Eon Island (Hypoactamus)



5 years, 1 month ago





Scientific NameOtiosum Magnum Porcus
DietAnything dumb enough to get too close to its mouth
PowerDrugged spit, armored back
WeaknessVery lazy


The hypoactamus belongs to the bio power class. It utilizes a special spit that ferments in their throat glands which result in their saliva becoming a potent sedative. This makes them naturally sleepy, while also tiring out anyone to get hit by this calmant. Their additional power is their hard armored back which curves with their spine, allowing the hypoactamus to curl up in a ball similar to an armadillo. Doing this, they can roll around and crush anything unfortunate enough in its path.


The hypoactamus is a large purple hippo-like creature with a hard grey armored slab on its back. It has four white toes on each foot. It has four teeth coming out from its mouth like tusks, and tired blue eyes. It naturally possesses a lot of fat on its body and has long drooping ears. The tail is short on average. Its height reaches a staggering twenty feet tall.


Hypoactamuses belong to the feral social class. They are abnormally lazy. This is however because of their drugged spit, sedating them into a constant tired state that only yearns for sleep. They take naps all the time, however it's best that you avoid them at all costs when they do. If one were to wake a snoozing hypoactamus up, it will go into an immediate furious angst filled rage, snapping its bone crushing jaws at anyone near it. It's not the best parent, and usually might accidentally leave its child behind. If this happens, it will take a nap and try to find them tomorrow if they have the energy.


When these beasts came to be, they were at first very energetic. They had rolled around as much as they wanted, and crushed anything in their way with carefree bliss. Unfortunately for them, their own saliva would later begin to take effect. They started tiring out fast, one by one each hypoactamus fell into a state of narcolepsy. Afterwards, they just stopped fighting against it, giving into the desire to constantly sleep. Which is what they now perpetually do, holding the title of "The Sleeping Giants of Eon Island". 


● Hypoactamuses are naturally great swimmers.

● It can crush a leg in its jaw with one bite.

● It has bad eyesight since it's always ready to close its eyes.

● Their saliva can clearly be seen due to its pink coloring.

● The most common way they communicate is by yawning.

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