Adderstar (Adderstrike)



3 years, 8 months ago


Basic Info

30 Moons
Homosexual / Homoromantic


  • Sunning himself
  • Kits and Apprentices
  • Doves
  • Long walks alone


  • Being called soft
  • Crowfood
  • Called a Liar
  • Getting wet

Character Stats

Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Sincere Deceptive
Bold Timid
Patient Restless
Optimist Pessimist
Serious Trivial
Polite Sassy





[ Confident | Definition: feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities.]

Adderstar often likes to prove himself to others. Although if you asked him why he's trying to prove himself he'd tell you he's not. Some cats believe it's more him showing off as he will only do things that he knows that he's good at. He has no problem showing his Stalking and Fighting abilities and proving others wrong.

[ Hard-working | Definition: (of a person) tending to work with energy and commitment; diligent. ]

This is a tom who will work above and beyond the amount he really should, Seemingly always having the energy to continue. They work fast and efficiently, often pushing themselves a little too hard and they often need someone to tell them to slow down and take a break.

[ Astute | Definition: having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage.]

Adderstar is a cat who seems to be able to get to understand about someone, just by observing them. This allows them to know who to avoid and who is ok to speak to. This also goes for a situation that might not be well suited to them. Although the down side to this, would be is that they often might avoid cats who might help them for the future.


[ Outspoken | Definition: frank in stating one's opinions, especially if they are shocking or controversial.]

This is a tom who is quite happy to make his opinion heard, no matter how unpopular it is, and if you feel like you don't need to know, he'll tell you anyway and he will make sure that he is heard in one way or form, not matter what the situation. If there is a cat who has shouted out their distaste for a decision you can be sure he could of been that cat.

[ Blunt | Definition: (of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright. ]

Adderstar will often be very Straightforward with what he has to say. Believing it's the fastest and most effective way to get his point of view or what he has to say across without having it getting mistaken for anything else. He will speak to someone or tell someone what he thinks without any additional fluff.

[ Sharp-tongued | Definition: given to using cutting, harsh, or critical language.]

He's not a easy cat to please. Often finding anything to complain, critique or pick at about. Often his words can be rather sarcastic, or even harsh. It's not uncommon to have heard that he's hurt another's feelings. And most of the time he acts like he doesn't care he has,but there are times where he won't of noticed. And often he does care and often didn't mean to hurt them.


[ Vindictive | Definition: having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge. ]

Adderstar believes that wrong doers get what they deserve, even if that means someone who has wronged him or someone he cares about, He might have to do something to give them what they deserve. And often he'll leave them with a nice new scar to show off.

[ Unforgiving | Definition: not willing to forgive or excuse people's faults or wrongdoings. ]

Adderstar is a cat who will often be very unwilling to forgive others that have done him wrong. Although not even his family and close friends are saved from this, as he can still cannot forgive them for various reasons if they do him wrong.

[ Short tempered | Definition: quick to lose one's temper. ]

If things don't go his way, or he feels as though someone has wronged him. he will quickly lose his temper. And he will let everyone know. This can lead to some huge consequences to the one(s) that had made her lose her temper. From her giving physical violence, Having another inflict pain or even death.


[ Caring | Definition: displaying kindness and concern for others. ]

As the tom has grown, he's become less and less caring. Or so it may seem, he's often quite unapproachable to some cats, and he's even been known to avoid any talk about kits, it's possible the tom might abandon a mate and kits, Having done so in the past, believing it being for the best. Although despite this, he can be rather caring to those he is close to, and maybe in time, he'll have a litter of kits with someone who he truly cares about and will stay with till the end.

[ Idealist | Definition: a person who is guided more by ideals than by practical considerations. ]

Adderstar is a cat who can often be seen alone. Daydreaming. They wouldn't tell anyone, but they dream of their perfect family they could have in the future. A loving mate, and kits all around them. Although they are often seen and questioned about their daydreaming, they often get too flustered and going as far as getting angered.


Snakepaw, a black and silver tom, who was willing to do what ever he could for his clan. A cat to make his clan proud. The more the young tom trained, to more and more powerful he became, and the more and more proud ShadowClan was with him. Before long he was granted his warrior name, that being Snakejaw.

Icepaw, a blue and white molly, Bright blue eyes that could freeze any cat in their tracks. The slim and beautiful apprentice, was the type of cat who'd often ditch her duties to go and hang out with other apprentices and young warriors. The molly was known for her charismatic and flirtatious personality. More often than not, talking toms into doing her work for her. The molly certainly was a sly minx.

