Bâlan Twins



2 years, 4 months ago


Adrian Bâlan

Male [he/him]








182cm/ 5"11ft


September, 30


Mila Florica Bâlan

Female [she/they]


Greysexual/ Homoromantic






173cm/ 5"8ft


September 30



Mila is a Character from the Planet Pholuba and she lives in Trastu in the Region Heon together with her family and servants. They is a relaxed person who likes to explore and make new friends. She would love to travel the world and learn more about humans and there cultures. She really hopes that humans and non humans can live in peace in the future and that no one has to be harmed again. Mila is very honest and makes always some jokes especially when someone feels bad.

Adrian is a Character set in the world from Festar on the Planet Pholuba in the region of Hoen and lives together with his Family and Servants in there Castle, he is very clear about his oppinion from humans and doesn´t like them much. To his family and friends he is nice but he knows that he has to protect the family and especially his sister who he loves over everything. He can be very stubborn and irritable if he talkes about humans and Adrian don´t think that humans and non humans ever can be friends again and live in full piece together.

Mutual impression

Adrian: Mila is my Sister and the best friend I could imagine. She is always here for me and helps me when I need her. I can´t understand her thoughts about humans but at least her Girlfriend is nice. She cares abvout everyone but sh don´t understand always because it´s so important for me to safe the family for humans. I hope she will understand it soon... anyways, I really like her and I like to spend time with her.

Mila: Adrian can be very stubbon but I love him alot. He is my brother and I could never think of a better one than him. I hope he will see that its better to be befriend with humans than against them, maybe in the future. He is a really good sword fighter and knows how to make me laught. He is here whenever I need him and thats what makes him so important for me.

Relationship Dynamic

Introverted Extroverted
weak strong
Impatient patient
Overprotective Chill going
cilled hyper
Goes into fights Uses diplomacy
Tactile Not tactile
Serious Childish
slow fast
Makes food burns the kitchen
calm angry
pessimist optimist
logic Emotions






Be my friend, I don´t wanna hurt you
Fuck off human before I kill you



Mila and Adrian where born in Heon in the castle of there parents. They spendet alot of time around the castle exploring the nature and the animals around, playing with the servants or playing hide and seek in the Castle

Mila wanted to go to a human school but her parents forbid it because she can´t go outside in the sun and the humans arent very nice to them. But they could go to Alea High a school in the capital for mostly non human kids.

Adrian: I liked our childhood and to search aound the Castle. One time we builded a little house in the woods in the near of the castle and slept there one week, it was so cool. I also liked the school, way better than a human school because the teachers and lessons are for our species and I learned how to transform into a bat and other usefull stuff for a vampire.

Mila: I wished I could´ve gone to a human school but he is right, its nice what we learned I even can swim because they taught me and I founds some great friends there. Playing hide and seek is actually one of my favorite things. We always having a big tree to christmas and one time I tried to hide in the tree and I nearly destroyed him... ups my cousin saved it in the last moment.

Miriam/Battle with Lucyfer

When they were older Mila liked to fly further away, some day she was way to late and the sun slowly started to rise. Mila did the only thin she could think about and flew in the next buiding to hide there, still in the form of a bat Miriam, a worker in the Psychiatry, found her and gave her something to eat because she thought its a normal bat. After Mila got away they startet to flew every evening to Miriam and someday she showed her who she really is. Miriam was shocked at first but exepted it really fast and they started to get friends, after some weeks and a few dates they started being in a relationship. At first she didn´t tell someone but after some days sneaking out Adrian got curious and she told him. At first he wasn´t happy about it but after meeting Miriam he saw how much Mila loves her and he gave it a chance. While Mila got along with Miriam Adrian also started flying away and met some Friends especially in the demon world where he met Lucyfer at some point and had a little fight with him because he didn´t like Adrian and don´t wanted him to be in Usquar.

