[M] Amaranth Moontill



2 years, 9 months ago


Amaranth Moontill
General Information
Nickname Am
Age 25
Species Brown Cow
Height 5'8
Pronouns She / Her
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Alternate Universes
Magic Pyromancy
Primary Weapon Longsword
Tarot The Sun
Path (HSR) Abundance
Element (HSR) Fire
Class (DnD) Paladin of Pelor
Type (Pokemon) Fire/Fairy
Role (League) Support/Tank
Nation (League) Ixtal
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Character Themes

Amaranth, at many points in my life, was the character that was meant to represent me. She was the first "real" OC I've ever created, and over the course of the 7 or so years I've had her, has has undergone a whopping 7 total transformations. Like myself, she was once a naive, anxious, and flighty boy that was too reserved to reach into herself, and out to those around her. Now, she's learned, and grown from these insecurities, happily embracing a newfound understanding of her gender, and identity. So, as she wanes from the cold, distant, and mysterious lunar motif that once captured her, she relishes in notes warmth, light, and comfort derived from hearthfire, and The Sun.

Phys. Stats




Ment. Stats




Skills & Abilities

  • Solar Flare.

    "The scorching ends of her hair rise to emanate a dull, yet piercing glow, illuminating all that lay barren and obscured".
    While emanating this clarivoyant flame, Amaranth produces an X-ray-esque effect on the terrain around her, highlighting objects and areas not plainly in line-of-sight.

  • Hearth & Home.

    "A buzzing warmth emanates from around her, exuding comfort, and energy to those who sit beside".
    This is her primary healing ability! Occassionally, when flustered, angry, or generally out of control of her emotions, this heat could flare up towards uncomfortable temperatures.

  • Sunsowing.

    "Her gentle caress of sunlight guides even the smallest of seeds unto the heavens".
    Wheat, barley, and amaranth seeds decorate Amaranth's garbs, ready for her to scatter across any patch of fertile ground, and grow with her gentle, radiating touch. Both new, and existing crops alike rise at accelerated rates while nearby Amaranth, and if focusing really hard, she may even mend them from beyond repair.


Amaranth is a cleric of Pelor, goddess of the sun, and the harvest. She’s warm and friendly, very quick to trust others, and overall a very positive and vibrant soul. Despite her nostalgic and grounded personality, she was once raised as royalty. Said mannerisms occasionally break through her commoner’s facade, typically whenever she doesn’t get her way with food, shelter conditions, or hygiene standards.

She dresses herself with earthy browns whenever possible, accented with warmer colors as homage to her patron deity. She doesn’t wear bulky armor- if anything, she has leathers custom made, retrofitted with silks, shawls and scarves hanging across her body, all stuffed with wheat, barley, and other sunny-side crops.

She stands at 5’8”, and holds a well-fed, stress-free physique. Her weapon of choice is a tall wooden walking staff, blooming still with autumnal colored leaves, and her element of choice is fire.

