


6 years, 6 months ago



Name: Snowflake
Species: Kukuri
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Relationship StatusSingle (?)
Occupation: Hunting partner, Mom
Powers: Mom to everyone
Likes:      -Taking care of baby animals
               -Solving issues peacefully
Dislikes:  -Frustrating situations
               -His loaf being hurt



Snowflake is not the most intelligent and will take a while to figure things out, but is very good in getting down onto more emotional problems and solving those. That's his approach to pretty much everything, actually.
Still, he's an okay hunter and has learned most of the relevant skills to be helpful.

This doesn't mean he isn't a bit spoiled, used to indoors and warm fireplaces, rather than the cold and harsh reality found in nature. He likes his world, soft, warm and comfortable.

He's especially skilled in the area of caretaking and learned this once a pup had been introduced to them, Socks. He instantly took the role of a mother, making sure the pups he takes care of are clean, well fed and well educated. This goes for pretty much any baby animal however.

Snowflake was the runt of a Kukuri breeders nest and despite his uncommon black fur, had no other genes to show off. He was also weak and pushed around by his siblings a lot, which lead him being a cheap sale. One that Sergine luckily came by. Confident in her skills as she already owned a Kukuri, she took him along and introduced him to her girlfriend, Kiwi, since she thought they perhaps could bond a bit more over the little raven fellow.

Snowflake ended up being a bit spoiled by Kiwi, who also gave him his name as a little bit of a joke. She would often sneak him into the house and play with him, as he wasn't catching on to anything Sergine was trying to teach him.
It was clear early on, that Snowflake appeared to have some mental issues, though it still is not clear to this day what exactly.

Eventually Snowflake was capable of hunting along with Sancha and Sergine and began to feel more important, though he still hadn't found his happiness just yet. Only after the the events in the prairie, where they helped out catching Prairie Kukuris for the purpose of keeping the breed ongoing, did he finally find his true purpose in life.
Taking care of Prairie Kukuri, Socks. He found, that his best ability lied in him being capable of taking care of baby animals, kukuri pups or not.

Later, Shoe was added to his family, a little guy that worries him, since he reminds him of himself. He tries his best to make Shoes troubles lesser.






Name: Sergine                           Relation: Owner
Sergine is Snowflakes owner. Despite her early disappointment with him, she turned proud as he never gave up. He loves Sergine and trusts her with his life.

Name: Sancha                             Relation: Best Buddy
Snowflake looks up to Sancha and thinks he's very cool and also very handsome. He'd never admit this however. Sometimes he's just glad Sancha enjoys his company as well.

Name: Socks                                   Relation: Daughter
Socks has a wild ancestry and thus is wild herself. She is a little quick  devil that will act on impulses, rather than on what she is told and is  thus hard to tame. She loves her family, Snowflake being the one she finds to be a point she can orientate herself on if she ever feels lost.

Name: Shoe                                      Relation: Son
Shoe  is incredibly scared and Snowflake tries his best to get him to be a bit more outgoing. Still, even he is sometimes a bit overwhelmed when it comes to taking care of him. He really wish he could help the odd pup a bit more.