


2 years, 3 months ago




Name name
Gender gender
Rank rank
Clan clan
Prev. Clan ogclan
Status Alive


Runningwinds was born to Goldenlight and Redfur of Thunderclan. He was one of five kits, and the first of his siblings to do everything. From first opening his eyes to catching the first prey of his siblings when they became apprentices. He was always praised for being the best. He was by all means a very cocky apprentices, but that all changed when a certain she-cat came into his life. When he met Sparkpaw, he fell for her and he fell hard. He would bring her prey every he went hunting and would often offer to help out where her could. Slowly, she fell for him too.

Once Runningwinds became a warrior and Sparkleaf received her full medicine cat name, the duo would often sneak out at night to spend time together. They were young and in love, but that honeymoon stage wouldn't last. The war came and Runningwinds lost everything except his nephew. Sparkleaf was killed in a camp raid by some unknown cat. Runningwinds was crush, because only he knew something none of his clanmates did... Sparkleaf was pregnant with his kits when she was killed. He knew he could never tell any cat about how he had broken the warrior code.

When the war ended and the journey came about, he focused on keeping his nephew safe. Slowly he returned to his usual cocky and confident self, but something about it felt forced for a while. He used his confidence for a front to hide that he was hurting, not wanting to let anyone close again.


  • Runningwinds got his name from Runningwind in the series, who I loved very much. Younger me added an s onto the end of it and from there it's been history.
  • Sparkleaf, his previous mate, was a cat in the original RP he was in. I wanted to keep as part of his past and made her a character. She died in the RP too, but the difference is that in this universe they were mates and she was pregnant with his kits.
  • In the first RP he was in, which was also the same RP Ivydusk was in, the two of them were going to become friends through their mutual heartbreak and have kits on accident.


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