


1 year, 11 months ago


"Your head hurts, you say? That's no good, looks like we'll have to cut it off... Hmhmhm~♪ Of course I was joking"

An AOTU World Angel OC

Name: Orion
Alias: Angel O, "Doc"
Birthday: 20th of June
Age of Death: 26
Meta Skill: Crimson Geode - He can materialize red crystals that can also have a passive healing ability.
Occupation: Healthcare
Motifs and Themes: Werewolf, Stray Dog, Geode, Full/Crescent Moon, "The moon that brings out the animal side of others", Nature (fauna)

He still admires Vanth as if he were a god.


Orion keeps up a well-mannered, gentlemanly image which he treasures. However, he is rather detached from people. He will conform to whatever system he's a part of, doing anything that will let him thrive in it. He only serves his own survival and interests.
He's infinitely curious and fascinated by human nature, and will do anything to see the ugly and animalistic sides of people. He uses his polite facade to poke and tease information from others, regardless of whether they're willing to share things with him. He uses what he learns to see how a person might break, and subtly pushes them to that point.
He is entertained by watching the struggles of others, and often compares it to compelling theatre or stories. He works as the author and audience to orchestrate these moments for his own satisfaction.
He enjoys reading all kinds of romantic novels, and often plays around using them as reference for his own image.


Orion was abandoned by his parents at a very young age, learning to fend for himself. But he was eventually pulled off the streets and into a system of fighting rings, where he spend the rest of his life.

He survived the early years with a ruthless and desperate fighting style. During this, he also learned how to deal with his injuries after matches from the others there.
Vanth eventually became his owner. And by listening to his thoughts and strict instructions, Orion learned how important to building up an image was for survival in The Ring.

Orion came to look up to Vanth as if he were a god, as he was essentially the one who had given him a beautiful life, purpose, and eventually death. Most of Orion's philosophies and theatrical outlook on life were due to Vanth's influence, and Orion's raw admiration of him. Vanth treated The Ring as his canvas, and fighting an artform.

Orion's fighting skills grew more refined, and he eventually joined the ranks of the most popular fighters with a homme fatale image.

More of his fights were paid to be rigged, as was the case with most top fighters - which put more of an emphasis on making both his wins and losses entertaining. From this he grew completely into the idea that he was an actor, and the arena was his stage. He would look down on those who did not have purpose or elegance in their fighting style.
If any of the top fighters were killed without their owner's consent, they would have to be paid a large amount as compensation. So with that safety net and his skill in performing, he began to live comfortably in his new life.

As new fighters rose the ranks however, his performances slowly became more stale. His image was shifted into that of the villain - a tyrant for new fighters would need to dethrone - and though it kept it his battles fresh for a while longer, his relevance was already fading.
Seeing the inevitable decline of his popularity, along with the years of repeated injuries weakening him physically, Vanth sent him to the AOTU Tournament before his worth vanished completely. Several fighters from The Ring always were so they could be bet on, this time with much higher stakes and higher amounts. Orion considered this to be his swan song.

Angel (Present):

Orion happily conforms to his life as an angel and has no problem in serving The Seven. He isn't as interested in fighting after his final performance, seeing himself as a retired performer.

The image that he had used during his time in The Ring is something Orion still treasures and uses as an angel, as it was a "gift" from his god, one that had given beauty and purpose to his life.

He looks down on those who don't think of fighting as an art, and thinks little of the combat angels who have no audience to perform for, or who provide little entertainment.

With his new freedom, he enjoys indulging in extravagant foods, reading books about the outside world, and simply pursuing the things that fascinate him. He will actively stir up other people just to see the ugliest and most desperate version of themselves. 

In his downtime he can often be found reading, wanting to learn all he can because of how contained his life had been before becoming an angel. He'll often spark conversations about facts he's read that day, and especially loves sharing the ones that get a good reaction. He often makes references to nature and animals.

He has become obsessed with turning his coworkers into works of his own, for his entertainment. His love for them is twisted, but genuine. He wants to see how far he can push them, and whether they will break or rise from the ashes.
He is perfectly content playing the role of the antagonist, reveling in the tropes.

He enjoys organizing events that are designed to cause conflict and tensions. Such as writing fake love letters to a group of his coworkers, or assuming the rule of Santa and letting them judge each other's sins.