Pepper Chomsky



2 years, 2 months ago


Character bought from @rinlinart (via Twitter)

2 characters for $300

Piroman Goblin

Hybrid of Dankwood goblins and mountain Goblin from Ixalan

Agrona: meaning battle, slaughter.
Madison: son of Maud. Maud means mighty in battle.

Real name: Ruisneas Agrona Madison Chomsky
Nickname: Pepper 

Height: 3´5 (104.14 cm)

Info Goblin:

Goblins were a race of small and numerous goblinoids common throughout Toril, often living in underground caverns near the surface known as lairs. The race was often, though not always, dominated by other goblinoids, most commonly hobgoblins. Goblins may have, in fact, been initially created by this related race to serve as scouts and infiltrators.

Goblins usually stood between 3′4″‒3′8″ (1‒1.1 m) and weighed about 40‒55 lb (18‒25 kg) on average. They had flat faces, sloped back forehead, broad noses, pointed ears, and small, sharp fangs. and their eyes varied in color from red to yellow. Their skin color ranged from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red, though they also came in shades of green. All members of the same tribe normally shared the same skin color.

Goblins typically dressed in dark leathers soiled by poor hygiene and colored in a similar range of tones to their skin.

Goblins are an inquisitive and adaptable race hampered by their small size, their natural cowardice, and a severe shortage of common sense. They eagerly explore areas that others hesitate to enter, and  obsessively fiddle with magic that more sensible folk would take careful precautions with. They prize ancient artifacts not for their  inherent value, but primarily as a mark of status—for a precious trophy proves that its owner survived a delve into a deep and dangerous ruin.

A typical goblin stands between three-and-a-half and five feet tall,  with a slender, elongated build. Goblins' arms are unusually long and  spindly, making them adept at climbing cliffs and trees. Their skin has a stony texture, ranging in color from red-brown to moss green or gray.  Their ears are large and swept back, their eyes are intensely red, and many sport heavy bone protrusions on their spines or elbows.  Males have similar growths jutting from their chins, while females have heavier growths on their foreheads.


Like other goblinoids, goblins often had a short temper, and were more easily provoked than individuals of most other races. They often found it difficult to overcome this short fuse, and had a sense of greed that made it difficult for them to act altruistically. They also generally took sadistic pleasure in exacting revenge once crossed.

Young goblins were taught from an early age to rely only on themselves, and that to survive, they needed to be aggressive and ruthless. To a goblin, it didn't seem logical to treat others as well or better than you would treat yourself; rather, they believed in preemptively removing potential rivals before they could become a threat. Expatriated goblins would sometimes try to recreate the circumstances of their culture, preying on the weaknesses of others in non-goblin communities.

Despite their generally poor reputation however, not all goblins were dim-witted or evil. Some goblins have risen to become heroes,  gaining enough renown to be accepted into the civilized world of other, more commonly good races. Those goblins seeking this path may have found it difficult to overcome their temper and greed, as well as the cultural influence of their brethren, but those who did often found it could be more rewarding, in the long run at least, to serve good rather than to serve evil. Those that did often made use of their ill-gained talents as rogues or fighters.


Being  bullied by bigger, stronger creatures had taught goblins to exploit what few advantages they had, namely sheer numbers and malicious ingenuity. They favored ambushes, overwhelming odds, dirty tricks, and any other edges they could devise, the concept of a fair fight being meaningless in their society. They were an elusive and nimble race, which enabled them to slip away from danger more easily than most. In combat, goblins often used this advantage to sneak up on enemies and deal them a blow from hiding and then slip away before they could be retaliated against.

When they had superior numbers in battle, goblins would attempt to flank lone combatants. Retreat or surrender was their general response to being outmatched.

Goblins were often known to fight with military picks, morningstars, short swords, slings, and spears.


Goblins were not known for having their lives valued.

Goblin society was tribal by nature, generally led by the strongest  (and sometimes smartest) around, who normally had access to the best weapons. Leaders among the race often came to power through betrayal or aggression rather than by more peaceful means, or as clerics of the goblin gods.  Because of the violent nature of goblin culture, it was not uncommon for goblins to come under the domination of individuals from a larger, more physically powerful culture, most typically larger goblinoids such as hobgoblins or bugbears.

Goblins had little concept of privacy, living and sleeping in large communal areas with only the leaders living separately in their own private chambers. As such, goblin lairs were often stinking or soiled, though easily defended when under assault and layered with simple traps for such purposes. The innermost chambers of goblin lairs were usually the most densely-populated and well-defended. Goblin settlements were often filled with young goblin children, partially due to gender roles, though young goblins did not outnumber adults since their lives were often at least as dangerous as their forebears.

