Noel King



2 years, 4 months ago


Noel King
5’3” - ... Filipino???-  Early-Mid 20s
LIKES: Iced coffee, sketching
DISLIKES: Bitter things, the dark

Calculating and obsessive (though not unkind), Noel views the world with a sense of grim pragmatism that usually falls inside the realm of nihilism. He’s quiet and has a habit of looking down on others, but is incredibly intelligent and quick to act on his morals.

In one word; tired. A sarcastic, genius misanthrope with a heart of lead, with an alchemical miracle it might be turned into gold.  Noel is a strange combination of meek, shy, and having an immense superiority complex — not because he believes he’s better than other people but because he believes other people are simply worse than him. Having had to carry his family on his back his whole life, Noel just doesn’t see the point in relying on others if they’re just going to be as useless as he believes they are.
Unbeknownst to him, he’s completely burned out from this worldview, and is incredibly, incredibly lonely.

AU Names: Naoki Kurosawa, Noel Kingsbishop