Wendy Wei Bode



5 years, 3 months ago



Wendy Wei Bode








5’6” ft




High School Student



Wendy is a Nunuke transfer student who’s attending a high school that mostly consist of Xynthii peers up on the surface of the planet Xygoroth.

She’s currently part of a Xynthii-Nunuke school program that helps fund the education of Nunuke kids who are from low-income backgrounds like her, hence why she’s attending school so far away. Currently, she lives in an apartment complex that basically serves as a Nunuke transfer student dormitory near a skating park that’s not too far from school.


Wendy is basically a softcore tsundere. She tries to act tough and a bit rude, tries to come off as intimidating, but once you warm up to her, you’ll realize that she’s secretly insecure of herself and has a bit of a compassionate side. She’s surprisingly soft and sweet once someone gets to know her more, though those parts of her are something that she usually reserves for family and friends.

She gets flustered and/or defensive pretty easily, often giving off almost explosive reactions if someone ever teases her. Her reactions can be a little exaggerated at times, and she can be a bit of a drama queen as well.

She’s actually pretty socially awkward and has always struggled to keep a conversation going. Sometimes she’ll accidentally say or phrase something awkwardly, much to her embarrassment. She cares way too much about what people think of her, though rarely will she ever admit this.


Like most Nunukes, Wendy was born with a stinger tail that can be used for self defense, though she’s never had to use it before in a serious life-or-death fight.


Growing up, Wendy was raised in a low-income household with two busy parents and three other siblings. Food was sometimes scarce and finances were almost always low, so she learned to appreciate what she had.

At one point throughout her childhood, Wendy used to get verbally bullied for being the less well-off kid. She used to get looked down upon due to the fact that she didn’t have much growing up (such as clothes and games).

As a result of her harsh upbringings, she developed some tough skin and a rough attitude.

She also secretly grew some low self-esteem issues and has a tendency to doubt anyone that even attempts to compliment and/or be nice to her.

One day, Wendy’s parents encouraged her to enroll in a Xynthii-Nunuke school program that helps low-income Nunuke kids by transferring over and having them attend high schools up on the surface of Xygoroth. Seeing as though this would benefit her family and she had nothing to lose, Wendy decided to say yes to the offer.

Basically, after registering for this program, all of Wendy’s school supplies, lunches, and the expenses for her living situation are going to be covered for as long as she stays enrolled in high school.

So, as long as she stays in school, does her best to pass her classes, and doesn’t get expelled, Wendy can have an education without any financial problems.


Wei is Wendy’s middle name.

Jack, her older brother, is one of the only few people that Wendy will allow to tease her. He likes cracking jokes with her and she secretly finds his chill personality endearing at times, not that she’ll ever admit it aloud.

Wendy doesn’t like mirrors, mostly because she doesn’t like looking at her reflection. She doesn’t like the way that she looks and thinks that the panda-themed hair she was born with is weird.


I2pLN92.jpg Farrah Mehira

persistent flirt and eventual girlfriend

n4M9zTI.jpg Marissa Merry

a friend she makes in school

tmeZsti.jpg Robin Ember

a friend that she knows through Farrah

1e5biTO.jpg Pansy Preston

a friend she makes in school

788175?1552975496 Daisuke Diamond

a friend she makes in school

3-BCDA5-A1-01-DD-4291-AD6-C-1-A485084184 Jack Bode

older brother

3738456?1578903628 Darwin Bode

second older brother

WmfHr5z.png Dante Bode

younger brother

E423-AFAB-8224-4-BC5-861-A-04-AC3-B6-E44 Charlie Giles

long-distance childhood friend

hOdioqQ.png Lars Mars

long-distance childhood friend

svahSHQ.png Leah Giles

Charlie's younger sister

6022072?1581371954 Teagan Ikari

friendly classmate

D3-C7-B298-68-D6-44-D8-8-C10-775-BA3-E24 Rhett Wu


The door’s right there, you know.