The gender roles of goblin society had the dominant males sustain the community through raiding and stealing, sneaking into lairs, villages, and even towns by night to take what they could (and if supplies ran short they were willing to eat sentients, including each other). Goblin females meanwhile were expected to birth as many children as possible to sustain a population constantly driven down by violence.  Many goblins who left for a life among other races were females, driven away by the rigidly structured role they were expected to play.

Some goblin tribes were not above waylaying travelers on the road or in forests and stripping them of their possessions. Goblins sometimes captured slaves to perform hard labor in the tribe's lair or camp.


Goblins often inhabitated temperate plains, though many were also known to live in caverns or underground.


Besides the Ghukliak, some goblins were known to be capable of speaking Orcish or Yipyak.


Goblins primarily worshiped members of the goblinoid pantheon, such as Maglubiyet in particular, who inspired them with his feats of strength and treachery. Following the Spellplague and prior to the Second Sundering, however, the power of the Black Lord Bane grew and extended his power over Maglubiyet, making the goblin god one of his exarchs. Following the Second Sundering, goblins again worshiped deities such as Maglubiyet and Khurgorbaeyag.


Goblins were often considered little more than a nuisance. They did not get along well with most other races and were particularly suspicious of other goblinoids. Goblins had a somewhat ambivalent relationship with orcs and half-orcs, whom they'd work with on occasion, but the only true allies of the goblin race were worgs, who often acted as mounts and fighting companions for goblins.

Goblins had particularly adverse relations with dwarves, gnomes, and Tel-quessir.

Some were known to domesticate huge wolves.

Goblins reach adulthood at age 8 and live up to 60 years.

  • Dankwood Goblin

Dankwood goblins are much like any other run-of-the-mill goblin but  they are much more gentle and artistic than the savage and uncouth goblins of the world.

They are inquisitive and have a magical bond with the small forest creatures with which they are often friends. They are fast and numble and love to explore. Because of this they make great adventurers and guides.

  • Goblin (Ixalan)

Goblins are native to Ixalan, and their eager curiosity drew them to the ships of the Brazen Coalition where the pirates first made landfall on the Sun Empire's shores. Though they still thrive in remote jungle colonies, goblins are most commonly seen swinging on the ropes of sleek pirate ships.

Goblins stand about three feet tall, though they rarely stand upright. They prefer a crouched posture that lets them scramble quickly on all fours, aided by their long prehensile tails. Their hearing and eyesight make them excellent lookouts, and their agility serves them well as crew members on pirate ships. They climb, swing, and jump easily among a ship's ropes, and can get into tight spaces that humans can't. For better or worse, many goblins are also incorrigible pranksters, and they often have a hard time determining when a prank is inappropriate, is poorly timed, or has gone too far.

  • Tribe. Most goblins on Zendikar belong to one of three tribes: the Grotag, the Lavastep, and the Tuktuk. Choose one of these tribes.

  • Grotag Tribe
  • Smaller and weaker than their cousins, and with larger hands and  feet, goblins of the Grotag tribe attempt to live by their wits-though  seldom with much success. When a Grotag goblin has the bright idea of  trying to tame fleshpiercer mites, at least a few others will be willing  to follow that goblin into a nest-usually to predictably horrible  results. But though the Grotag seem to have a never-ending supply of bad  ideas, and a horrible ratio of bad ideas to good, the Grotag likewise  seem to have a never-ending supply of Grotag. As such, by trial and  error (and more error), these goblins have stumbled across a great deal  of knowledge useful for surviving the deep places of Zendikar, and for  dealing with the creatures that live there. The Grotag imagine  themselves to have a sort of empathy with beasts, and they lose hundreds  of goblins each year to ill-advised attempts at monster taming. But,  every now and again, one of these efforts is successful.
  • Grotag Tamer. You have proficiency in the Animal Handling skill.

  • Lavastep Tribe
  • The Lavastep tribe is the most industrious of the goblin tribes, and possesses much hard-won knowledge of the geothermal activity in Akoum.  More so than members of the other tribes, the Lavastep goblins build surprisingly effective equipment out of the crystal shards and veins of strange metals that occasionally boil up to the surface. The most warlike of their kind, Lavastep goblins frequently harass the kor, elves, and humans of Akoum.
  • Lavastep Grit. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky or subterranean environments.

