


6 years, 7 months ago



【Name】 Adderstar
【Name Meanings】
Adder || His tabby markings Like a Adder's
Star || Traditional Suffix for a leader
【Former Names】
Adderkit :: Adderpaw :: Adderstike
【Age】 40 Moons (25 / 10 / 2017)
【Gender】 Male || He || Him
【Clan】 ShadowClan
【Rank】 Leader
Homosexual :: Homoromantic
【Nickname(s)】 N/A
【Heritage】 100% ShadowClan
Maine Coon x Somali x Norwegian Forest Cat
StarClan || Strength :: 100% ::
Darkforest || Strength :: 80%
【Theme】 Blood Oath :: Benjamin Wallfisch
【Theme】Wolf :: SIAMÉS ::
【Coding Credit】 CrystalChimera

Adderstar, a former warrior, and now leader of his birth clan, being ShadowClan. He's a large tom who's known through out the clans for being a rather brutish tom. Even as a apprentice where he'd be willing to do anything to prove his strength to his clan. As a warrior he was known for picking border fights and proving to be unfair when it came to him picking his fights. Many outside of his clan like to compare him to Brokenstar. A former ShadowClan leader who was known throughout for being a cruel leader, even breaking the warrior code, many times.

Although little do many outsiders know, what Adderstar is like within his clan. Within his clan, sure he may still come off as distant and sometimes even unemotional. But he's a strong leader that ShadowClan needs. He Vows to protect and keep all of his clan mates strong and healthy. Visiting the sick and elderly. Visiting the queens and kits, even playing with the kits and the Apprentices. What a sight to behold to many of ShadowClan, being able to see their large and stoic leader, frolicking and playing with younger cats. It would seem many of ShadowClan are pleased to have the leader.

Although, the inner workings of this tom goes even further than even what his clan can see. A tom coming from a broken home. Unsure of what he really wants. He does as much as he can to prove to others that he isn't soft, that he's the leader that ShadowClan needs to keep them strong. A tom who spends much of his time trying to convince himself that he isn't many things. That he's everything he needs to be, that he's everything that ShadowClan needs him to be.

Adderstar is a Closet Homosexual, and Homoromantic. He has been ever since he was a apprentice. Although he never had anyone to talk to about it, due to the fear of being called soft, and rejected by others. Going so far as to have a molly as a mate, and when they split, having an illegitimate son. Now he struggles with being a leader, father and keeping his real self from others. Perhaps one day he'll be his true self.



[ Confident | Definition: feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities.]
Adderstar often likes to prove himself to others. Although if you asked him why he's trying to prove himself he'd tell you he's not. Some cats believe it's more him showing off as he will only do things that he knows that he's good at. He has no problem showing his Stalking and Fighting abilities and proving others wrong.

[ Hard-working | Definition: (of a person) tending to work with energy and commitment; diligent. ]
This is a tom who will work above and beyond the amount he really should, Seemingly always having the energy to continue. They work fast and efficiently, often pushing themselves a little too hard and they often need someone to tell them to slow down and take a break.

[ Astute | Definition: having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage.]
Adderstar is a cat who seems to be able to get to understand about someone, just by observing them. This allows them to know who to avoid and who is ok to speak to. This also goes for a situation that might not be well suited to them. Although the down side to this, would be is that they often might avoid cats who might help them for the future.


[ Outspoken | Definition: frank in stating one's opinions, especially if they are shocking or controversial.]
This is a tom who is quite happy to make his opinion heard, no matter how unpopular it is, and if you feel like you don't need to know, he'll tell you anyway and he will make sure that he is heard in one way or form, not matter what the situation. If there is a cat who has shouted out their distaste for a decision you can be sure he could of been that cat.

[ Blunt | Definition: (of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright. ]
Adderstar will often be very Straightforward with what he has to say. Believing it's the fastest and most effective way to get his point of view or what he has to say across without having it getting mistaken for anything else. He will speak to someone or tell someone what he thinks without any additional fluff.