After a few month Miriam told Mila that she met Lucyfer in the psychiatry and she tried to stop him killing one of her patients but he was way to strong for her. Instead he raped and nearly killed her. She got in the hospital. Mila told Adrian about the incident and together they fought against Lucyfer. Both sides got some injuries but Lucyfer flew after Adrian dammaged his right eye very bad. Since then they hate him alot.

Mila: Ohh I remember the dates so well, I love Miriam so much and spending time with her is so great. I´m still thanking the sun for this accident, my life would be so different without her. Some day I hope i can let him feel what she felt that day! I hate him so much.

Adrian: Milas right, Lucyfer will pay for what he did to Miriam. She is indeed a nice person and a great friend.

The Aloon Brothers

Connor, Mason and Fernando moved in a nice little house in a forest in Heon. Mila found them while she was on a date with Miriam and got in a fight with Mason. A few nights later Adrian and Mila flew to there house and spyed at them, they found out the Aloon brothers are vampire hunters and hat several fights with them since then, while fighting about the Bâlan residens and forest they´re owning.

On one night Mila found Connor hurt in the woods after a big thunderstorm. He was stuck under a tree and Mila helped him and they started to talk, Connor didn´t hurt her. They meet again a few days later and got friends.

Adrian met Fernando once in the woods while hunting. They got in a little fight and Adrian flew because Fernando used several christian stuff on Adrian, but they met several times again over the next few month and Adrian somehow started to like him and hates him even more now because of that. They startet to talk while fighting and Fernando even stopped trying to exorcise Adrian but they never stopped fighting

Adrian: Urgh... I hate the Aloon Brothers so much stupid asholes... I wanna kill them all forever with there damn garlic and wodden stuff and holy water and argh!! I hate them so much!

Mila: There not all complete assholes,,, Connor seems to be nice but Mason is a bitch, he told me he wanna rape me because I look so beautifull... I wish I coud´ve threw up on him he is such an idiot. Fernando also seems to be an Ashole he is even more into god than Mason but he kinda sems to like my brother?? not sure but hes looks at him sometimes with this special look,, yk?


  • Voice: Markiplier
  • Voice: Rose Quarts - Steven Universe (english voice)
  • Adrian has a little sun tolerance and can go outside in the morning and when he´s not directly in the sun and its not to hot
  • Mila has no sun tolerance and can´t stay outside
  • has some scars from his fight with Lucyfer
  • can swimm very well
  • likes to hunt humans and drink there blood for fun
  • they is a vegeterian and hates to eat animals or drink blood
  • Is somehow in love with Fernando but tryes to forget his feelings because he hates him in the same moment
  • is afraid of garlic, wooden pegs and vampire hunters
  • he is a really good sword fighter and archer, he also likes to hunt animals
  • likes to crochet and craft stuff
  • he knows how to cook but often messes stuff up and especially if he´s with Mila in the kitchen everything goes wrong
  • she was born first even if he always plays the older brother
  • they both can become bats
  • they´re having a big snake Named Basil
    Likes and Dislikes
  • his Family
  • sword fighting
  • archery
  • steak, blood, potatoes
  • Fernando
  • humans
  • Fernando
  • garlic
  • swimming
  • MIRIAM! <3
  • humans
  • swimming, crocheting, art, crafting
  • Pumpkins in every way
  • Christmas, Halloween
  • Vampire hunter, garlic, holy water, etc...
  • Mason
  • bad and mean humans
  • meat, blood

Mutual relations

Narzica and Cales

Mom and Dad
Parents <3

I really like them. They taught me alot about life and I´m so thankfull for my great childhood. I love them alot

I love them so much and spending time with them is so great. I love chrocheting with Mom and making Halloween stuff and Christmas cookies with dad. We´re going to swim together regulary, he understands way better how I feel about not drinking blood because he also does it very rarely but that doesn´t mean I love my mom less. I can ever talk with her! I was afraid of telling them about Miriam because she is a girl and a human but Dad was also a human so idk why I stressed myself so much?? anyways,,,, I love them !


good friend

"She is very nice and friendly, I wasn´t sure at first but I know how happy Mila is with her and besides of that Dad was also a human so I can live with her. She always dyes my hair and she can talk hours about stuff, its sometimes a little bit anoying but besides of that she is a nice person"

"My lovely dear! I love her soooooooooooooooo much, picknics with her are great, its also nice to hear her playing cello. She accepted very fast that I´m not a human and she is completey fine with it and even my family likes her alot. Love you darling"



She is our aunt, sometimes a lil bit crazy and strickt. She belives very much in the anti human thing but that means she never really exepted Dad even if he is a vampire now.