Snakepaw and Icepaw formally met not long before Snakepaw's warrior ceremony. He had already passed his warrior assessments. And it was now that Icepaw believed it was time for her to begin courting the young tom. With her warrior assessments right around the corner, she approached the tom.

"Oh Snakepaw, how lucky is ShadowClan to have such a strong and handsome tom like you~" The Molly began

It was obvious to all of the clan, she was just doing her usual thing, as she had done with many tom's before. Most told Snakepaw not to let Icepaw get into his head. Telling him that she wasn't all that she made herself out to be. Although, it would seem that Snakepaw would not listen to their wise words.

Before long, both of the apprentices were made into warriors, Snakejaw and Iceheart. The two also continued to see one another. Despite Snakejaw's friends constantly telling him that she wasn't what she claimed to be, that she didn't care about him. He still didn't listen. Although Despite the two young warriors seeing one another, it certainly didn't stop Snakejaw in his tracks, consistently growing stronger and stronger. And before long he was given the opportunity to be made the next deputy, after having taken on an apprentice, he was granted the chance to become Sandstar's next Deputy.

This seemingly only heightened Iceheart's attraction to the tom and soon enough the two were confirmed mates. Although little did Snakejaw know. Iceheart continued to see other tom's on the side. With how busy Snakejaw was, Iceheart seized the opportunity to continue to play with the hearts of others. Although soon enough she fell pregnant with Snakejaw's kits. Something she hoped she wouldn't have to go through. Although Snakejaw was pleased that his blood would continue to run through the clan, and that he'd be able to teach all he knew to.

Soon after Iceheart formally stopped her warrior duties and moved to the nursery, she give birth to an only kit. A young Blue, Silver and black tabby by the name Adderkit. Snakejaw was pleased he was given a young tom, one of which, who looked as though he would be strong enough to make all of his clan proud. However Iceheart was less pleased. To her she had lost the chance to play with the hearts with other cats, Also believing that the young tom had ruined her perfect body.

It was now that word about Iceheart's activities before the birth of her kit, got to Snakejaw. Although unlike before where he'd ignore it or dismiss it. This time something clicked within him, and it was then, when he approached Iceheart, questioning her. Her silence spoke volumes.

It was here that the warrior and queen began to argue, back and forth outside the nursery. Within the nursery was Adderkit. Shivering within his nest, while another queen sat in the nest beside him. As he continued to shiver, and his parents continued to argue, it was at this moment, the other queen picked up Adderkit, and placing him in her nest in order to keep him warm.

Once the two cats stopped arguing, Iceheart came into the nursery, to see Adderkit no loner in his nest, and in the nest of the other queen. The agitated queen saw this and began to snarl and hiss at the queen. Claiming that she couldn't just take Adderkit and add him to her nest, That Adderkit wasn't her kit and she should of left him be. To which the other Queen claimed that she wasn't going to let Adderkit go cold and hungry just because his mother couldn't do her job. Within that moment, Iceheart gabbed her son and took him into her nest again.

Throughout the rest of the tom's kithood, it was becoming obvious to the clan, that Snakejaw and Iceheart were only together for their kit. Whenever Snakejaw would see his son, the two older cats would begin arguing. To which Snakejaw would do his best to try and have the two cats argue away from Adderkit. Although this wasn't always the case.

Before long, Adderkit was old enough to not survive off of his mother's milk. This then lead Iceheart to leave the tom to fend for himself from then on. Herself and Snakejaw leaving each other, no longer able to stay with one another as mates, not even for their son. It was then, that Iceheart no longer wanted anything more to do with her son and she went about with her business before she became pregnant. Playing with the hearts of others. Although this was made ever more difficult now that most of ShadowClan knew of her tricky ways. This lead her to start working on playing with cats outside of the clans. However Snakejaw continued to stand beside and look after his son. Adderkit being the main thing within the tom's life. Although with his deputy duties, it made things difficult to see his kit.



Trivia & Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris porta condimentum luctus.
  • Curabitur eu tortor et augue ullamcorper imperdiet et vel quam.
  • In finibus ipsum eget consequat placerat. Suspendisse dignissim euismod sem at iaculis.
  • Vivamus porta accumsan justo pulvinar ultricies.
  • Praesent quis suscipit nisl. Integer enim ex, accumsan iaculis condimentum id, finibus a est.




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