[ Sharp-tongued | Definition: given to using cutting, harsh, or critical language.]
He's not a easy cat to please. Often finding anything to complain, critique or pick at about. Often his words can be rather sarcastic, or even harsh. It's not uncommon to have heard that he's hurt another's feelings. And most of the time he acts like he doesn't care he has,but there are times where he won't of noticed. And often he does care and often didn't mean to hurt them.


[ Vindictive | Definition: having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge. ]
Adderstar believes that wrong doers get what they deserve, even if that means someone who has wronged him or someone he cares about, He might have to do something to give them what they deserve. And often he'll leave them with a nice new scar to show off.

[ Unforgiving | Definition: not willing to forgive or excuse people's faults or wrongdoings. ]
Adderstar is a cat who will often be very unwilling to forgive others that have done him wrong. Although not even his family and close friends are saved from this, as he can still cannot forgive them for various reasons if they do him wrong.

[ Short tempered | Definition: quick to lose one's temper. ]
If things don't go his way, or he feels as though someone has wronged him. he will quickly lose his temper. And he will let everyone know. This can lead to some huge consequences to the one(s) that had made her lose her temper. From her giving physical violence, Having another inflict pain or even death.


[ Caring | Definition: displaying kindness and concern for others. ]
As the tom has grown, he's become less and less caring. Or so it may seem, he's often quite unapproachable to some cats, and he's even been known to avoid any talk about kits, it's possible the tom might abandon a mate and kits, Having done so in the past, believing it being for the best. Although despite this, he can be rather caring to those he is close to, and maybe in time, he'll have a litter of kits with someone who he truly cares about and will stay with till the end.

[ Idealist | Definition: a person who is guided more by ideals than by practical considerations. ]
Adderstar is a cat who can often be seen alone. Daydreaming. They wouldn't tell anyone, but they dream of their perfect family they could have in the future. A loving mate, and kits all around them. Although they are often seen and questioned about their daydreaming, they often get too flustered and going as far as getting angered.

  • Laying in the sun
  • Going for long walks alone
  • Watching over his Clan
  • Kits and Apprentices
  • Doves
  • Outsiders to the clans
  • Others calling and believing he's soft
  • Crowfood
  • Being Called a Liar
  • Watching His Clan Struggle
  • He likes to Collect Flowers for his nest
  • He goes on long walks to clear his mind
  • When bored he'll pick at the grass
  • Often gives a Blank, Threatening Stare to others, often without realising
  • He flexes his claws often
  • To be accepted for who he truly is
  • To see ShadowClan Grow strong
  • To see his son become a strong warrior
  • To have a mate
  • To be a Good Leader
  • To Be Stripped of his Rank
  • Being Rejected for who he is
  • For his Son to Hate him
  • To not Come out for who he is
  • Watching As ShadowClan Dies
  • Closet Homosexual / Homoromantic
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • --
 Design info
【Height】 16 Inches
【Weight】 29 Pounds
【Fur Color】 Varying Greys
【Scars】 Across his nose and Flank
【Demeanor】 Stoic and Distant
【Build】 Large and Powerful
【Eye color】 Green
【Fur style】 Thick and Slightly Coarse
【Markings】 Dark Tabby

Adderstar is a large tom, often towering over most cats within the area, heavy enough to pin a cat down. And often comes off as intimidating. If there was any cat you'd want stood beside you to intimidate your opponents, Adderstar is the cat for you. He has an incredibly thick pelt, which is slightly coarse to the touch. Although beneath the Wiry exterior, is a soft and thick undercoat, to keep him warm during even the harshest of Leaf Bares. The tom has many scars over his body, over his nose, his Right flank and his left ankle. The tom is completed with green piercing eyes, that could make anyone's stomach churn.

