Katar Kanika



Katar Kanika

Katar Kanika
NameKatar Kanika
Name Meaning'Peak'
Surname Meaning'Gold'
Romantic OrientationAsexual - Biromantic
Height5'11" / 180cm
Weight175lbs / 80kg
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorGreen
Blood TypeB
Birthday24th of December
Astrological SignCapricorn
Theme Color#8EE2F6
Professional Status
TalentUltimate Prince
AffiliationThe House of Kanika
Hope's Peak Academy
MotherKaede Kanika(Dead)
FatherKazuo Kanika(Dead)
SiblingsKari Kanika(Older Sister)
OthersKimi, Yuki, Youta(Pet Rabbits)
RoleplayThe Dungeon Despair
Voice Claims
Voice ClaimLan Zhan(MDZS)

"Thank you for your condolences regarding my family, however you need not to worry yourself about it - I know that my parents are in a better place now, and are proud of me and our Kingdom."
―Katar Kanika

While Sensaigo - a collection of five remaining Kingdoms - is rather unknown to the casual folk, those that are in the craft of trade politics and the like know quite a bit about it; some admire the beautiful forests of Kaigan, while others fear the military power of Yukiyama and envy the trade of Bashoharu - however, the most known Kingdom due to their culture is the Kingdom of Takanasia, that's in the middle of all the Kingdoms. What does this Kingdom have to offer? From a business point of view, not a lot as it is a very spiritual and religious place where conflict is to be solved by peaceful means. However, there are two people that are well known there due to their titles.

Katar Kanika is one of them; the tales of the last member of the House of Kanika - the long-lasting royalty since the founding days of Sensaigo - spread far and wide, especially due to his inputs in the 'Moonlight Campaign'(earning him the title of the 'Hero of Moon') where he and the armies from Yukiyama and Bashoharu fought to free Takanasia after the Shin'ainaian army attacked, starting the bloodbath that the 'War of Thorns' was. Thanks to his dedication and leadership, he managed to free his old Kingdom from the clutches of the opposition.

After that, as the sole heir, Katar was tossed into the responsibilities of a King despite his young age of 18 - yet despite everything, he managed to create his own council and help to rebuild the Kingdom while also assisting other lands; he was gifted a title of the 'Ultimate Prince', due to him not being crowned King yet, for his outstanding dedication for his Kingdom, iron will and persistence.

The future of the Kingdom of Takanasia is shining bright with Katar as their leader.


Katar’s attire is one that reflects his status and power - at least in the context of Takanasian culture. His black hair is tied up in a small man bun on top of his head, with the rest of his hair being down, reaching to his legs along with a small fluff of hair on the left side of his head. Speaking of it, his face always bears a stoic and stern expression, with his lime eyes glimmering in contrast to his icy-blue eyeliner at the edges of his eyes.

For his attire, he wears something similar to a traditional hanfu - which is probably due to the influence from over the years - with the inner part of it being a sleeveless, white dress with a snowflake pattern, tied together with a blue sash(which also had the crest of Takanasia on it) that had a black flute behind it, along with a blue sash with a crystal near the bottom of it. Underneath it, he also wears a turquoise, woollen v-shirt. On top of it all, he wears a long, nearly ground touching - robe in the colour of the night sky, with golden ends and a snowflake pattern starting on the bottom and going up the textile. It also has long sleeves of the same nature, where one could easily carry a book and some other trinkets if so desired.

He also carries a sword in a blue sheath, with the sheat resting behind the sash as well, often hidden away from the view due to his robe; lastly, he wears white shoes made from leather, with a strong sole to make sure that walking around would be as comfortable as possible.


Katar is a book example of how a prince should behave; whenever he’s in public, he makes sure to present himself as a confident and kind ruler, even if he’s often described as stoic and borderline cold due to how little emotion is ever seen on his face. He often deals with matters in an aloof manner - often taking care of them from the distance instead of getting close to it.

However, the people of Takanasia know what he’s been through, and understand why he’s like that, as despite his serious demeanor most of the time, they know he’s a kind and patient ruler, who simply wants the best for his people. With his resilience and extreme selflessness due to him following - like many other monks and people - the teachings of Heiwa Shizuka which helped him develop his leadership skills and diplomacy.

