


1 year, 5 months ago



I won't be paralyzed


Melody is the violonist of the group. She also has a lot of connections with people, making it easier for the band to get into venues to play at, be featured on the covers of magazines, and so on.

Full Name Melody

Gender Female

Age 21

Sexuality Lesbian

Band Essence of the Eloquent

Instrument Violonist

Birthday May 12th

Zodiac Taurus


analytical charismatic courteous perfectionist

Melody is a quiet and independant person but she's far from shy. She is known to be full of elegance and grace, having the best manners of everyone. She believes that a calm and clean appearence is powerful. She's a bit mysterious and not as energic as some, but does still care about the people in her group, even if they seem a bit foolish in her eyes.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Diligent Lazy
Cooperative Loner
Emotional Indifferent
Careful Reckless
Honest Deceptive
Affectionate Reserved

Design Notes

Melody has two designs, she can be drawn in either. She has three piercings on each ear.

Height 5'9"

Hair Color Black with Cyan

Eye Color Brown

Fashion Style Alternative



Melody has attended the most expensive boarding school for her middle school and high school years, a place where tradition was valued and respected. At first, she found it dumb, but evantually began to see the beauty of keeping a calm and clean appearence. You could get so much further. She focused more on her studies than on making friends. Being required to be in one after-classes group activity, she chose orchestra, where she learned the violin. Despite seeming like the school had made her perfect, she was still unique, liking sounds that were "heavier" and clothes that were alternative. A year before graduating high school, she became a model for a well known clothing company. She had to balance schoolwork with modeling.

She realized just how toxic the modeling industry was, deciding it best to leave. She joined the band a year after it had formed, being the newest member. With all her connections, gained from her rich family and her modeling career, she really helped the band take off.



Melody thinks that Nyx is a good leader, though she does question some of her decisions.


Melody is practically sisters with Deliah. They were childhood friends, both of their families being close.


Melody appreciates how logical Aileth is and is glad that the band has Nyx, Aileth, and her, to keep it from spirling into chaos.


Melody finds Elicia's energic personality annoying at times, sometimes making passive-agressive statements to get her to shut up.


Melody can tell that Hadley looks up to her a lot. She finds Hadley childish but does appreciate how open-minded she is.