  • During Gatherings or around members outside of ShadowClan, he stands and sits tall and proud. In private or within ShadowClan's Camp, he stands and sits in a more relaxed maner.
  • The blaze going from the middle of his forehead, to his nose, has two smaller markings either side towards the top of the blaze.
  • The back of his neck / mane gives off a spiked look, especially from a profile view
  • Often around cats who are not a member of ShadowClan, his brow is often furrowed. While back within ShadowClan his face is often more relaxed, and some would even describe as softer.
  • He completely hates, Kittypets and Loners, and anyone who joins his clan with this back stories will certainly know about it. They'd have to work hard to warm him up. He's very proud of ShadowClan Blood.
  • Lives || 9 / 9 || Acceptance, Compassion, Forgiveness, Happiness, Mercy, Patience, Trust, Mother's love, Love.


Snakepaw, a black and silver tom, who was willing to do what ever he could for his clan. A cat to make his clan proud. The more the young tom trained, to more and more powerful he became, and the more and more proud ShadowClan was with him. Before long he was granted his warrior name, that being Snakejaw.

Icepaw, a blue and white molly, Bright blue eyes that could freeze any cat in their tracks. The slim and beautiful apprentice, was the type of cat who'd often ditch her duties to go and hang out with other apprentices and young warriors. The molly was known for her charismatic and flirtatious personality. More often than not, talking toms into doing her work for her. The molly certainly was a sly minx.

Snakepaw and Icepaw formally met not long before Snakepaw's warrior ceremony. He had already passed his warrior assessments. And it was now that Icepaw believed it was time for her to begin courting the young tom. With her warrior assessments right around the corner, she approached the tom.

"Oh Snakepaw, how lucky is ShadowClan to have such a strong and handsome tom like you~" The Molly began

It was obvious to all of the clan, she was just doing her usual thing, as she had done with many tom's before. Most told Snakepaw not to let Icepaw get into his head. Telling him that she wasn't all that she made herself out to be. Although, it would seem that Snakepaw would not listen to their wise words.

Before long, both of the apprentices were made into warriors, Snakejaw and Iceheart. The two also continued to see one another. Despite Snakejaw's friends constantly telling him that she wasn't what she claimed to be, that she didn't care about him. He still didn't listen. Although Despite the two young warriors seeing one another, it certainly didn't stop Snakejaw in his tracks, consistently growing stronger and stronger. And before long he was given the opportunity to be made the next deputy, after having taken on an apprentice, he was granted the chance to become Sandstar's next Deputy.

This seemingly only heightened Iceheart's attraction to the tom and soon enough the two were confirmed mates. Although little did Snakejaw know. Iceheart continued to see other tom's on the side. With how busy Snakejaw was, Iceheart seized the opportunity to continue to play with the hearts of others. Although soon enough she fell pregnant with Snakejaw's kits. Something she hoped she wouldn't have to go through. Although Snakejaw was pleased that his blood would continue to run through the clan, and that he'd be able to teach all he knew to.

Soon after Iceheart formally stopped her warrior duties and moved to the nursery, she give birth to an only kit. A young Blue, Silver and black tabby by the name Adderkit. Snakejaw was pleased he was given a young tom, one of which, who looked as though he would be strong enough to make all of his clan proud. However Iceheart was less pleased. To her she had lost the chance to play with the hearts with other cats, Also believing that the young tom had ruined her perfect body.

It was now that word about Iceheart's activities before the birth of her kit, got to Snakejaw. Although unlike before where he'd ignore it or dismiss it. This time something clicked within him, and it was then, when he approached Iceheart, questioning her. Her silence spoke volumes.

It was here that the warrior and queen began to argue, back and forth outside the nursery. Within the nursery was Adderkit. Shivering within his nest, while another queen sat in the nest beside him. As he continued to shiver, and his parents continued to argue, it was at this moment, the other queen picked up Adderkit, and placing him in her nest in order to keep him warm.

Once the two cats stopped arguing, Iceheart came into the nursery, to see Adderkit no loner in his nest, and in the nest of the other queen. The agitated queen saw this and began to snarl and hiss at the queen. Claiming that she couldn't just take Adderkit and add him to her nest, That Adderkit wasn't her kit and she should of left him be. To which the other Queen claimed that she wasn't going to let Adderkit go cold and hungry just because his mother couldn't do her job. Within that moment, Iceheart gabbed her son and took him into her nest again.

