


6 years, 3 months ago



Name: Khione
Species: Kukuri
Age: ??
Gender: Female
Relationship StatusTogether with Aker
Occupation: Nuisance, Babysitter
Powers: Sneaky, Clever girl
Likes:      -Taking care of Children
               -Her hubby and daughter
Dislikes:  -People on her turf
               -Not being the one in charge



Khione is a crafty, white and wild Dove who knows how to get  around in life. She's very smart and flexible and can think up tactics  before pursuing her goals, leading for her to be known as "The White  Nightmare" throughout the forests and villages. She loves eating  chickens but won't shy away from a sheep and will steal from villages if  she feels like feasting on things that aren't deer and foxes. And for  the most part, she gets away with it.
Due to this and  her white, glowing fur, she is sought after as a trophy with a reward on  her head. However, she so far managed to trick any and everyone and get  away.

Aside  from her love for eating chickens and raising pups, she also loves  taking huge risks and usually never regrets whatever she does. She's a proud Kukuri that will defend her territory and family with passion.

She rarely gets scared, but if she does, it also frustrates her.

Khione is a wild born Kukuri that roams the forests. Her white and glowy fur caused her to already learn that the wild is unforgiving at an early age, but that just made her tougher. She was raised by her parents lovingly, but never truely found a loaf she liked spending time with, instead forming loose connections to multiple groups instead.

They soon found her to be a fantastic babysitter and so she would often look after various pups for them.
 After meeting her one true love in life, Aker,  she soon realised  she would never have pups of her own with him and  decided to steal a  child from a village to raise it together with him  instead.
This child  grew up to become Sergine.

Even after her daughter left her for a half civilised life, she remained wild, but is willing to watch the Kukuri pups Sergine now raises, seeing them as her grandchildren.