greater than they could ever imagine of course. With their delicate, breakable bodies that could neither float nor expand. Any disrespectful visitors received punishment. That, he found amusing too. It was different to when he'd accidentally absorbed mortals in the past. This time he truly felt like he was hunting them down; causing them fear, terror and above all, he felt known. Without a name or an identity, knowing his pressence had been acknowledged as powerful and supreme gave Shezmu a purpose. On rare occassions,they would allow a naughty visitor to escape. He'd hoped following them would help him find something more interesting, more thrilling to bide his time, but time and time again, he'd find his adventures disappointing, trecking back to his frightful castle to await the next visitor.

Without a concept of time, there was no way for him to know when it happened..but even so he remembers the experience as clearly as when it occured. As his first true experience with feeling, after so so many years, it was impossible for him to forget such an encounter. When Apophis arrived, for a reasoning she still had yet to answer truthfully, she had treated the place with upmost respect. He had never found anything remotely important about the place despite having been inside every crack the place had to offer, and yet she seemed to be searching for something with upmost importance. She looked through every room, checked every floor and even climbed onto the roof and yet failed to find what she was after. Shezmu could not work out what she was after. Upon her parting, Shezmu thought such an odd person must have come from a similar place. A place he would like to see for himself. So naturally, he went to pursue her. Only then was he met with a large toothed grin, as Apophis had found what she was searching for.



  • Hearing stories of those worse off than he is
  • Getting back at those who did him dirty
  • Having peace and quiet
  • Being the reason someone's day is ruined


  • Children
  • Fucking children god forsake
  • Hypocrits
  • Cocky bastards (obviously that aren't him)


  • Able to float, turn invisible and manipulate himself however he pleases, Shezmu has a whole host of powers he unlocked thanks to Apophis' spell, but he doesn't often use them.
  • He tends to speak telepathically, but when using a body or form he can speak normally, even mimicking the voice or language of the form he has taken
  • When he grows upset or annoyed, his form becomes more unstable. In his natural form, he begins bubbling and spitting similarly to oil and can't take a form (properly) until he calms down. If he's currently taking a form, it begins to fluctuate size and parts of his skin will start reverting back to his slime.
  • If he consumes something, he can either melt it by heating up his body and creating a reaction similar to that of fluoroantimonic acid, or alternatively he can simply hold them there as jello would. He can bring them anywhere he'd like without their resistance until he so chooses to spit them out, often long after they suffocated.
  • Shezmu won't admit it, but he does enjoy coming along with Apophis and Desmu on errands. He always complains but finds the activity theraputic and enjoys seeing more of the world beyond the walls he likes to hide within.

Pft, what choice do I have than to stick around her. She has no friends, can't continue her research without me and well..What else is there? She still acts all stuck up despite how much she dearly needs me and not the other way around, always whining about the odd holes here and there. How's it my fault her place can't handle the power of yours truly? Jeez..Well for someone who has a long way to go before she gets anywhere near the lifespan I've lived, she does know her stuff. She gets too caught up in pointless things and feelings, I cant believe how much time she wastes just...eating, and sleeping. God, she's lucky I pity her enough to stick around. But that doesn't mean I wont have my fun with it. For someone usually so composed, all it takes is a lil bottle jiggling to get her to freak haha.

Sometimes its irritating how easily he goes along with anything Apophis suggests. God if I have to listen to him complimenting her one more time, I'll eat them both whole. His optimistic outlook is droning but I guess it's better than him moping around. He sure has grown a lot since I first met him, god, he was so mad when I arrived with Apophis and he realised I was staying permanently. What I'd give to see him throw that much of a tantrum again haha. What an odd fella. Whenever I lash out at him, he gets upset, but I just lightly tease him he blows a fuse. Dumbass

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