Dewdrop Acier



2 years, 3 months ago



Name Dewdrop Acier
DOB February 10th
Age 22
Gender Female
Height 10'2"
Class Form Bio Magic/All Social
Race Bladetear/Hypoactamus/Sassquid
Role Dreamsparks' Chef


Dewdrop is descended from a long line of cooks in the Acier family. From Tuskon onwards, each Acier slowly lost their knack for fighting, and with an age of peace ushered in by Eon, they were able to become the best cooks on several islands across Personalia. Dewdrop is from the most recent generation and specializes in seafood. She has narcolepsy and a bit of a gloomy face, but the latter can be expected for any bladetear hybrid. Dewdrop lacks any fighting experience, but still holds latent potential as a deadly blade just as her ancestor Misery was. She also posseses the sassquid ability to fire lasers, but she usually uses this power by accident. Dewdrop was working at The Giant's Bed on Eon Island at one of her family's restaurants when she met Vi and her team, the Dreamsparks. At the time Vi and her team were branded as fugitives after an incident with Eon. Thanks to a generous sum of money from Gallant, Vi and her team were allowed to hide downstairs in the storage room. Gallant would periodically come visit to check on Vi, but when he wasn't doing that he would chat it up with Dewdrop. Dew was great for conversation and existenstialism when she was awake. Despite not eating convential food that Dewdrop would serve, Gallant's popularity was able to bring in a lot of customers and business for Dewdrop's restaurant. During the Astrologin invasion Dewdrop was among several abducted emotibeasts that were brought onto the ship for study. She was subsequently rescued by Gallant from the swarm of sanguintari spearheaded by their warrior Orio. Thankfully this invasion ended peacefully with both forces coming to an agreement to share their land and technology together. Dewdrop was thrilled to learn about alien cuisine from some of the Astrologins and started putting them on her menus back home. Thanks to their impressive technology in transportation, Dewdrop was able to finally travel back and forth between The Giant's Bed and Vi's party in reasonable time. Traveling among the Dreamsparks gave Dew the oppurtunity to grow as a chef much like Tuskon did during his own travels. With Vi's aid, she gathered exotic ingredients and new recipes and worked with the team as their own personal chef.


Home The Giant's Bed
Alignment Neutral good
Sign Aquarius
Weakness Always tired
Food Crab and Lobster



  • Crustaceans
  • Pillows
  • Cooking
  • Music Boxes


  • Getting woken up
  • Cacti
  • Sea Stars
  • Pineapples


  • Dewdrop often falls asleep in the middle of tasks, including talking. Its reccomended to let her wake up on her own or at least very subtly. When she gets jolted awake she's usually in a panic and lets loose a high speed laser from her eye which is very dangerous for both parties. Her laser induces sleepiness when it hits.
  • As a Form Hybrid, Dewdrop can change forms. For her Hypoactamus form she grows shards of zanphonite out of her back to form a destructive shell that shreds everything she rolls into. Not only is taking this form incredibly painful, but it makes her very tired as well, so she saves it as a last resort.
  • While it looks like her hair is covering another eye, she only has one.
  • The end of the tentacles serving as her hair are tipped with shards of zanphonite.




Le Festin 
Chocolat Cadabara 
Cobalt Coastlands 2 
Aquatic Ambience 
