


2 years, 5 months ago


code by BunBox


Proud . Cheeky . Cunning
Fennec Fox
Many pac man cookies

"That's enough of your complaints, comply or face the consequences!"


Well known amongst her peers for her sometimes 'slightly' unethical means, Apophis is usually the go to when you want results. A workaholic at heart, she pours her all into science, history and of course, the dark arts. The latter is more of a private hobby but she invests as much time into it all the same. A curious and excitable character, Apophis quickly gets lost in discussions about her work and adores hearing other people's theories. Whilst discussions can get heated, she doesn't stand for people badmouthing one another for a theory they themselves cannot dispeove. Theorising and hypothesising is fine but she grows irritated when people act as if a theory is silly. She finds it sweet for people to be imaginative and push the boundaries of what has been perceived.

A woman of her word, Apophis can be seen as quite prideful and selfish. She keeps tightly to her morals and rarely caves on a whim for the sole benefit of someone else. Sensitive to dirt, strong smells and a little finicky at times, not that she'd ever allow them to prevent her work, but she would certainly make it known that she isnt appreciating the abuse of her senses. She can seem like a nuissance or a bother, constantly nagging and complaining, but can come off as quite motherly to those she knows well, and Apophis appreciates the sentiment even if she cannot say its true.

Apophis doesnt mind others perceiving poorly, as to an extent she does understand that in comparison to others she most certainly isnt the kindest or most flexible. She isnt cruel, but bases many interactions on mutual gains and doesn't see how it should be expected of her to make large sacrifices or change for those she barely knows. She's respectful and patient and adores meeting different people, but depending on the conditions and well, the day and how much sleep she got, she fan certainly create different first impressions.

This does make her somewhat unpopular. She doesn't feel massively set back, but having those you admire doubt your abilities due to some pointless rumours can take its toll. It can make Apophis seem irritable to those she first meets, but she truly does mean well. If you get to know her better, Apophis can be a bit of a tease and has a streak for making sly comments with her usual tone. Its how shes shows affection but promptly apologises if they get too flustered. It turns out after all her research, she's gotten rather good at picking out quirks or secrets about someone. Not that she would ever share such information with anyone else, nor is she the kind of person to stick her nose in someone else's business unless it involves her or her work.

Apophis simply gets quite invested in her work, so socialising isnt something she regularly did unless it was for work purposes or promised to meet. It just isn't her strongest suit, not that she claims otherwise. Apophis will do as much as she feels she can and otherwise buries her head in her work to get her mind off trivial matters or avoiding potential awkward situations.

Her interests in dark arts started back when she was quite young, but only when she started studying sciences and comparing them to the studies made through history, had she realised how applicable the dark arts could be. Aphophis started to take more time into studying mythology and the potentials of such powers, medicines and even artifacts that inspired her to take it into her own hands to uncover the limits. At times it can come at a great expense of herself, but Apophis refuses to make others pay the price for her own discoveries. She feels that wouldnt make it her discovery, it is simply part of the price of making a discovery of a lifetime.

From there, she stumbled upon her first familiar and later, a very unique specimen. Both of which she named and whilst understandingly the specimen is not the same as everyone else, Apophis stands by treating everyone equally. Even if all they do is get in her way and cause a commotion. It keeps things lively and sometimes the encouragement to take time away from her work and take care of herself can be an important reminder.

Apophis can be quite secretive when it comes to her private life but she wont go back on her word and when push comes to shove, Apophis is usually the one others come to for advice. And she's always happy to help those truly in need, maybe too much so according to those she speaks to regularly, but Apophis tends not to question motives too much. As she herself is aware her morals arent always sound to those around her, all she can trust upon is an individuals intentions. If she trusts wrongly, Apophis will take it upon herself to correct her mistakes and right any wrongs caused by her actions.



  • Artifact Hunting
  • Finding new spells
  • Comparing studies with colleagues
  • Doing things her way


  • Friendly 'catch-ups' over lunch
  • Betrayal
  • Clingy behaviour
  • Having to run errands


  • Her tattoos can glow when using dark magic
  • The stone on her head changes to purple when spells are currently active
  • Whilst she has to eat on a regular, day to day basis, she's found a love for caffeine that clearly beats a regular meal any day.
  • Apophis got her necklace from her father, so rarely takes it off.
  • Originally expecting a dragon when she discovered the familiar egg whilst artifact hunting, Apophis was very shocked to find he hatched into a snake. It taught her a valuable lesson of not signing contracts until she is absolutely certain.
  • Apophis does not like to discuss the cost of performing dark magic and shares no more than materials she's missing with those it concerns.

Hmm..Given I practically raised him, I don't see anything I could particularly dislike about him. Sometimes his tossles with Shezmu cause more trouble than the distractions save in the first place, but I suppose that's on Shezmu. My..He has grown a lot since we met. Haha, what a silly snake he can be but bless, he's always been adorable.

Maybe his use in my work would level out his irritating pressence if they actually participated in half the projects. Good christ, the work he puts me through for two seconds of testing only to leave stains and holes in my walls. Laziness aside, I suppose he has other uses if I really rack my brain. Haha. For someone who so simply won't shut up about how pointless it all is, he has yet to force his release. Not that I'd ever allow such a good specimen to leave, but maybe our business relationship has space for some loyalty. He doesn't question my means and with enough firmity he tends to follow as I order, whilst still making his god forsaken presence very well known when I'm in the middle of something. Lord..What more can be expected from a pair of bad eggs, haha.

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