Throughout the rest of the tom's kithood, it was becoming obvious to the clan, that Snakejaw and Iceheart were only together for their kit. Whenever Snakejaw would see his son, the two older cats would begin arguing. To which Snakejaw would do his best to try and have the two cats argue away from Adderkit. Although this wasn't always the case.

Before long, Adderkit was old enough to not survive off of his mother's milk. This then lead Iceheart to leave the tom to fend for himself from then on. Herself and Snakejaw leaving each other, no longer able to stay with one another as mates, not even for their son. It was then, that Iceheart no longer wanted anything more to do with her son and she went about with her business before she became pregnant. Playing with the hearts of others. Although this was made ever more difficult now that most of ShadowClan knew of her tricky ways. This lead her to start working on playing with cats outside of the clans. However Snakejaw continued to stand beside and look after his son. Adderkit being the main thing within the tom's life. Although with his deputy duties, it made things difficult to see his kit.


Before long, Adderkit reached the ripe age of six moons old and he was ready to begin his training as a apprentice. Earning his name Adderpaw, and deep within him he could feel the pride and honour of being a Apprentice, not just any apprentice, but a ShadowClan apprentice. He vowed he'd become a strong and powerful ShadowClanner that all of ShadowClan could be proud of. Throughout his Apprenticeship ceremony he couldn't see Iceheart anywhere, it seemed that she decided not to attend the ceremony. Although not far from him, Adderpaw could see Snakejaw looking over at his son, pride within his eyes. Although little did Adderpaw know, that from now on his father would become even more distant.

Adderpaw was given a warrior to mentor him, he went by the name of Bearshade, a large and dark bearlike tom, with scars covering his face and body. He was a stoic tom who almost always seemed to have a sneer upon his face. Although no cat could deny his loyalty or strength. Nor could anyone deny how much and how close the tom was to the warrior code. Many cats would mention how his mate's kits survived despite being born frail and weak, rumour was that one even stillborn and yet brought back by starclan. Although not many believe this. Although coincidentally Bearshade's made happened to be the queen who shared the nursery with Iceheart and Adderkit, going so far as to make sure Adderkit was well looked after. Her kits Deadkit and Brokenkit, two young toms who were now Apprentices, and close friends of Adderpaw.

Throughout Adderpaw's training with Bearshade, it was rather difficult. Or well it was to begin with. Not only was it increadibly awkward between the two at first. With Bearshade not exactly being the friendliest of toms, or the most talkative. But Adderpaw as so set on showing what he was made of, wanting to do battle training and border patrols. Ultimately he wanted to have a run in with a rival patrol and show them who's boss. Although Bearshade disagreed with Adderpaw, and continued to take him onto hunting patrols until Adderpaw was able to be adequately hunt. As you could imagine, the young tabby tom, believed this was a waste of his time.

Although despite how Adderpaw was when it came to his training. Or at least from how dedicated he was. He did however enjoy being around his best friends Deadpaw and Brokenpaw, and before long another cat joined their group. A white molly by the name of Snowpaw. She'd just been made a apprentice and almost within an instant she was joining their group. Although Brokenpaw welcomed her in almost instantly. Deadpaw and Adderpaw believed it wasn't ok. They thought it wasn't ok for a molly to infiltrate the tom group. But throughout time they came to accept Snowpaw within their group. And before long a friendship blossomed between all four apprentices. Although Deep down, none of the apprentices knew, but Adderpaw began to form a crush on Deadpaw. Although knowing his father wouldn't approve, and that Bearshade wouldn't be much help, and for the fear of being rejected by everyone else, he kept it hidden.

