Daniel Chen's Comments

He is such an amazing character! All your characters have such unique and interesting backstories as well as very detailed profiles so I'm so glad that I could read about him!

I really love his design, it's very simple but still interesting and matches his personality very well!

I find his personality to be very interesting! He is such a complex and well-developed character and it's great to see how he interacts with other characters of yours, Especially Aislyn and Flynn. It's also great that he participates in the Defenders' missions on Earth! I'm sure that despite not being able to enter Sol, Daniel is a great advantage for the team due to his intelligence. I'd really love to know more about the missions the Earth Squad helps with!

Thanks for the thoughtful comment <3! I'm glad you like my dorky space enthusiast. Hehe, he definitely tries to help as much as he can with earth missions.

I Love Him. I might be biased because I just really like seeing Chinese characters around, especially when written in such detail as you've done here. I especially like that he has realistic and diverse interests, those are one of my favourite things to read about in any character profile, and yours always feel like a real person's list of likes and dislikes.

Oh and characters who love science are my absolute weakness (because same), as are stories about characters who inherit some sort of legacy from their parents. In this case, his parents' influence on his life is mostly positive (from what's revealed on your profile), which is somehow very rare, and I find that refreshing.

You have a knack for juggling supernatural happenings and details about the characters' regular lives, and as with all your other characters I can't help but to wonder, is Dan inspired in any way by real life, whether by your own experiences or from someone you know etc.?

Thank you, Journey! Your comments are always so thoughtful <3!

I'm really glad you enjoyed Dan's profile :)! And Dan is close to my heart. I'm a Filipino with some Chinese blood so I'll defo be drawing from some of my own / some of my friends' experiences when I write down his story. My OCs aren't really inspired by specific people, but I do take traits I notice here and there (from others and sometimes from myself) and give them to my OCs.

Nice! It's cool to know that certain aspects of Dan have that sort of significance to you; it always makes OCs seem all that much more special. especially when it's a personal connection like a shared background!

Ooh he's adorable! I love characters who are fascinated by space and science, I really appreciate how his gallery shows it ♥

Thank you so much <3! I'm glad you like my dorky space enthusiast.