  • Tuktuk Tribe
  • Among the goblins, the Tuktuk are most likely to hire themselves out as ruin guides to other races. Of course, their usual plan is to help find something of value, steal it, trigger a trap intentionally, and then run.
  • Tuktuk Cunning. You have proficiency with thieves' tools.

She eagerly explore areas that others hesitate to enter, and obsessively fiddle with magic that more sensible folk would take careful precautions with

Enjoys climbing cliffs and trees to get a good overview. 

  • Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Fury of the Small. Damage a creature with an attack or a spell and the creature's size is  larger than yours, can cause the attack or spell to deal extra damage to  the creature. The extra damage equals your level.
  • Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your turns.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin.
  • Speak with Small Beasts. Through sounds nad gestures, can communicate simple ideas with Small of smaller beasts. Dankwood goblins love animals and often keep squirrels, badgers, rabbits, moles, woodpeckers, and other creatures as beloved pets.
  • Agile Climber. You have a climbing speed of 25  feet.  You can't use your climbing speed while you wear medium or heavy  armor.  (If your campaign uses the variant rule for encumbrance, you  can't use  your climbing speed if you are encumbered.)
  • Grit. Resistance to fire damage and psychic damage. 

This goblin wouldn´t look like a housemom or dangerous but reality can strike double!
Being the daughter of a sneaky pirate Goblin (who used to be in the TukTuk Tribe) that lives in Ixalan in Brazen Coalition on the main Ship of Kendrik (oc) and a Dankwood mother goblin who is part of the Grotag tribe, among the older brother (who is now in the Lavastep tribe as a forging Smithy), one would think traditions are full.
Not this young energetic Goblin who at first wanted to refuse the "typical role" for her home but seeing as they were getting less and less (being treated like insects or spiders to be squashed on) She made the choice of wanting her kind to live on. Accepted and married a Goblin who was from the other part of the lands. He wasn´t a bad guy, he just had a habit of wanting many kids... as in.. many...At age 17 got the first kid. 

Since Goblins are not monogomous. Taking and leaving mates as it pleases them to do so. There is no "family unit" beyond the tribe.
2-4 babies at a time, every 8 months, is the standard for a Goblin. And unlike most mammals, female goblins are not hampered by preganancy, and are fully active up until the moment of birth. taking and leaving mates as it pleases them to do so. 

For "Pepper" it went first with
Age 17: 3 babies
Age: 18: 3 Babies
Age 19: 2 babies
That made it out safely and alive.

There is no "family unit" beyond the tribe if one would see.
Much to her dismay as after 8 kids she got frustrated as he was mostly out on a blast annoying elves and others alike and stealing.
There is no concept of "protecting the young" or individual parents, and goblin children are raised communally by the tribe. Such "raising"  basically involves watching the children and putting food down to eat. However, there are so many children that the adults will most likely not notice or care if a few wander off or play right next to a lit fire so childhood mortality due to predation, neglect and disease is high.

Not this Goblin. Even if she didn´t want to have kids at start, she still wanted to raise these better.
Still she did her best to take care of her kids, teaching them how to live best and not to annoy others as it would end up bad.
There is no concept of hygiene beyond not going to the bathroom directly in the tribal camp. The camp is usually littered with garbage, rotting carcasses of kills, old food, and broken items. They also have no real concept of manufacturing goods besides the crudest sewn together hide armor, clothing and shields. Most weapons are simple stone spears, clubs, and axes, as well as anything stolen from other small folk living nearby in raids. Anything owned by a goblin for any length of time reeks, as their lack of hygiene extends to their bodies. At a point Pepper didn´t want this to go on..

Learned to cook by observing cooks from the town down the mountains and made sure not to be seen, using the recipies and making her own meals. Also learned to tailor a bit and making clothings that would be a bit better than rags and cloths.
The other Goblin´s shrugged her actions off as she was seen as "weird" but wanting the best for her Goblin kids to not end up as .. well. worse.

Things got alot more harder. As the villagers who got annoyed by the Goblins from the mountains, aggrivated and before one knew, the husband and all around were arguiing. She talked to him and said she no longer wanted to live with him if he couldn´t behave and live in peace. Having full different views, the other goblin clan saw this as a discrimination and attack from their own kind. A talk would sure be done.

