Lay (NSFW-Inclined AUs [+18])



Battle Wonder!Lay [LINK]

Basic Information
Full name: Lay
Nickname/Alias: Flare, Successor Son
Date of birth: 6/12/1921AC
Nationality: Monsliagnan
Age: 22 (As of 1944AC)
Gender: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Physical description
Height: 295cm / 9’8”
Weight: 178.8kg / 394.2lbs
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Notes: Vibrant and sparkling orange bodily fluids, and minor hints to various prior scarring.

Personal Information
Place of birth: Caminus, Monsliagna
Next of kin: [Permission to exclude granted]
Family: [Permission to exclude granted]
Marital Status: Single
Place of Enlistment: Sommerstadt, Monsliagna
Reason for Enlistment: Duty to his home, and those already lost.

Military Information
Country Of Service: Monsliagna
Branch: CFM Artillery Corp
Rank: E-3 Specialist
Specialty: Artillery Bombardment
Primary: Rig-Operated 190mm MA-190 cannon (30+1 Rounds)
Secondary: Rig-mounted 7.7mm 'Hopper' machine gun (1200+300 rounds, 300 rounds a belt)
-Battle Wonder Rig: M&H 'Maxwell' Armed Artillery Vehicle in
-Heavy MK2 Implants: Thighs, Butt, and Testicles
-Animal Implants: Phoenician Axolotl, with trace amounts of other genetics.

Personality: Although much of Lay’s mentality has been challenged with persistent damage, his calm and creative nature has not been lost, even if much of his social intuition has become weakened and it is common for him to be considered clueless.
Likes: Sweet foods and drinks, Soft materials, and Being creative whenever he is able to.
Dislikes: Overwhelming stimuli, , and Fizzy drinks.

Born and raised within the town of Caminus, Monsliagna, Lay and his history has been undergoing a difficult time of memories, but documentation and what he does remember suggests that he is a "Primum-Divinitus Simulaculus", an artificial human who was created by the Primum God of Change, Arbardri. And that he was also known to be the Lord Aspect of Comfort, a high-ranking position within the Court of Change.

However, with the misguided pre-emptive bombardment of the town of Shattered-Peak from a paranoia-ridden Puricitia Consort was the violent shock to the country on a whole, one that triggered the calls for a violent retort all around Monsliagna, and the allying with the Safeguard Alliance to get everything needed to complete such a vengeful task. From raw materials, to machined weapons and equipment, and something curious, and new...

While the Battle Wonder project was immensely new for the country of Monsliagna as a whole, Caminus and its change-worshiping inhabitants became infatuated with the processes, procedures, and results. Curiosity on what could be done rose and rose, and it wasn't long before the intrigue became experimentation and practice. With, one of the survivors of Shattered-Peak, a local named Lay, one of the first of Monsliagna's BWs and a living test on the sheer survivability that could be infused into a humanoid form. The genetics coding from a Phoenician Axolotl provided the demi-god an incredibly regenerative strength that is hard to defeat.

As for the rig of choice, the solution came from Max and Hopper Manufacturing as their own research delved into just which vehicles would be best to utilize or replace. Within a short time, the 'Maxwell' Armed Artillery Vehicle was picked, and given to Lay for his usage in the conflicts forthcoming.

It should be noted, however, that this survival has its troubles. After surviving and regenerating from several different pieces of cerebral damage, it has been noted that Lay has not only been losing various memories as well as undergoing minor personality changes. He has also picked up several recurring habits, including the quiet scrimshaw of whatever amount of his own bones he can still recover after a combat encounter. And it is speculated that the damage mentioned is the unfortunate cause.

Demon!Lay [LINK]

-Created by Metathesiophobia, the Phobic God of Change. While Lay isn't bound by pact, he still benefits from a small allowance of power granted to him.

Lay has undergone a number of pacts with Phobic Gods.

Draconophobia has granted Lay a gauntlet and connected armour called Tiamat's Claw, a relatively powerful magical item that violently erupts with elemental energies when striking a target or being struck in return.
-Lay is also capable of producing and spewing a Bioluminescent concoction of flammable liquid, ignited by a spark between his tongue and teeth.

Microphobia's Pact has granted an ability rather odd. Through sacrificing parts of his body and mass, Lay is able to create miniscule and independent replicas of himself.
-Unfortunately, the intellect present in these creations is similarly miniscule, following basic commands or their basic instincts while responding with monosyllabic words.

Philophobia's pacts grant a mostly beneficial collection of magics for Lay, now categorising him has a Concubus. These effects are carried by glowing tattoos upon his body, offering the following effects:
-The conversion of all waste products into nutrient-rich seminal fluid, the storage of which has no apparent size limit.
-The ability to shift the general shape his genitals, or additionally into that of the opposite gender.
-Sweat emitted by Lay has also been adjusted, taking on a consistency closer to most lubricants.

Permaberry!Lay [LINK]

--While there have been multiple attempts to remove ALL of the juice, none of these have been truly successful.
-The taste of his juice has been described as a 'Strongly Juicy Citrus Peach', as well as containing a high magical content.

Permapreg!Lay [LINK]

-While Lay still isn't too sure if his current affliction is a curse to bear or a blessing to enjoy, what he knows is that the contents of his belly steadily grows with time, but noticeably faster or slower depending on background magical energy (Which wanes and waxes throughout the year).
--Every now and then he gotta go to the hospital to lose the build up before it gets too troublesome, but there is a base level.
-The scar upon Lay's chest was caused by the accidental overpowering of a Runestone Catalyst shortly after an intimate night with other members of the Aspect of Comfort. While little is freely revealed about the events of the night prior, the presence of erotically-sourced magic could have potentially contributed to his current state.

Voracious!Lay [LINK]

-While the source of Lay's hunger and adaptations is certainly lost to him and many who have investigated this bizzare condition, it has recieved a strangely positive interest from the Court of Change and especially the Aspect of Perfection. As any living being he consumes seems to change him, or lets him change in a myriad of unique ways... Even if, the hunger has been proven problematic.
-The scar upon his chest was created by the emptying of an apparently empty Runestone Catalyst. In reality, the Runestone Catalyst was already filled with a deep and powerful magic, one that seemingly demanded to devour all it could. It is the potential source of the hunger that afflicts him.
-In the fear of becoming frenzied with hunger, both Lay and those who care for his condition have emblazoned Magical Runes onto his body, able to bind his form until he returns to sanity.
-Rather oddly, the tastes that Lay demand can wildly swing and isn't restricted to just things that are edible. These include large pieces of furniture, symbols of wealth, and more.
-Native Abilities:
--Whenever Lay consumes a living being, he is able to absorb traits from them. However, he will need to eat multiple of the same beings to achieve equal or stronger versions of these traits. To match the source of the traits perfectly takes, at average, five.
--Using a form of controlled metamorphosis, Lay is able to expose or retract what traits he has active at will. Granted, doing them any faster then a day or two means it will hurt to apply.
--While it's rarely a used part of his kit, Lay has the potential to change his how his biomass is condensed and hidden. Surprisingly, this offers those he eats the possibility of being reformed, at the cost of said biomass and a handful of Lay's traits being passed on.
-Additional abilities and where they're from [These are ones he keeps open most of the time, not everything]:
--Axolotl. (Advanced Regeneration.)
--Condor. (Enhanced Digestive Capability.)
--Hyena. (Enhanced Digestive Capability. Teeth.)
--Chameleon (Camouflage, Extendable Tongue, Prehensile Tail.)
--Lyrebird (Vocal Mimicry.)
--Fish (Gills.)