As Adderpaw got ever closer to his Assessments, the harder he and Deadpaw trained. Brokenpaw and Snowpaw, however, were often around sneaking off and avoiding their duties. This only allowed Deadpaw and Adderpaw to get closer. Before long it was time for the two to begin their assessments. The two toms passed their fighting with flying colours, and their Hunting wasn't too much of a hassle either. Now it was a matter of a few sunrises before they'd earn their warrior names.


Stood before the Leader's perch, Deadpaw and Adderpaw stood awaiting for Sandstar to bless them with their new names. Brokenpaw and Snowpaw having to wait back another three moons to catch up on their training, the pair almost scowling at Deadpaw and Adderpaw. Once cats of ShadowClan had gathered, Snakejaw stood adjacent to Sandstar, normally a father would have pride within his eyes, although Snakejaw seemed distant, his face unrecognisable. However Bearshade seemed somewhat proud of both his apprentice and his son.

After a few moments Sandstar's jaws opened and he bestowed the two apprentices with their warrior names. Deadpaw earning the name Deadclaw for his skill within battle. Adderpaw earning the name Adderstrike for his powerful abilities within battle. The two then faced the rest of the clan as the clan began to chant their new names. All besides Iceheart, Brokenpaw and Snowpaw. Those three of which just scowled at the two new warriors

Throughout the tom's warriorhood, things were rather uneventful Mostly patrols and spending time with Deadclaw. Before long, Snowpaw was beginning to get close to her warrior ceremony, and with this began to start getting closer to Adderstrike. While Adderstrike paid little to no attention to her, over time went on, he began to have his father coming towards him, claiming that Adder had a lovely molly at his side for when she becomes a warrior. That the two would make a valiant pair. While Adderstrike wasn't interested the idea that his father approved of him and Snow together, made him feel good

Within the next moon, Brokenpaw and Snowpaw became warriors. Earning the names Brokentooth and Snowbloom. After the clan chanted their names, the camp fell silent. A few sunrises after Adder and Snow became mates. Although, it would seem that the tom continued to be distant, and sadly for Snowbloom she couldn't for the life of her, understand why. However, Snowbloom continued to try and with the tom's affection.

Not long after,the two cats became mates, Adderstrike was blessed with his apprentice. A young cat who was given a mentor when they reached six moons old, although sadly two moons into their apprenticeship their mentor was killed by a roaming twoleg dog. Once the cats grieved for them, the apprentice was given to Adderstrike to mentor. The apprentice's name being Frogpaw. A Grey / brown tom with green eyes. He was a Quiet and stoic apprentice, although with time the two cats started to get along with one another, discovering that they were more a like than they once thought.

Throughout Adderstrike's training of Frogpaw, Snowbloom continued to try making advances on Adderstrike. Trying to get his attention. Although these were more often than not, unsuccessful, with the tom claiming that he needed to spend all his time training Frogpaw. Telling Snowbloom that Frogpaw would make an amazing warrior, even a potential future leader with the right training. Despite being disheartened by her mate, she stood aside.

Although what did catch Adderstrike's attention was, one day, Iceheart, Adderstrike's mother and Snakejaw's former mate was brought into camp. Escorted by two ThunderClan warriors. Claiming they found her across the border infiltrating their territory. She claimed it was an accident, that she accidentally crossed it after meeting with a RiverClan warrior. When pressed for further information from the rest of the clan, she exclaimed loudly, that she had been meeting with a RiverClan tom for moons, and how she was leaving to join RiverClan. Without another word, she glared at Snakejaw and turned to leave. Only stopping for a moment, to look at Adderstrike, although she said nothing. But he could of been sure he saw regret or sadness within her eyes.

