Vince Ezekiel



2 years, 2 months ago




Vince Ezekiel is a mysterious young man, who happened to be unconscious during his first appearance. He himself is a little unsure how he ended up where he is currently but he believed since he was given everything he needed and was cared for despite knowing nothing about him... he was alright being a part of the party. 

Vince has a small floating companion named Winette. No one knows for sure what it is or where it came from but it's non threatening. He also carries a spellbook, having free access to magic you would consider unethical such as necromancy. He has rarely cast spells that could be helpful in ways like giving life. Ex: Healing, Rejuvenation. 

Despite not being the type of person to judge a book by it's cover, he definitely has strong opinions on some people.

His homeland is a very cold place, it never stops snowing. The people that live there have deities that they give all their faith to. Five gods. There was a Sixth, but he became corrupt and was banished.

The Girl in Town

Born to a religious society, Vince studied deities and the people that worshipped them, he was forced to grow up in such a way that if he dared to ask questions against the rules of faith it would be considered blasphemous. He was curious and beyond anything, it was hard for him to believe everything he was told. Priests pick out certain people that are lucky to get a chance to visit the gods, unfortunately none of these people ever returned. Vince didn't care about this until someone he was friends with was chosen, it worried him quite a bit but she was excited and looking forward to the meeting. As expected, she never returned and so Vince decided to investigate the situation further, he tried to look through library archives and a bunch of classified information but he had gotten nothing until he snuck into the high temples for answers.

The Sixth

There, he found a labyrinth of hallways and rooms decorated with mosaic glass art, each dedicated to a god. It was very large and some people say it was only built in a day. Vince had gotten himself lost until he encountered an entity in the shadows. It looked tall and ominous but it spoke to him with an amused tone. Despite its intentions being unclear, it had lead Vince to his friend who was just a corpse that had been brutally tortured and crucified on the altar of a god. He was devastated and beyond angry. 

After finding out what really happened to the lucky ones, the entity had gotten Vince to enter one other room. It was much more hidden and dark than the others. All the altars and areas belonging to divinity were lit up and somehow representing the deities. This however, felt different. There was an altar but no sacrifices or offerings, there was only a book encased in glass and chains. The entity urged vince to take it, promising that it would help him. 


After stealing the book, Vince carried on with his life but more rebellious. He spoke out in his studying hall, whenever the teachers would say something he felt was wrong or confusing. He pushed topics further despite whispers and murmurs he would hear among the class. This would also result in classmates picking on him with violent intent, though Vince didn't care or give them the attention they wanted. One day he made a bold accusation in front of religious teachers, priests, and students that the priests were lying and committing crimes under everyone's noses with the excuse that it was all for faith. No one believed him and he was severely punished. There are faded scars from all the times he had gotten disciplinary whippings and stoned down his arms, legs and torso. He chooses to cover them.

Vince thought it was outrageous how people blinded by the divine did not see the truth or speak out on it, no one was on his side. Eventually... he started hearing voices in his head, the entity was speaking to him and constantly urging him to open the book, and Vince argued that it was chained closed. The entity informed him of a way he could connect himself to it and control it. It guided him through a process where Vince had to pull out his own eye and cast an everlasting spell allowing him access to the book. It contained secrets and unethical spells.

Last Laugh

The entity following him soon explained that it was the sixth deity that was banished and the book belonged to it. More than anything, it wanted to be free from it's prison so Vince promised as thanks that he will find a way to release it eventually. With the book and new found magic, Vince dedicated himself into fucking people's lives over. Once his society was in shambles, he left, devoting himself to only one deity... which eventually stopped talking to him. Despite this, he still intends to free it from it's realm. This is his ambition.


ok so whos winette how did she come to be????? Lol vince had accidentally did a summoning spell and winette just popped out the book?? He was like wtf is this but haha silly companion cute .

  • Why did he wake up in a lab??? Bro idk what this fucker got himself into but i gave him mad amnesia so guess we'll never know.
  • Is he a Cleric or Warlock because of his association with deities???? No since he doesn't necessarily get his powers from them. Think of him like a dark sorcerer wanting to revive an evil god or smth
  • Most of the divine people he's met are kinda annoying (looking at u aria)
  • Family? Nada, he grew up with a bunch of other kids from the temples.
  • Relationships? Didn't go too in dept with those since i was just scratching the surface typing his lore on here but theres . few .



Winette is like what comes out when a celestial coughs up a hairball or something. She is always with Vince but when she needs to sleep, she poofs out of existence and into her little pocket realm. Vince loves her very much.







Code by Hanae