Marissa Merry



5 years, 5 months ago



Marissa Merry








6’1” ft




High School Student



Marissa is a student who’s still enrolled in high school. She’s doing good in academics so far, scoring A’s and the occasional B’s, and tries to study often in order to earn those kinds of grades.

She likes kids and is thinking of becoming an elementary school teacher someday.


Marissa has a shy, meek, pushover type of personality with a touch of social anxiety. She possesses an occasional stutter in her speech and has an anxious habit of twisting her fingers together or looking down at the floor to avoid eye contact with people.

She’s very humble and polite, always agreeing with someone whenever they’re demonstrating strong points. She usually never wants to offer her own opinion or feedback about something for fear of sounding stupid and coming off as too bossy. She never wants to be too bossy or come off as too rude.

At times, she can be quite gloomy about her view towards life and almost always has no confidence that things will go well for her or that luck is on her side.


Like all Xynthii, Marissa was born with two types of psychic powers: speaking through telepathy (since she doesn’t have a human mouth to talk through) and being able to levitate and float in the air at will.

She can’t really navigate and fly that high, she can only hover some inches above a surface, ground, or floor at most.


Marissa Merry was born in an average, middle-class family household with a mother, a father, and an older sister of ten years.

Growing up, Marissa used to get picked on by these mean popular girls who would treat her like their servant up until the later years of high school. She’d have to do their homework, carry their textbooks, save their seats during lunch, and just be their obedient dog. They’d always tell her that she was lucky to even have ‘friends’ like them, for without them, she’d be nothing.

A lot of her peers also started to tease or make fun of her squeaky, high-pitched vocals when she hit high school, since she still sounds like someone high on helium.

She only stuck around these mean popular girls and called them her ‘friends’ because she was afraid of being lonely. Now, she’s cut ties with them and is trying to be in a better place, though she still harbors a few trust issues and a lot of insecurity thanks to years of mistreatment.

It’s hard for Marissa to make friends nowadays, let alone believe that she’s worthy of that sort of companionship.


Marissa likes to wear baggy sleeves.

Like her older sister, she also likes to bake, though she only does it on occasion and specializes in making cookies and cupcakes.

She likes learning about other life forms, such as aliens and conspiracy theories, and is into geeky sci-fi comics and shows. She just likes learning about space and the stars in general, having an interest in astrology as a hobby.

She’s also pretty fond of superhero comics and superhero-related stuff. She’s kind of a geek overall.


tmeZsti.jpg Robin Ember

beloved boyfriend

1e5biTO.jpg Pansy Preston

close friend and eventual bestie

I2pLN92.jpg Farrah Mehira

a chill friend

4-A73541-E-B2-DC-41-C5-9-FD0-3652-CFB214 Wendy Wei Bode

a friend she makes in school

788175?1552975496 Daisuke Diamond

a friend she makes in school

BA51-FEBE-7-D8-B-4-CF8-A0-E6-253-A094-EB Mimi Merry

older sister

5592-EF19-4-F32-4-B86-846-B-902-AFA4349- Bebe Bright

like a big sister to her, even if they’re not related by blood

2-E4-D4-C4-F-53-C4-4119-9-E0-F-531-C6528 Caitlyn East

her sister’s friend and former babysitter

3247218?1578346604 Riley Reed

favorite actor

7-AD177-D9-FC7-B-4975-9071-EEAD91-BBF9-E Spencer Deuce

the kid she babysits on weekends

82-CE17-B0-8-F0-C-4-FE5-A59-D-7-B1-E0310 Ace Deuce

her favorite teacher and the woman she babysits Spencer for

008-EDB88-676-F-4348-BC14-2-CCE8-E99-E80 Andy Evans

that one Nunuke boy that works at her and her sister’s favorite ice cream shop

EBA6-E5-DA-56-B9-48-A2-BE59-1635-C09879- Aria Amore

favorite X-Pop idol

Um, can I help you?
