


2 years, 1 month ago


"If you don't stay out of my business, then I won't be stayin' out of yours. Understand?"

An AOTU World Angel OC

Name: Arend Roland
Alias: Angel A
Birthday: 3rd of April
Age of Death: 20
Meta Skill: Meteor Spark - Creates a blue-green fire. He tends to use it in bursts for traversal and kicking attacks.
Occupation: Combat Angel
Motifs and Themes: Comets, rockets, astronauts, undying ambition. Foil/opposite to Rubin

Voiceclaim (ENG): Adam Gibbs (as Shoyo Yoshida)
Voiceclaim (JP): Yoshimasa Hosoya (as IV)

The older brother of Halley

Arend is straightforward, blunt, and sees no problem with conflicting with others. He values honesty, and this leads him to become easily irritated when others don't speak their mind.
He'll pick apart the words of others and openly critique their problems. He sees no point in getting upset over most things.
Arend doesn't go out of his way to be malicious, but is simply open about what ticks him off. He doesn't often back down from people who deceive themselves or others.


Arend grew up like many others, on a poor planet seemingly been abandoned by The Creator. He helped his family and community, but found little purpose in the monotony of life. He couldn't understand what made his parents keep holding onto hope that something would change.
He took up street dancing for a while, to try understand what it was that made their group leader's eyes sparkle.

Seeing his parents continue to be so optimistic made him furious at The Creator, who never gave an answer to their prayers and struggles. Without much else he felt passionate about, he joined the Aotu Tournament to try and grant his parents wishes, and bring prosperity to the planet he had seen suffer. However, he eventually became suspicious of the tournament's secrets and began to question how much he really knew about it. He ended up looking for answers in places he wasn't supposed to be, and Angel R was sent to eliminate him.


Now working as a Combat Angel, Arend once again found himself in a monotonous life. Angel R being his coworker infuriates him - especially because he acts as if nothing that drastic had happened. Arend was surprised that others seem to get along with him, and openly complains about Angel R's true nature.
He gets along best with people who aren't too energetic, and who speak their mind bluntly like he does.

He often shortens all of the angel's codenames to just their letter, since it's quick and easy to say.

Arend's goal hasn't changed from his past life, and he's still determined to bring prosperity to his home planet, even if it kills him.

Deep deep down however, he wants to use this second life to grant his own selfish wish instead - to stay with the people he cares about, and enjoy his life.