Ren Aspen



8 years, 8 months ago



"Promise you won't forget me ever?"

Name Ren Aspen
Sex Male
Age 23
Height 5'11 · 180 cm
Ethnicity ⅔ English · ⅓ Unknown
Nationality British
Orientation Demisexual

✓ | Benevolent | Cordial | Humble | Insightful | Sincere | ✓

Seeking to create a respectful impression, Ren always attempts to conduct himself in a courteous manner. He values the concept of a considerate gentleman, and strives to be as humble and polite as his ideal. Because of this, he grew to have a very modest mindset and feels embarrassed whenever he receives an excessive amount of attention. Although he makes it a point to be well-mannered, his actions do reflect the sincerity of his feelings. He’s grateful to all those who’ve made an impact in his life, and hopes his efforts showcase his appreciation.

Believing that there’s good within everyone, Ren strives to consistently be the best version of himself. Owning a very gentle and benevolent soul, he’s always willing to give others a second chance, and welcomes all company with open arms. No matter the trouble, he strongly maintains the belief that even a single act of kindness can go a long way. He’s incredibly patient and cordial, he has a good tolerance for even the most unbearable. Many might label him a fool, but it’s this unrealistic belief that keeps him from completely closing himself off to others.

Incredibly empathetic towards those around him, Ren is very insightful whenever emotional problems arise. Being in great tune with the feelings of others, it’s not hard for him to see things from multiple perspectives. Whenever issues come to light, he’s more than willing to lend an ear and offer advice if needed.

= | Considerate | Desultory | Elusive | Thrifty | Lenient | =

Genuinely believing that there’s always another side to the story, Ren constantly tries to retain a kind and polite demeanor. No matter how uncomfortable he may feel, he trusts in his faith that everyone is going through something—as he himself has problems of his own. Because of this, he makes sure to be considerate and is careful not to inconvenience or hurt others. Unfortunately, this causes him to be worryingly forgiving of misdeeds. For some, his leniency can be seen as something to take advantage of—and he often falls into the trap.

Resulting from his short life expectancy, Ren doesn’t have many long term goals for the future. While others search for their own paths, he finds no point in hoping for an unreachable dream and currently lives a desultory life. His whims and desires are minuscule, and can typically be accomplished in a short amount of time. Even his relationships with others are spotty, since he doesn’t plan on being a continuous presence for anyone. Many may think his thought process as elusive—especially in regards to his closed off mentality—but to him, it’s the best course of action for a fleeting existence.

Due to growing up in unfavorable living conditions, Ren naturally preferred intangible goods compared to materialistic possessions as the prior seemed to negatively deflate those around him. Because of this, he developed a very thrifty lifestyle—rarely indulging himself in anything that wasn’t consumable. He dislikes being wasteful, and often attempts to donate or repair durable items that are near the end of its use to him.

✕ | Evasive | Fatalistic | Passive | Reclusive | Secretive | ✕

Ever since he was young, Ren had always been reluctant to develop close bonds with others. Feeling immense guilt about his shortcomings, he’s evasive toward forming deep relationships in fear that he’ll hurt or hold back those who are dear. Keeping up a barrier, he tends to avoid big commitments and dodges attempts to get close to his heart. While certainly open to friendships, there’s a noticeable distance he refuses to cross. In his later years, he began to live a more reclusive lifestyle, preferring to find solace in the company of a few compared to his more social youth.

Often sporting a tender expression, it’s difficult to tell what Ren’s thinking due to his consistent smile. He’s rather secretive with his emotions, and dislikes it when people pry into his hardships. Because it’s not abnormal for him to be viewed with pity, he prefers to keep topics about himself generally positive. Disliking conflict, he isn’t the most confrontational person unless harm is induced on others. He tends to keep his own personal complaints to himself, and is generally passive when feeling discomfort.