The white Goblin
One night a group of non goblins had partly raided the homeplace, taking the riches and things belonging to the Goblins and taken her out of the sleeping area and kidnapped her. She was Age 20 here. (truth was the husband had hired them to get rid of her and keep his status as the goblins there had a "reputation")
She was having the worst time of her life from being abused and made fun of, sold off to a slavemarket where she met another Goblin (a white older one) as both got bought by a guy.
Learning in their "free time" how to fight as they were used to their best skills. At first she was planned as bait in the Arena to see how long she lasted. After a week she had proven she can fight. in a pausing time made a short meal for them both, which got attention.
Arena for the white older one and kitchen duty for her later. Her aquired skills she had observed from the village came quite in handy as she made good dishes, besting even the kitchencooks. Getting attention from the "owner". Nicknamed she got was "Pepper"

While finding this all interesting, she begged to be set free to return home and take care of her kids and settle things with the home Goblins.
Of course not backing away, keeping her there, she planned to get free and take the white goblin with her.
It didn´t take long after poisoning the guards and owner (mild poison to knock them out) and getting her new friend free. Travelling back home, it was around 2 week´s that had passed, coming home and hugging her kids, making sure they were all well. Telling the news to the goblins living there and heading up to a shocking situation. Seeing her "still" husband as he had made a deal with a group, wanting to sell out.
Encountering him and shouting up loud so all could hear, the "ex" was now full on dumbfounded. The white goblin supporting her.

While they were arguing around, an ongoing by huge Troll with the hired group stomped through and attacked them. Things got tragic as she wasn´t able to save all. While witnessing two of her kids beeing eaten by the troll, one of the hired men had grabbed her and wanting to kill her as she defended herself. The white goblin stepped in, saving one of her kids from the attackers, attacking then the troll to hold him off. Seeing as her family was being killed and her new found friend who managed to kill the Troll, barely made it.
Destruction and death around, seeing black and ashes and fire.
Her home and family had been gone.
Holding one of the kids as the white Goblin held another, protected him with his life. She barely could say anything as all he had was a soft smile and telling her to never give up. Dying in her arms.
The two children had survived with her. (age 5 and 7)
She later brought them to her brother in the other plane of the mountains where he worked. For now staying with him and raising her kids until they were older.
3 years passed. 
As the kids reached adulthood (8 years old) wanting to work on their own and live their dreams. Letting them, getting a tip from her brother that changed her mind on things.
She wanted to travel. She was 23

The pirates and the gift
While travelling and making friends and allies in a way (like Morry and Oscar) relaxing one day at the Pier, taking in the scent and soon getting picked on by some stupid travellers. Making a not so nice comment on her clothings and the way she was dressed. She had arrived at the old Pier to find a job and travel by ship to head out. While they were beeing idiots, a nearby boat was fishing and the hook slashed out, grabbing on her ear and pulling her along. The Boat was a ship that had set on deck. The one who rieled her in and was practicing to fish was a young Elven guy named Gavin. Blinking confused in the kicking and screaming female Goblin, getting a black eye and a kick in his stomach after dropping her. Apologizing to his most as she viewed up to see his expression. A cute reaction if one would see as this was an awkward state of "hurt and apologize"
With her hiding then behind him as the group of travellers were seeking her, the elven guy denied seeing any goblins or "horrible" ones. Defending her from the start.
It was a cute lil thing going on as the ship was moving and.. with her onboard.
Panicking a bit as she rushed to get off, but too late.
Being onboard, having to face the captain. The witty guy had a sense of humor, letting her stay if she was useful. From crownest watch to ship duty and helping in the kitchen. She gave it her all. Along with her loyal pets she could communicate with.
It was a sweet talk with Gavin as well. The two getting along with each other.
The small pirate ship had 7 members and all were taken in by the energetic small Goblin who was acting like a mom around them and making sure all were fed and well taken care of. At times even helping with map drawing as she had a passion for drawing (being something that would later be a big part)

A Tabaxi inbetween

Age 24

While travelling with the crew, there was a moment where the storm went too heavy and she went overboard. Landing on an island area and a small bar where meeting a fluff y Tabaxi in trouble. He was lecturing the giant gators and scaley ones on the topics and got himself into trouble. She helped him out and before the duo knew, beeing seeked by one of the Gators.
The two helped each other along the way, getting to know another and travelling to get back to the ship.
Adventures would surely come and the goal was the next Pier to travel to find the crew.

Can meet other players/oc´s 

With them later then returning, the Tabaxi joined in on the journey.


It was as after 3 years of travelling with the crew and Tabaxi, (she is 26) the group had stayed in a small town known as "Marcass" (non exist anymore nowadays on the map) where all sorts of things would happen. Known also to be the home of a male witch.
The Tabaxi here had parted ways for now as he had to head to another small mission.