Before long, it was time for Frogpaw's warrior ceremony, earning the name Frogpad, for his silent footsteps, making his a stealthy cat who was admirable for his hunting. Although the Ceremony didn't end there. As Snakejaw. Deputy of ShadowClan exclaimed that he was going to be stepping down as deputy, and retiring to the elder's den, after having received more than his fair share of battle scars, one of which claiming his eye and part of his eyesight. Thus meant that Sandstar had to choose a new deputy. Most of the clan knew that it would be a choice between Deadclaw and Adderstrike, two toms who would make both fine deputies for the clan. Unfortunately for Adderstrike, it was Deadclaw who was made the next deputy. Although the tom wasn't bitter, he was glad his closest friend and crush was able to move up within the ranks

Throughout the coming moons, Adderstrike continued to spend time with Frogpad and Deadclaw. From time to time he had to prove his love to Snowbloom, almost trying to convince himself that he loved her. Although the more time he spent with her, the more he knew the two weren't to be. However, with any time the tom had spare he would go and spend some time with his father. Despite as an apprentice and a warrior, he and his father never were really close, he believed that he should try and spend time with him, although as time would go on things would only end up within an awkward silence.

Not even two moons into DeadClaw's deputyship, when he was brought into camp, torn up and battered. His body, or what was left of it. Lifeless, his second apprentice Bluepaw brought back into camp, shaken up and mildly scarred and bruised. It was then when a new deputy was to be chosen. Sandstar called out from his perch, calling out Adderstrike's name. A name most of the clan already expected to hear. Although Adderstrike didn't hear, for he was too busy grieving over DeadClaw.

The next day, began the start of Adderstrike's deputyship, and his first act of buisness, he was given Bluepaw. Deadclaw's former apprentice, who was now shaken up and struggled to leave the camp. He was a blue / grey tom with a dark back and tail, with green eyes. Even before the fox attack he was a timid apprentice, but after the fox attack it was almost impossible to have him leave the camp for an extended amount of time.


When Adderstrike was made a deputy, Sandstar was certainly getting up there within his age. Most of the clan knew Sandstar to be a leader who was unlike most former ShadowClan leaders. His pelt was bright and ginger, he certainly wasn't a feared leader, but he was cool and fair. Some of ShadowClan believed that he wasn't a leader ShadowClan needed. Snakejaw before he was made a deputy would of agreed with those cats. Although over time he came to enjoy working with Sandstar, and understood his ways. Adderstrike however, was a cat who was loyal to Sandstar, although believed that ShadowClan needed a leader that could make the other clan's tremble with fear. Believing he was the cat for that. By the time Adderstrike was made deputy of the clan, Sandstar was on his third to last life. And now his lives were dropping like flies. His play it safe tactics had him keep most if not all his lives into his old age, and now they were dropping moon over moon.

While Adderstrike was out on a patrol with Bluepaw. Training the young tom as he slowly began to come out of his shell. A heavily pregnant Snowbloom approached Adderstrike. Telling him for the fourth time that she was pregnant with his kits. Although Adderstrike shook this off quickly. Telling her that his and her relationship wasn't right for them. Heart broken, and pregnant without a mate, Snowbloom almost begged Adderstrike not to leave her. But his mind was set. Only for the queen to flee back to camp. And continue the rest of her life, without her former mate. Only growing more and more bitter towards him. Often at times even believing that he was seeing another cat even while the two were together.

Before long Snowbloom gave birth to a single kit. Naming her dilute tabby tom, Palekit. As she curled around her only kit who looked so much like his father, she granted Adderstrike to see his son. As he looked down to the small bundle of dilute fur, he said nothing before he left the nursery, for Snowbloom to look after the kit alone. Although, as time went on, Snowbloom confronted Adderstrike, telling him that he couldn't abandon his son, like he abandoned her. Again he said nothing.

Finally after many moons, it was time for Bluepaw to become a warrior. He had grown into a valuable warrior, over coming his fear of going out and being attacked by a fox, like he and his former mentor were. Earning the name Bluebark for his now tough and logical personality.

After another moon after Bluebark's warrior ceremony, Sandstar lost his last and final life. His age finally having gotten the better of him. And thus meant for Adderstrike to head to mother mouth and earn his nine lives and be made a leader. As he left he left Ambershard in charge, a molly who he had in mind for his deputy.


