
Nikolai Morozov

Nikolai Morozov
NameNikolai Morozov
Name Meaning'Victorious'
Surname Meaning'Frost'
NicknamesFrozen Blade of Yukiyama
Romantic OrientationGay(Closeted)
Height5'11" / 180cm
Weight175lbs / 80kg
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorRed Purple
Blood TypeO-
Birthday15th of June
Astrological SignGemini
Theme Color#780000
Professional Status
OccupationRoyal Guard
TalentUltimate Royal Guard
AffiliationThe House of Kanika
Hope's Peak Academy
MotherTaisiya Morozov(Dead)
FatherOleg Morozov(Dead)
Voice Claims
Voice ClaimThorns(AK)

"My only duty is to serve his Highness, Katar Kanika. That's what I've been ordered to do since my youth, and I will continue to do so until my dying breath."
―Nikolai Morozov

Nikolai was always in the center of attention since his arrival in the USA as an ambassador. Many would try to get an interview with him, to learn about the new lands that were only just now being visited due to age-long storms that had consumed it, to learn about himself and his home and even his liege. And yet, however many times journalists or tabloids would try to get information out of him, his lips would be sealed shut.

All that’s known is that he fares from the Kingdom of Yukiyama, now working in a neighboring Kingdom of Takanasia where he serves its prince. Having been by his side since youth, the two are great friends and allies, which is why Nikolai was picked to work as an ambassador by giving him the title of an Ultra Royal Guard.

Cold and unresponsive, he is mostly known for how he strivers for strength despite his obliviousness to social cues and habits of Americans.


Nikolai looks nothing but professional; despite his occupation as a guard, he doesn’t seem to be wearing any armor - whether it is because he is wearing some underneath his suit or because he is that confident in his ability is unknown. In contrast to the one he serves, his hair is much shorter, not even reaching his neck, always kept slick with an exception of a small cow lick that dangles above his forehead. His face otherwise is rather unremarkable, due to his constant expression of frost and loyalty, his red eyes always staring past people.

As mentioned before, Nikolai doesn’t wear any visible armor; instead, he wears a black suit with semi-visible straps with fur finishings. Under it, he wears a crimson vest, a white shirt with a standing collar and a black ascot tie; the biggest splash of color was a turquoise and made from crystal snowflake that’s attached to his lapel - a symbol of his allegiance and utter trust by his liege. His trousers are plain black, with a set of thick shoes - better not to be the target for those, a kick could seriously hurt being dealt with those on. Lastly, he wears a sheath on his right side, where his trust blade often rests.

Though this is all that is seen, there’s more that he hides underneath. Though, it is mostly just injuries he has sustained from his work as a soldier and a guard. The biggest injury is to his right arm, where a big scar runs all the way down to his elbow. Due to the severity of the injury, it was a miracle that he has only lost the ability to move his right arm.


Nikolai is cold, almost as cold as the lands of his birth. He rarely talks to anyone that isn’t his liege or unless prompted - but even when he would speak, it would be hard to get anything interesting out of him; at least, in his eyes. Wherever it is due to his obsessive nature toward training and being the strongest tampering with his socializing skills or there being something deeper, no one knows.

While he doesn’t like to talk, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to converse in different ways - in a fight. As someone who had to fight and protect from a young age, he is very fixated on the idea that the only time a person can’t lie is when they are fighting(blame Dimitri for that-). That is why, whenever he doubts someone’s intentions, the first thing that comes to his mind is to challenge them to a duel, to test their conviction… Of course, that doesn’t really work in Takanasia or in the Academy.

And yet, despite his cold exterior and one-track mind, he does have a bit of a softer side to him. Perhaps more commonly seen when he’s forced out of his comfort zone, he tends to be both awkward yet curious. If you were to present him with a concept of a V-Tuber, he’d be very much flustered yet will bombard you with questions about what such a thing is - perhaps confusing him is the best way of getting an actual conversation out of him.

Though, as stated before, it is important to not underestimate his behavior and dedication. Even if he has a softer and more awkward side, a side of child-like curiosity that he wasn’t able to feed as a kid, he is still a man that works as a guard. He is capable of attacking anyone in a split second, and without someone to keep him in check, his short temper can very much be his demise. He would never go for a killing shot unless in danger, of course, but suddenly having someone at your throat would not make things better either.

Creation Origins

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Roleplay Experiences






Dimitri Sokolov

The last connection to his home in Yukiyama; he was the person who trained him before he moved to Takanasia, and then took care of him when the War of Thorns began - cheerful and throwing dad jokes around, yet serious and strict when it comes to training. He is like a father figure, even if Nikolai would never be caught admitting it.

Nao Minami

Katar's right hand and fellow protector of his. Nikolai doesn't really talk a lot with Nao, seeing how different they are, but he acknowledges that he's a reliable and responsible monk who simply wants to see his home repaired. Nikolai is glad that at least he was able to pass away in peace and quiet, and not surrounded by blood and war like others.


Katar Kanika

Not a surprise that the one person he swore to protect until his dying breath is his most cherished one. The two grew up together and went through highs and lows. Whether the feelings are strictly on friendship or a bit further is unknown, but Nikolai cares for him as a friend, family and the future king.


  • Nikolai's original name was firstly Hogo Sha, which translated to "Guard" roughly, asnd then it was changed to Hayate Sano;
  • He was scrapped but then brought back due to me missing his stoic ass❤️
  • He's from the Kingdom of Yukiyama, which is based off of Russia! Whiiiiich means I will need to change his name at some point-

Profile by Erandia
Fruits Basket OC Version by @MissMaryGrace