Not many were liked there and trouble followed. The moment where "Pepper" wanted to confess her feelings to Gavin, the two meeting near the building after having bought storage food for the ship and having a chat as they waited for the other crewmates, noticing Gavin was flirting back. Even to a point denying a nearby "lady" offering "services" With the two getting closer, sharing a short kiss as then a passionate first kiss, confessing and ..the two saying it could work..
Someone definetly didn´t like this as it was "revolting" and attacking her, while the first strike hit (the scar on her eye) the second was blocked by Gavin who punched the man (he is usually a very peaceful one but went to violence to denfed who he loved)
seeing as this got the two together, it was a rocky way.
Staying over in the Inn/Tavern there, the whole group congratulating them and celebrating. Leaving them all fully drunk the next morning and.. what came next was another tragic event.

The building was blocked off, the pirates all blocked and trapped in their rooms (they were all placed in after drunk) and kept apart. All items removed.
All trying desperatley to get free as smoke was smelled. The inn was on fire from the alcohol spread and unknown ones had set it up. Her animals had helped her. Pepper got out as she tried to open the door of Gavin, fire was already from within. Not giving up as she pushed against it, hearing how Gavin was on the other side begging her to stop. She continued, felt the flames on her arms, screaming that she won´t lose him. fighting litereally for his and her life and getting him out. Getting the rest out as well and all making it out alive thanks to her quick thinking, size and witts. Also the burnt arms. While their healer was out of order still k.o drunk, they could hear the villagers of Marcass attacking them. It was a hard battle and barely making it on their ship.
The witch of the town saw the horrible way the townspeople were, apologizing to the crew as he promised to help.
Gifting Pepper the ability of fire. Making herr not only resistant to heat and flames but also fire elemental. In a sense of "burning passion" or denfending for love. Giving the others something in return as well. (the captain got a map to all treasures of the place as all around had their wishes) after that, the witch burnt the whole village in flames and blackness. "Starting from new I guess. A fail" as he had muttered. The group sailed on from here, never to speak of this again. In a way.
Since the duo became a couple, the captain on the way to treasure and the "Scarred flunder" was on it´s way.

Learning to use her powers and using it to all it´s advantages. (From volcano treasures, fire beasts battles and trickery fun)

It was 2 months later as hunters had approached them and killing off one by one. Having the Elf guy in their grip as it came out he was a royal one and was fleeing from his home. Headhunters were hired to get him fully off to secure the kingdom (the current king there is a bastard) While Pepper was fighting with her fire, making sure to save him, it was too late as a blade was in the poor guy. Causing Pepper to go in a rage. Beeing beaten and she set the ship on fire, burning all the hunters on board, there was no way she could save all. No healing potions as they were on their way to the city of Frisbourne to get potions. (Half way was the attack near the Saruu island)
With her k.o on the plank in water, beeing scooped out by fishers who were alarmed by her bird and rat.

3 day had passed since then and the talking skull had suggested to seek a way to moarn. She made a small rememberance funeral at the pier and at the tavern drinking.
Remeeting with her favourite Tabaxi friend and up until now, the only one she has alive from the travelling friends.
Making their way together again
From here is where other groups join and meet.
Age 26

Meeting the Tabaxi:

Being alone once again, Pepper knew she had to stay strong. With her two animal companions and her talking skull buddy making her way to the next adventure to get some coins (to write to her kids and brother) as well as making sure there was enough. 

Stumbling into a fight, a Tabaxi and idiotic creatures hunting. The Goblin lady didn´t back away, burning a few to crisp and saving the feline as he helped her.


Co-op With Eustus

Upon meeting the reptilian, it wasn´t long until both had gotten into a topic of cooking. Sharing recipies and skills on how to prepare meals, the duo have a good friendship along the line.




future planing: 
The Drow
With her travels later, Still 26, keeping contact with her kids at all cost, it was as when meeting someone very unusual. While landing in a snowy area, seeking a treasure, stumbling into a Drow who, despite the "cold" look, was actually fond of her cooking and ability to warm things. Both had travelled a week together to help another find the treasure. (something was in it for both) As they both were stuck in a cave for the night. The two got a lil closer (warming up) and as they found a way out and  leading the path, finding the treasure. Splitting the goodies, the Drow  then parted ways as he had to return to his friends to help out while Pepper wanted to bring the loot back home. The two had a small chat, promising to meet again.
While time passed, their warm cuddles had surely turned to something indeed. Getting a Goblin/Drow hybrid son after a week of her 27th birthday. Now with a goal of finding the father when possible.
13 years passed and the young hybrid was all ready to make his adventure (Alone) to prove himself and find the Drow home and to meet his father. Parting ways, Pepper decided to go on adventure in Fabula again. Celebrating her 40th Birthday with the Tabaxi


He and a few have a common enemy later in story: -The Beast Cook-
As  this one not only ate one son of his friend pepper, but also almost ate him. A feared enemy who only hunts, kills and eat´s all non humans (As he comes from earth and changed his way of cooking in general). got his hands on a cheops stone that makes him live longer.


