


2 years, 2 months ago



Dr. Sorren Rook

Called Rook or Dr. Rook
Age Late 50s
Gender Cis Man (he/him)
Height tbd
Species Eurasian Eagle-Owl
Magic n/a


A scientist and doctor who works for The Safe Spot.

Rook's worn many hats over the years, moving from task to task within TSS. A couple years ago he was assigned DE-1306, aka Blaire. She had become pregnant and TSS wanted to make sure her and her baby were well taken care of. The two barely spoke outside of medical questions, that was until it was time to seperate Blarie from her son. Blaire wanted her son to live a better life than she had, and asked Rook to help him out. Rook was hesitant at first, it went directly against what he was told to do. But Blaire's son was much smaller than he should have been for his age, and Rook feared that his body couldn't handle the standard TSS toddler tests. So he agreed to help her.
At first Rook just delayed seperating them, telling his bosses half-truths about why they needed to stay together. But by the time he turned four, they started to grow suspicious. So Rook came up with a new plan. Erase Blaire's son's memory and set him free into the world, but tell Rook's bosses that he couldn't handle the first experiment and died. After some hesitation, Blarie agreed. Rook could tell loosing her son really effected Blaire and did his best to cheer her up, but it didn't seem to do much.
As the years passed Rook kept an eye on Blaire's son, who ended up being called Chip, and updated her on the things he discovered as they happened. It seemed to help, and in the end it brought the two of them closer, almost becoming friends. But now Rook's beginning to worry that becoming closer with Blaire will make continuing to work for TSS hard.

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