


2 years, 2 months ago



Full name: Fuck you need to know that for.

Age: 25.

Gender: Trans man.

Gay: Yeah. What about it.

Height: Five four.

Species: Human.

Data: A strong willed, emotional and passionate man with a penchant for starting and finishing fights; firey and fiesty, a fierce force against those who raise a fist against him. Has very little self preservation and will put himself in danger when clouded by anger; of which he is full to the brim of. An excellent fighter in a pinch, smart and fast and far better at taking hits than many expect from the look of how scrawny he is. Far more caring than his initial temperament might suggest, he has a kind nature when not backed into a corner or forced to defend himself and is very gentle and loving around those he loves; he is extremely protective of his friends and feels love very, very strongly. High energy and prone to running headfirst into situatuons, but is wiley enough to find his way out of most.

Detail notes: Has a tattoo across his chest and collar bones of a deaths head hawkmoth and lavender flowers. Hair is almost always covering one eye. Has ADHD! Talks with his hands a lot.

Relationships: Boyfriend to Jack and Clay!