Nightmare Auran Thorne



2 years, 2 months ago


Name: Night Auran Thorne

Nicknames: Nightmare (Multiple People), Darling (Uncle Death)

Age: 57 (In demon years 1570)

Gender: Female

Skin Tone: Tequila

Eyes: Dark Royal Blue

Hair: Mirage & Dark Royal Blue

Race: American

Species: Night Demon

Height: 6'1

Weight: 165

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: Married (To Nathaniel Thorne)

Birthday: August 10th

Sign: Leo

Abilities: Going into people's dreams and nightmares, Controlling stars and meteors, Witch spells

Weapon: Witch Wands

Likes: Casting Spells, Nathaniel, Starry nights, Jokes, Apples. Brooms, Slow dancing, Doing almost anything with Nathaniel, Truvius, Emily, Moon, Stars, Helping people, Death Inc, Making objects move, Wands, Lattes, Children, Helping people sleep

Dislikes: Bad treatment towards her husband, Not being able to control a dream, Skullmores and Nathaniels bickering, Oranges, Her previous lovers, Being blamed for a nightmare out of her control, Pitchforks, Torches, Witch discrimination

Voice Headcannon: Wendie Malick:

Theme Song: Come Little Children From Hocus Pocus

Personality: Nightmare is very much the fun aunt type of lady. She loves to joke around and have a good time, lighting up the mood whenever she can. She can be a bit flirtatious when it comes to her husband Nathaniel. Always leaning on him and holding his hand. What can I say she is madly in love.  She is also very understanding if someone is going through something. Always a good listener and very empathetic. She will do her best to cheer someone up from a hard time. Which is good cause the Thorne family could use a pick me up. Nightmare can be a little forgetful sometimes, making her little mistakes here and there, hopefully not ones that will break someone's dreams. She gets defensive at times over things. If you start arguing with her over something she cares about she will fight back. But all in all, Nightmares is a pretty good wife, aunt, and witch. Doing her best for her family 24/7.

Bio: Nightmare's time period was quite some time ago in the 1600s. During Nightmare's time alive she for a short time, was not a witch, She was a normal lady looking for the perfect man to spend the rest of her life with. But things weren't like the fairytales she had read. No matter who she found, no matter how good the guy was. It was never the one. She ended up starting to give up over time and instead she decided to find out who she was with no lover beside her. Turns out she was quite the good witch, she loved all the parts of doing magic and spells however this outcasted her from society. She had learned she had an amazing gift of looking into people's dreams and nightmares. But no one took kindly to her abilities. No one wanted some witch-like woman looking into their dreams. The people shunned her away and Nightmare had no choice but to live in a cabin in the woods. She ended up enjoying her little cabin. She lived there for quite some time...Until that faithful day. She was accused of using her magic to hurt the townspeople and curse them into illness. The people tried to find her and come after her for her doings, pitchforks, torches, and all. Nightmare knew there wasn't a way to get out of this. It was one against hundreds. She tried to escape but alas a pitchfork was launched right through her. She passed away but awoke in a new realm, in the arms of none other than death himself. The moment the two locked eyes, they knew. It was meant to be. Nightmare had to get used to hell and being a rare breed of demon, but luckily Nathaniel, or death in this case took a liking to her and knew her power's worth. So he put her into his business Death Inc.  As time went on the two bonded and even got married, now she is a part of the royal Thorne family! Nightmare had finally gotten her happily ever after, in the afterlife.