Pansy Preston



6 years, 6 months ago



Pansy Preston








6’4” ft




High School Student



Pansy is a high school student just trying to have some fun. She’s currently attending her classes above the surface of the planet Xygoroth.


Pansy’s very quirky, eccentric, and hyperactive. The girl acts like she’s downed three cups of coffee every day because she’s that excitable.

Although she may come off as optimistic and cheery for the most part, like she can do no harm, she’s actually pretty sassy and can come up with the most clever insults and snide remarks if she wants to. She’s got a witty mouth.

She’s actually not that much of an optimistic person, nor is she as naive as some people think just because of her energetic and unique personality. She can surprisingly be pretty all-knowing, very omniscient.

She’s quite observant and tends to catch onto the little details. She can read into a situation and someone’s emotions pretty well.

Pansy has a mild interest in psychology and tends to psychoanalyze people and their problems.


Like all Xynthii, Pansy was born with two types of psychic powers: speaking through telepathy (since she doesn’t have a human mouth to talk through) and being able to levitate and float in the air at will.

She can’t really navigate and fly that high, she can only hover some inches above a surface, ground, or floor at most.


Pansy Preston was actually adopted and raised by two mothers, both of whom are florists.

One of her moms used to be a model and influenced Pansy to take a small interest in fashion.

She’s lived out an average, middle-class childhood so far, with nothing too big or noteworthy to reflect back on or impact her as a person.

Both her parents love her, she has a roof over her head, life is pretty nice so far.

But that’s exactly why she seeks out horror, thrills, and more through entertainment mediums such as shows, movies, and comics. She finds life to be a bit too vanilla sometimes and craves adventure through something she can watch and see.


Pansy loves colorful stuff, like rainbows and pastels, and doughnuts.

She loves all sorts of desserts equally, not just doughnuts, but doughnut-themed clothes are her aesthetic.

She’s a huge binge watcher and is kind of notorious for being able to stay up super late just to finish a season of a show.

Weirdly enough, coffee actually makes Pansy more drowsy rather than active. If she wants to stay energized, just some juice is enough to fuel her for a couple of hours.

She’s bad with names. It takes her a while to remember someone’s name, and if she’s not that close with them or hasn’t seen someone she only knew a little bit about in a while, she’ll forget their name.


n4M9zTI.jpg Marissa Merry

close friend and eventual bestie

tmeZsti.jpg Robin Ember

friend that she knows through Marissa

I2pLN92.jpg Farrah Mehira

a chill friend

788175?1552975496 Daisuke Diamond

an ex-boyfriend, but also still a good, close friend

4-A73541-E-B2-DC-41-C5-9-FD0-3652-CFB214 Wendy Wei Bode

a friend that she makes in school

EBA6-E5-DA-56-B9-48-A2-BE59-1635-C09879- Aria Amore

favorite X-Pop idol

3247218?1578346604 Riley Reed

favorite actor

Hi, it’s your girl Pansy!