Creation Origins

Katar had a lot of rewrites behind his belt, as he's one of the only remaining OCs from my 'Old Class' - along with Shizen, Kiwia, Asōgi and Fiyu - and at the time, one of the notes I put for him was 'A Nicer Byakuya'. At the time, he was supposed to be a cold, businessman-like man with a softer side to him when with people he cares for. Later on, he became a walking "Is this joke too peasant for me to understand?"; a cold, greedy man that wasn't afraid to use force to get what he wanted, using his royal guard Hayate - at the time called Hogo - like a tool. From that? He was still that, but more on a conflicted side, as all that he was doing was to help his parents that were struggling with repairs after a war between Gyrohine and Epladasia.

Now, he went through an Ultimate - haha get it - makeover as not only did I change his apperance and personality to reflect a refined and traditional prince inspired slightly by Asian countries, but the Kingdoms also got improved as instead of Taknuobia, Epladasia and Gyrohine, there are Yukiyama, Takanasia, Bashoharu, Shin'aina and Kaigan with their own lores, cultures, trades and climates. All of this was inspired by MDZS, and honestly, the big reason why I decided to rewrite him was just so I can have an excuse to get people into MDZS with his voice claim - and also because I didn't like his past reincarnations. As a fun fact, there was a time when I wanted to make him a peasant

As a fun fact, there was a time when I wanted to make him a peasant, with Hayate still being his best friend, as the two of them would stage a revolution against a tyranical Kingdom, something like what Venti and his bard friend did in Genshin Impact. However, the reason why I didn't go that direction was because at the time when I was discussing this with my friend, I genuienly forgot that it was a thing(lmao-). My brain is a mush 24/7 with how many ideas I have.

Roleplay Experiences

Despair Dungeon

A roleplay that solidified his ties to the fantasy genre and helped me create Sensaigo as a whole. The roleplay had a bunch of magical people and creatures stuck in one place, where people could kill but trials didn't happen. Sadly, majority of the cast were inactive, which limited Katar's ability to befriend people. At the end of the roleplay, he befriended around six of them, with others dying throughout the duration of the roleplay, but had to bid them farewell in order to return to his own world.





Nao Minami

A Head Priest of Takanasia, and the last person alive that Katar grew up with; Nao was the one that taught Katar how to cultivate and use his Shin for good, selfless, reasons while also assisted his parents with decisions. He was also one of the main people that assisted with evacuaion of the civilians in the Capital, when the news of the war reached their ears. Now, as an eldery man, he's one of the four people in the council that Katar formed after the war ended to distribute power equally.


Nikolai Morozov

Katar's personal Royal Guard since age of 8 from the Kingdom of Yukiyama and his closest friend he had for a long while; when the Shin'ainaian army attacked the palace, Hayate was ordered with ensuring that Katar would be brought to the safety of the Kingdom of Yukiyama, and he did just that. He was also one of the four people that gained the 'Hero of the Moon' title after the fight, although he was the only one that was rewarded it post-mortem, due to his death in the war.


Izaya Dere

A Shin'ainaian refugee that works for Katar now as his personal Royal Translator and Interpreter after the war; with his twin sister - Koko Dere, now living in the Kingdom of Kaigan - he escaped his home after the war started to take off, and was taken in by Nao as he found them in a Takanasian Forest, when he was taking his people into hiding. Despite the initial protest, he kept them and protected them until the war ended, helping them get on their feet despite their nationality.


  • Katar's had many designs, such as one that made him look like a cosplayer, however, the current one is inspired by Lan Zhan from Mo Dau Zu Shi, which is a Chinese Novel;
  • Originally he was an annoying prince, then the plans had him to be a ruthless, narcassistic leader with God complex and then he evolved into a stoic, cold but hardworking ruler;
  • Ship wise, at one point he was shipped with my Trickster by my friend, despite both of them being straight at the time.

Profile by Erandia
Fruits Basket OC Version by @MissMaryGrace