
2 years, 4 months ago



I won't be paralyzed


Nyx is the founder and leader of the metal band, Essence of the Eloquent. She plays the bass guitar but can also sing and write music.

Full Name Nyx

Gender Female

Age 20

Sexuality Bi

Band Essence of the Eloquent

Instrument Bass Guitar

Birthday June 30th

Zodiac Cancer


confident honest dependible loyal

Nyx has a bold personality, unafraid to be the leader. While she does value alone time and isn't outgoing, she isn't shy either. She doesn't like to lie and is very truthful, as well as someone who will stick by your side if you have earned her trust, which she doesn't just give out to anyone. If she cares about you, then she will do everything to protect you.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Diligent Lazy
Cooperative Loner
Emotional Indifferent
Careful Reckless
Honest Deceptive
Affectionate Reserved

Design Notes

Nyx has two designs, she can be drawn in either. She has freckles on cheeks/nose. Her rose and thorn vine tattoo is not optional.

Height 5'3"

Hair Color Dark brown with red

Eye Color Dark brown

Fashion Style Alternative

Tattoo Right shoulder



For most of her childhood, Nyx would hear constant yelling from outisde her bedroom door. She'd blast her music through her headphones, just to drown it all out. There were so many holidays where her parents would act like everything was all fine, but she knew better than that. Those smiles were all fake, if she wasn't in the room, they'd just be back to fighting. Her father left them one night, when Nyx was 12. He'd gotten together with another girl and Nyx's mother had found out, confronting him just hours before he vanished. Her older brother had started college when Nyx was 14, and her mother was still grieving, so she'd spent a good amount of time unsupervised.

Struggling with her mental health, Nyx fell for a trap in highschool. This guy had shown interest in her, constantly saying things that she wanted to hear yet none of it being true. After they graduated, she went to live with him. He let his cover slowly wash away, letting her finally see all the things that she'd missed before. He was controlling and manipulative. He constantly told her that she wasn't doing enough, or that she needed to dress differently. When she'd formed the band, he'd kept going on and on about how they weren't going to make it that far. One night she finally worked up the courage to end it with him, getting with Deliah about a year and a half later.



Deliah is Nyx's girlfriend. They love each other very much.


Aileth and Nyx are very close. They were the first two members of the band, meeting each other after Aileth fixed Nyx's guitar.


These two are friends though their personalities do clash a little bit, Nyx sometimes getting sick of how Elicia doesn't take everything seriously.


Hadley being younger than the rest, Nyx feels as if she has to protect her from the real world, even though she's technically an adult.


Nyx thinks Melody is cool, though she finds her habits of elegrance and grace kind of funny, seeing as she acts as if she's a princess from the Victorian era, rather than someone in a modern world.