


9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info








Dénes is the Herald, but delivering new ideas isn't his main power -- he has the ability to tap into people's hearts, draw out their true desire and essentially give them permission to follow it. By doing so, he settles feelings of indecisiveness that can paralyze progress, or “clears the fog,” so to speak. However, the results are often chaotic. He can also induce epiphanies of his choosing if he wishes, but doesn't do it as often as he did hundreds of years ago.


Very opinionated with a powerful speaking pattern. He was a lone wolf until Sándor came along. Wants to be in center stage all the time. Suppresses his anger; his mood smolders when something bothers him. Is very mature, but has a youthful affectionate side and dislikes being separate from people he likes. 

Most gods of the aether believe they are the highest beings in existence but Dénes believes there is something higher still (not necessarily God). His personal philosophy doesn't jive with the rest of the gods. They whisper about him behind his back.

He believes that the gods are just as susceptible to influence from "higher beings" as the humans. He believes gods should nurture their own culture, a view shared by Love, but their stance on the ideal level of interference with humans is very different. He has a "whatever will be, will be" outlook on life.

He loves to travel, but stays within the astral plane most of the time to avoid complications that come from being in the mortal realm for too long (hunger, etc.). Becomes irritable or depressed if he's in the aether for too long, however.


He used to enjoy eating food, but says he has refused to touch it since he decided it's pointless; gods do not need to eat. (The real story is that he stopped eating after meeting Ambrus because he felt uncomfortable consuming food in front of him, and they were together all the time.) However, he will make an exception if it's served with alcohol or it's a holy day. Sometimes he forgets, and feels guilty for days afterward. Liquids are fine.

He's high enough on the social ladder to own his own villa, but he doesn't use it. His reputation among the gods precedes his person. Seems to have deep knowledge of the Twelve Olympians and is keeping mum on his connections for now, but he is known to be an old friend of Ambrus.

He and Sándor (his aide/lover) don't agree on a lot of things, but for Dénes, having someone who can understand his rambling is more important than whether they agree.

Once had the one true lamp in his possession, but not anymore.

He is the most sympathetic of all gods toward the mikroi theoi.