


2 years, 3 months ago


"Zzzz... Uah, sorry... What were we talking about...?"

An AOTU World Angel OC

Name: Rubin
Alias: Angel R
Birthday: 9th of September
Age of Death: 16
Meta Skill: Dream Cloud - Summons an unnatural pale blue cloud that he can shape into things. The cloud can become as dense as his willpower lets it, and he can create any shape as long as he has a clear idea of it's form, but he has to be concentrating on it for it to hold. It's maximum size is enough to form one large solid weapon at a time.
Occupation: Investigation and Elimination
Motifs and Themes: Ambition/Dreams, Sheep, Cherubim

Voiceclaim (ENG): Johnny Yong Bosch (As Nagai Kei)

He sees IX and Nelson as good friends


Self-reliant, motivated, and ambitious. Rubin was pleasant enough to talk to, though visibly irritable when he felt his time was being wasted. He made no efforts to pursue bonds or alliances with other people, and cut out anything unimportant to achieving his goals.

He worked hard chasing a grand achievement that would save him from his fear of being forgotten. He later joined the AOTU Tournament to prove that his ambition was powerful enough.

Rubin died during the first round after being overwhelmed by a group of weaker contestants, leading to him falling over a cliff. As he lay dying he realised that his self-imposed isolation made his own worst fear come true. Nobody would remember him or his dreams because he had failed to form any meaningful bonds, and nobody grieved for him.


Upon first waking up, Rubin was still freshly plagued with the pain his ambition had brought him. So in order to cope, he buried his past self and settled into a new persona, adopting his current apathetic demeanor. He now refers to his past self as though they were a different person to him entirely. 

- As an angel he embraces his lack of ambition and appears very indifferent, but he is not unhappy. He enjoys spending time with the other angels regardless of their personalities and values.
- Speaks in a tired, lazy tone, often dozing off mid-conversation.
- Rubin doesn't feel the need for support or validation from others, and is very self-assured.
- When not on a mission or around the other angels, he is usually napping somewhere. He will carry blankets with him, and has several pillow fort nests hidden in various places. He is known to steal materials from the other angel's rooms for these as well.
- Occasionally talks about surreal-sounding past events. These are in fact dreams that he's had, which he forgets to preface as such.
- Goes with the flow of his thoughts, and doesn't tend to think about more than one thing at a time. This can make him seem air-headed or forgetful at times, but he usually takes notes of things he wants to remember, and will sometimes use his meta to form small shapes while he thinks.
- He doesn't mind being alone, but he is afraid of not knowing roughly where other angels are.
- Because of his past experience, Rubin now believes that nothing he or others could do can change an obvious outcome. This makes him perfectly content to follow orders that may seem cruel, and appears oblivious to danger or pain inflicted on himself or others.
- Though he likes to think he is without desires, deep down he still feels resentment towards his previous life, and cares about the other angels. He struggles with this thought because he associates the feeling of anger or wanting things as proof that his old self is still a part of him, and something he can never truly separate from.
- He wants to make lots of good memories- both in his dreams and with the other angels- until his old ones "suffocate in them and die"
- His greatest fear, though he denies having one at all, is that his life with the other angels will eventually change. He finds it easy to say that he doesn't care since so far nothing has threatened the status quo, but if he is unable to accept his past self, he won't be able to fight against the change and separation he fears.

Occupation: Investigation and Elimination
Rubin keeps tabs on contestants and angels who are suspected of threatening the tournament going smoothly. His gentle demeanor makes it easy for others to share things with him. If suspicions are confirmed, the target is confronted and eliminated.
He keeps records on various targets as he investigates. His notes also tend to contain a description of their aspirations, which he seems to note for his own personal interest. He takes it upon himself to remember their dreams, and when he is not sleeping or talking to the other angels, he will often open these files for re-reading.
His pillow forts double up as "nests" for him to observe contestants and angels from, while looking rather harmless.
Because of his apathetic persona, Rubin can no longer properly use his meta skill for combat. He can still form rough shapes with his clouds, but he cannot make them solid, nor does he think hard enough to give them much detail. He has also stated that his clouds are safe to breathe, so suffocation isn't an option. When eliminating targets, he sends for warbots to accompany him instead.