


1 year, 9 months ago



Divine Debt Collector


Name Kenopsia

Called Keno

Age ???

Gender Unknown

Race Something Divine

Occupation Bounty Hunter

Orientation Unknown

Birthday Unknown

MBTI Unknown


There are times when one may forget their prayer, or start an unholy crusade. Sure, you could just stop or remind them yourself, but that's so much effort for such a small thing... Luckily, that's where Keno comes in. Be it to aid a lost soul back into the light, find a runaway fleeing from a demon's contract, or stopping a war you know who to call!


Kenopsia is constantly on the lookout for new work or those in need. She puts her morals or 'personal bias' aside for the sake of her job, but that doesn't mean she won't feel thrilled or guilty while doing it. They claim it's 'nothing personal,' hurrying on before one can ask anymore questions.

Questionable work ethics aside, Keno is a suprizingly goofy and laid back person once they get a chance to breathe. On the occasion they have rare free time, they indulge in reading books and catching up with old friends.


Demonic Past

Kenopsia was once a demon, condemned for theivery Robin-hood style. For a long time she roamed the streets, taking what she could in a desperate attempt to stay alive until they met Dr. Shrike. She was welcomed with open arms and nursed back to health, and eventually came to grow close to her. Shrike eventually offered her a chance to rise up back to heaven, but at the price of repaying the debts of what she stole. Kenopsia agreed.

Neither speak of the process in which Kenopsia accended once more, nor have they let down their guard near eachother since. Should their eyes meet, both would simply nod a greeting and hurry along.


Kenopsia's daily work is a wide range- one day is polite reminders of daily prayers, the next is hunting down runaways for a greedy demon. Whatever the circumstances are, she tries to do her best despite them.

She meets alot of people daily, both bystanders and those on her side, as well as those against. On the rare ocasion she meets a friend, she holds onto them through frequent letters and tokens from her travels. (Should she have the time, she might even do them a favor.)




Dr. Shrike had aided Kenopsia in their accencion to divinity, and are on 'good' terms. There is a distinct distance between them, however...


Virtue is one of the first divines Keno met, and has maintained frendship ever since. Despite their budy shedules, they always find time to laugh together.



Hiraeth being a theif and Keno being a bounty hunter, they often find themselves clashing. While she is quick to best the demon in a fight, they admire their wits. It's a mutual recognition that it's nice to see a familiar face around.


Contract is a frequent contact in need of Keno's services. While the payout and frequent work is great, Contract's morals are...Not so much.



  • Keno eats bones. Lots of them. (Don't ask how- I don't know either.)
  • She frequently collects tokens and knicknacks from her travels. Her favorite posesion is a lost love leter she is still trying to return.
  • She resides in a one bedroom apartment with a pet cat.
  • The cat's name is Steven. He's a stray that Keno found.
  • No, he doesn't bite. Yes, you can pet him.