Not sure if I like her, she don´t know about Miriam but she talkes always bad about humans and how bad her history with them is,,, the good thing is she lives in another part of Trastu in her own Castle so she don´t visit very often, also because she is a lil bit crazy


cousin/ good friend

He is very smart and we got along fine but we never got really close, he was more of a logic person and loves to read books while I liked to learn how to fight with a sword

Levi is a good friend for me, he taught me alot about humans because he studied on a human university against his mothers will. But he is an archeologist today and can see and travel the world so I´m jealous about him



She is a nice young person who died way to early. Mom bought her in because she found her on the streets. Lucyfer killed her because of a deal wil Ida´s Brother so she´s working for us today and lives here in the castle

She is very friendly but don´t talks much but I like her. I´m not sure why Lucyfer killed her and gave her an afterlive as a Zombie but she is save with us.


Servant/ family friend
Servant/ family friend

He´s working here since I can think. He taught us so much but ever keeps the distance and is very friendly.

he is absolutely part of the family! When I was younger I always decorated with him! He is a great person and playing games with him was always fun.


former classmate
best friend

She was in my class but i don´t really know her any better. I know she´s a demon but Mila can say more about her

Lev is my best friend (next to my brother of course) I met her in school and we got along very great. She is now working in Usquar, where she lives, as a dancer in a bigger theater, I visit her sometimes. her two dogs are also very cool. She is sometimes a bid arrogant but I can handel it well and we´re talking about everything. She was the first person who knew about Miriam and me.


good friends

Snow is a very hyperactive person, I gave them the Nickname gummball because they actually is like one. They is always dancing around and talking alot but somehow they´s fine

They is such a lovely and nice person. Always happy and they were the best in our swimm class. She talkes alot about everything and is very good with make up and stuff.

Fernando/ Mason/ Connor (Aloon Brothers)

Loveinterest/ enemy/ dont like them really
unsure/ enemy/ friend

I hate them! Can they pls just leave! Mason is such a big idiot fuck off bastard! Connor´s really annoying because he refuses to fight with me and Fernando is the worst from all of them! i mean it! he thinks I will like him because of his beautifull eyes and his great body and... URGH!! i hate them alot fuck of bitches

I don´t like Mason he is a psychopath and a bitch. I´m not sure about Fernando he don´t like me and Vampires in general but he seems to like my brother... I was flying around one night and I heard him in the woods crying and screaming how much he hates himself,,, I hope he´s fine? he likes Adrian alot but i don´t think he wanna accept it. Connor thinks the same thing, were actually friends he is really nice and friendly to me. I told him that I would never drink any blood from him or someoneelse and that made him calmer. I´m sorry he needs crutches now to walk but i´m happy he is alive!


good friend

She is a really loveling person and knows everything about bombs and other exploding stuff. She helped me to place a bomb on the Aloon House so there water tank exploded.

I don´t know her well. Saw her one or two times with Lev because they´re dancing together sometimes


best friend

We met the first time in Alea in a bar. They is working in an underground facility in a big labour with other scienticts. he´s working with humans and and testing stuff on them. We met regularily and talk about stuff thats going on. I told her about Fernando and how annoying he is and he just understands me

I just saw him once and my brother talkes about him sometimes.



I hate this stupid bastard so much I swear some day I will kill him for everything he did I hope he dies in his own hell stupid asshole.

Hate him so much. I hope he never comes back because if he does I won´t be nice to him.