Avanna Iona




Name: Avanna Iona

Nicknames: Little Lady (Truvius), Clown (Truvius), Fish Lady (James),

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Skin Tone: Clay Brown

Eyes: Asparagus Green

Hair: Ebony Clay

Race: American/Hawaiian

Species: Human

Height: 5'5

Weight: 148

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship Status: Single (Has crush on Seth Glass)

Birthday: July 15th

Sign: Cancer

Abilities: Water Manipulation

Likes: Surfing, Hanging out with the team, Seth, Protecting the city, Her hometown, Her brothers and family, Hibachi, Coconut Water, Summertime, The beach, Having fun, Waterbeds, Cannonball driving, Driving, Parkour, Competition, TV shows, Bubble baths, Exercising, Training

Dislikes: Failing in any way, Losing a game, Being belittled, Making fun of Hawaii, Her brother's being bratty, Cheating at games, Being stuck indoors for a long time, Her abilities backfiring on her, Fire, Dirty streets and air, Power outages. 

Voice Headcannon: Auli'i Cravalho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnXnAAjbidU

Theme Song: Beachhouse By The Chainsmokers

Personality: The quite literally bubbly Avanna is always a bundle of fresh air! She is always active and out and about. Exercising is something she always has a fun time doing. However, her favorite part of it is being outside enjoying the sights and fresh air. Avanna is a goal-getter, always doing whatever she can to achieve what she and her team need to achieve. She is also quite family-oriented. Whether it be her biological family or her teammate's family, she is there to help and be there no matter what. However sometimes Avanna can be impatient with things, always wanting to find something to keep busy with. She can also be persistent. If she wants something done she will make sure it gets done. But all in all this spunky surfer can keep a good mood wave going!

Bio: Avanna didn't grow up in Novanoid like some of the many heroes. She was raised on the sunny beaches of Hawaii. It was a small island home but the family had raised Avanna alongside her three older brothers there. The four siblings would learn about themselves, their powers and of course life itself growing up. Avanna had found over time she was quite fond of the ocean and surfing. So she had taken it up as a career path. She had done many contests and won most if not all of them, with cash prizes of course. However, she found her true calling when a tsunami was going to wipe out the whole island. Before the awful disaster could hit, Avanna at the age of eighteen stopped the water with her powers. Powers she had no idea she possessed until that day. The whole island celebrated and named her and her brother's the protectors of the village. However later in her life, she wanted to see more of the world than just the small village she grew up in. So she moved out to Novanoid and left the island to her three brothers and parents. Once she arrived in the bustling town it wasn't long before she found work with Seth Glass and became a friend and member of Unity.