Following multiple hospital visits since his childhood, Ren grew a fatalistic attitude toward his own health. Although steadily improving since his younger days, he keeps a realistic mindset on the possibility of a relapse. Not daring again to cling onto the hope of recovery, he believes that his fate is inevitable and passes his days enjoying the little time he has left.

When Ren was only a few months old, he was abandoned at an orphanage with no indication of who he was or where he came from. Other than his name, there was no clue at all to the identity of his birth parents. It was suspected that his weak heart played a part in being forsaken, but neither he nor his caretakers knew the exact reason. Nevertheless—despite not knowing his origins—he grew up seemingly satisfied with his predicament and tried to make the best of his (anticipated) short life.

Ever since he was young, Ren was known to have a very benevolent soul. He often helped his caretakers around the orphanage, doing what little he can without pushing his limits to a worrying degree. Toward the younger kids, he was seen as an older brother figure and would often read to them when able. He strongly considered the people in the orphanage to be the closest he could have to a family, as he realized early on that his disease would most likely prevent anyone from considering him for adoption.

Because of his frequent visits to the hospital, Ren became painfully aware of his mortality at an early age. His childhood was heavily restricted due to the fear that he’d overexert himself, so he was often left out from active play. Despite his friends and family offering to part take in less physically exhausting pastimes with him, it didn’t feel right to limit them to his level. Instead, he increased the frequency of his visits to the library—intentionally isolating himself from his peers due to his guilt of having to be accommodated for.

Toppled with his increasing studies, Ren spent a greater deal of time in private during his adolescence compared to his younger years. Although he still tried to make memories with his loved ones, he equally as often had his nose buried in a book. It was—to him—both a healthy substitute for his lack of active entertainment and as a way for his mind to temporarily escape the reality of his slowly failing body. Because he had always been an avid reader, it wasn't long until he finished all the (accessible) stories that seemed to interest him.

Naturally, this resulted in Ren beginning to dabble with writing. Despite seemingly private with what goes on in his mind, he took joy in sharing his imagination with others and fell in love with how his family and friends reacted to his works. Through their encouragement, he began to share his stories with the community through competitions and showcases. Although initially a beloved hobby, he eventually decided to pursue a career as an author after his secondary education.

Having the privilege to attend university despite his poor social status, Ren worked diligently on his studies whilst balancing a part time job (to pay for his living finances) before graduating with a degree in English. During his time in school, he looked to get his work officially published, wanting to set up a name for himself in the industry before completing his higher education. Although his work wasn’t the type to immediately soar to popularity, his books were beloved by those who read them.

Viewing his career as a personal success, Ren is currently able to live comfortably with what he has whilst starting to spend the rest of his days travelling. Slowly, he's attempting to create some distance between him and his loved ones—not wanting to cause others grief as he waits to peacefully pass.

  • Astrological sign is Cancer rising, Capricorn sun, and Aquarius moon
  • Enjoys fantasy novels, but doesn’t mind reading other genres
  • Favorite places to be are the library, the ocean, and the home garden he and his partner created together
  • Fluent only in English, but can hold basic conversation in other languages due to travelling often
  • Has congenital heart disease, results in frequent visits to the hospital and concern when emotionally stressed or physically exhausted
  • Is left-handed
  • Multiple failed surgeries in his childhood have left him hesitant about having another performed—unwilling to take another disappointment
  • Novelist who mainly writes children’s books
  • Quite the glutton for sweets, particularly fruity desserts
  • Weak when it comes to any physical activity, even walking for a long time tires him out
Lian de Altair

"If you live to be a hundred... I hope I live to be a hundred plus one day... so that I'd never have to leave you alone."

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"If you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world."

Most precious friend that he cherishes with all his heart. Ren feels immense ease in Aos'company—considering him to be one of the few he can comfortably confide in. Whilst their meetings are not the most frequent, there is always time he will set aside to catch up on their lives. If wishes can be granted by mere dandelions, his first request would be asking for his childhood companion’s happiness.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.

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