Joséph "Joey" Mesa



2 years, 3 months ago


  • Name JOseph "joey" mesa
  • Age ~17
  • gender male
  • pronouns HE/HIM/HIs
  • birthdayoctober 7th

  • Race/species mexican || human
  • orientation HETEROsexual
  • Height 5'6"-5'7"
  • Build big boned
  • Theme Feeling Lonely

One of the two sons of technological giant creator and CEO, Hype Industries. Hype Industries: leading the way through Smart device technology and social connectivity. He keeps this fact on the downlow, not only because he doesn't want to possibly inherit the company, but because he doesn't want the fake friends that could be involved. Seeing how socially inept he is and a self-defined "nerd," Joey would rather have online friends he barely sees, over fake friends dropping hints they would love if he could get them the latest model of the HypePhone.

Passionate about video games, anime, puzzles, and hotdogs, as much as he is a perfect suit for the job, he'd rather not have such a heavy burden on his already heavy self. He's already set on helping his mother manage her catering and desserts business, why are his parents playing tug-o-war with him? He wants to live a simple life as his simple self.

Joey met Eli while he was riding his bike through the neighborhood. Eli waved "Hello" as he drove by, that threw Joey off guard, hitting a pebble, and wiping out on the sidewalk. Eli ran up to see if he's okay and offer a bandaid, but the moment Eli saw blood from Joey's scraped knee, they fainted onto the grass right next to Joey. 

And thus begins a beautiful friendship.


  • Has a vast collection of video games and DVD box sets of his favorite shows.
  • Insecure about his looks and weight, but super secure in his fighting game abilities.
  • He can deconstruct the ingredients and measurements of any food just by tasting it.
  • A fan of taking things apart and putting them back together.
  • Says he has no leadership capabilities, but he runs multiple guilds, no sweat.
  • He embraces the nerd title and makes science and literature puns frequently (giving Charlie a hearty chuckle).
  • He's good at History and Biology, and is interested in Game Design as a hobby.
Layout by vom || Edited by Flamboyant_King