Once at mother mouth, Adderstrike awoke to find himself within StarClan. Surrounded in cats he once knew. Including Deadclaw, where the tom could almost tear up as he saw his former friend and crush stood looking more alive than ever. It was here where Adderstrike earned his lives, and his name. And before long, Adderstar, made his way back to camp, making Ambershard his deputy, and thus began the rein of Adderstar.


Battle Stats

9/10 :: ○○○○○○○○●○ ➟ Strength
3/10 :: ○○●○○○○○○○ ➟ Speed
8/10 :: ○○○○○○○●○○ ➟ Attack
6/10 :: ○○○○○●○○○○ ➟ Tactics
6/10 :: ○○○○○●○○○○ ➟ Endurance
7/10 :: ○○○○○○●○○○ ➟ Defense
3/10 :: ○○●○○○○○○○ ➟ Charisma

Natural Senses

5/10 :: ○○○○●○○○○○ ➟ Seeing
5/10 :: ○○○○●○○○○○ ➟ Hearing
5/10 :: ○○○○●○○○○○ ➟ Feeling/Touch
7/10 :: ○○○○○○●○○○ ➟ Smelling
5/10 :: ○○○○●○○○○○ ➟ Tasting

Knowledge Skills

2/10 :: ○●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Kitting and Kitcare
6/10 :: ○○○○○●○○○○ ➟ Den Building
0/10 :: ○○○○○○○○○○ ➟ Herb Knowledge
4/10 :: ○○○●○○○○○○ ➟ Fishing Tactics
5/10 :: ○○○○●○○○○○ ➟ Hunting Tactics
9/10 :: ○○○○○○○○●○ ➟ Battle Tactics
4/10 :: ○○○●○○○○○○ ➟ Compassion

Other Skills

4/10 :: ○○○●○○○○○○ ➟ Swimming
5/10 :: ○○○○●○○○○○ ➟ Rock Climbing
3/10 :: ○○●○○○○○○○ ➟ Tree Climbing
4/10 :: ○○○●○○○○○○ ➟ Leaping
8/10 :: ○○○○○○○●○○ ➟ Night Vision
3/10 :: ○○●○○○○○○○ ➟ Rabbit Chasing
7/10 :: ○○○○○○●○○○ ➟ Leading
5/10 :: ○○○○●○○○○○ ➟ Tracking

snowbloom_by_thepotato_queen-dbtcsry.png 【Snowbloom】 Former Mate
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.
palepaw_by_thepotato_queen-dbtcss0.png 【Palepaw】 Son
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.
newtpad_by_thepotato_queen-dbtcss8.png 【Newtpad】 Apprentice
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.
bluebark_by_thepotato_queen-dbtcssg.png 【Bluebark】 Apprentice
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【Ambershard】 Deputy / Acquaintance
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.
4866102_dx64OYKaIgXgWDf.png 【Flamehowl】 Medicine cat / Acquaintance
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.
brokentooth_by_thepotato_queen-dbtcsse.p 【Brokentooth】 Former friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam orci nisl, rhoncus luctus urna et, luctus tincidunt velit. Sed nec mattis dolor, quis iaculis massa. Donec at felis ac nulla dictum mollis. Donec quis justo tincidunt arcu convallis egestas ut gravida sapien. Duis id nulla non ex scelerisque rhoncus a vitae neque.

All seen below isn't essential to know, but might help to better understand Adderstar and those involved within his history.

  • There is a great chance that Adderstar has kin within RiverClan. As it's greatly believed that Iceheart was accepted there, and did have kits with the RiverClan tom.
  • Although it's never said, it's believed that Snakejaw would never have wanted to find out that his son was gay, hence why he pushed Adder so much to become mates with Snowbloom
  • Adderstar tried very hard to love Snowbloom, although he knew that he could never force himself to do so.
  • It's believed that Brokentooth loved Snowbloom, and when Adder and her became mates, he resented Adder for taking her from him. When the two Broke up, Brokentooth likely hated Adderstar even more.
  • It's possible that if Deadclaw was still alive, him and Adder would of become mates after Adder ended things with Snowbloom. Although if the two would work out for a life time is another question.