


2 years, 1 month ago


the seedy side 'recruiter' of the yasiara. he finds this planet fun and funny and enjoys sticking around to watch all the madness unfold!
honestly even if he left this planet he would be a bit lost and unsure, he doesn't remember much before coming down here..... but that's his secret shh

he's full of hot air but compared to the 'mortals' that live down here, he seems to be able to back up his words. he's basically a smug bully despite being like... 3000 years old, and should be beyond this level of petty foolishness lol

most think of him as a snake-person, maybe a changeling, or shifter. he thinks they might be right? but he can't really remember seeing any other creature as similar as him. shrug...

- he has a large dragonoid-esque feral form, which he himself is a bit weirded out by, doesn't change into it often unless being hunted down and needs to intimidate others beyond his usual 'magic tricks'
- the wings and the horns are closer to his main form but they are easy to shift away (aka optional to draw)... the tail is not optional. in fact sometimes he cannot shift his legs into place and ends up with just slithering by on his tail (naga form)
- he do be kinda eating mortals tho 😳
- legendary elxin with same colored pupil, uc mutation 'hoof' shape