Seth Glass



2 years, 10 months ago


Name: Seth Glass

Nicknames: Setharooni (Truvius), Alpha Junior (Multiple people), Kid (Multiple people),

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Skin Tone: Navajo White

Eyes: Military Green

Hair: Ball Blue & Persian Red

Race: American

Species: Human

Height: 6'0

Weight: 168

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single (Has crush on Avanna Iona)

Birthday: February 10th

Sign: Aquarius

Abilities: Super Strength, Agility, Hand to hand combat knowledge

Weapon: Brass Knuckles

Likes: Parkour, Unity, His family, His friends, Boxing, Chocolate, Steak, The Beach, Being his own hero, Jackets, Beanies, Heights, Training, Tattoo's, Comics, Avanna, Meeting other heroes, Protecting people, Trophies, Earning respect, Spending quality time with his team

Dislikes: The Villainy 101, Matchers "Gifts", Losing a fight, Not meeting expectations, Being ignored during meetings, Viberto Sire, Being outshined by his father, The nickname "Alpha Junior", Cuts and bruises, Being sick, Being on the sidelines

Voice Headcannon: Greg Abbey:

Theme Song: Stand Up By Shallow Side

Personality: Seth is what you would expect from the son of a world-class hero. Seth isn't the arrogant type. He is a cool-headed and honorable leader, always doing his best to protect the crime-filled town of Novanoid. Seth likes to keep the town in order same as his team. Always writing the plans, setting up training sessions, etc. However, he is not always this serious. He has his moments where he allows himself to relax and spend time with his team outside of work. He loves trying new things especially daredevil stunts on buildings. However, there is a part of him that is worried about always being behind his father's shadow. With his headstrong attitude and mouthy responses, this insecurity is something he often thinks about. If there is one thing he want's more than anything it's to protect Novanoid and be his own person. Not just Alpha Junior. 

Bio: Seth grew up in a pretty interesting home. With loving parents and an annoying yet lovable baby brother, Seth got to do most things a kid would do. However, the interesting part about said the family was that Seth's Father Denzel is the hero of Novanoid. Over the years, Seth watched his Father save the day. Whether it was in person or on TV his dad was an inspiration. Once he had grown into a teenager he had asked his Father about teaching him some fighting techniques. Of course, he said yes as they began training. But Seth didn't just want to learn from his Dad. He wanted his own skills, his own style. So he signed up to a few underground fighting arenas. With both the training from Denzel and the arena tournaments. Seth figured out what he wanted for his future. He wanted to be the next hero of Novanoid. When he began his dream he was met with okay results. Minus the fact, he was always compared to the original hero. He knew he couldn't just be the new hero without some sort of change to the formula. He needed a team to be seen as something different. So he created the team Unity and now he leads with an iron fist.