-Speaks, reads and writes Orcish, Yipyak. Common and Goblin And knows signlanguage as well
-has small pet friends (Morry the bird and Oscar the rat)
-Skullbelt was obtained from one of the treasuries and she could keep (it talks and has connections to *secret*) He is named "Ronny"
-Keep´s in contact with her brother and kids once a week
-the hook in her ear is clean and a rememberance of the royal elven pirate prince
-her arms are "burnt" partly to her ellbows (she hides them under her gloves she tailored)
-can use her fire over her clothes (as they are special gifted with her powers
-her hair is green in full after given the powers. They are pretty long and she tends to wear them in a bun under her hood
-she once kissesd a female orc in the arena to distract and says she doesnt care on gender but personality
-when urges to steal come up, she see s to get something her brother and kids would enjoy
-has a small backpack she carries along (a bag of holding)




Name: Pepper Chomsky

Race: Goblin (Dankwood and Mountain Goblin hybrid)

Class: Pyromancer

Background: Wanderer (Pirate)


Pepper is a petite and energetic goblin with a mix of Dankwood and Mountain Goblin features. Her skin is a blend of earthy tones, and her fiery red hair matches her passionate personality. Despite her small stature, Pepper exudes a vibrant energy that makes her stand out in a crowd. She bears a distinctive scar across her eye, a testament to past challenges. Pepper is often seen in customized clothing, a mix of practicality and personal style.


  1. Pyromancy: Pepper has the ability to control and manipulate fire, gained through a magical gift from a benevolent witch. This power allows her to generate flames, resist heat, and use fire in various forms for both offense and defense.


  • Cooking: Having observed cooks in nearby villages, Pepper has learned to cook and create flavorful meals, turning her goblin culinary skills into an asset.
  • Survival: Years of living in various environments and dealing with challenging situations have honed Pepper's survival instincts.
  • Artistic Talent: Pepper has a passion for drawing and map-making, often using her skills to document their journeys.


  • Fire-Infused Dagger: A specially crafted dagger that channels Pepper's pyromantic abilities.
  • Customized Clothing: A mix of practical and stylish clothing, designed by Pepper to suit her adventurous lifestyle.
  • Talking Skull Buddy: A magical skull that serves as a companion and advisor, offering insights and witty commentary.


Pepper, born into the challenging life of goblin society, defied traditional goblin roles by choosing to embrace skills beyond thievery and combat. Her early life involved a tumultuous marriage, raising children in a communal setting, and striving to bring positive change to goblin habits.

After a tragic event that claimed her family and home, Pepper embarked on a journey of self-discovery. Along the way, she encountered a diverse group of companions, forming bonds that shaped her adventurous spirit. Her encounter with a kind witch gifted her the ability to control fire, a power that became a vital part of her identity.

Pepper's journey led her to join a pirate crew, where she found a sense of belonging and love. The crew became her new family, and her relationship with Gavin, a fellow crew member, blossomed into a deep connection.

However, tragedy struck when their temporary stay in a town turned into a fiery nightmare. Pepper's determination and pyromantic abilities saved her crew from peril, but the scars of loss lingered.

Now, with her trusty animal companions and talking skull, Pepper roams the world, seeking new adventures, friends, and ways to honor the memory of those she has lost.


  • Energetic and Passionate: Pepper approaches life with boundless energy and passion, whether in combat, cooking, or creating art.
  • Compassionate: Despite her tough exterior, Pepper cares deeply for her friends and allies, going to great lengths to protect and support them.
  • Resilient: Having faced numerous challenges, Pepper has developed a resilient spirit that keeps her moving forward, even in the face of tragedy.

Roleplaying Hooks:

  1. Seeking Closure: Pepper carries the weight of past losses and seeks closure by honoring the memories of her fallen friends and family.
  2. Artistic Endeavors: Pepper often takes breaks from adventuring to document their journey through drawings and maps, creating a unique record of their experiences.
  3. Pyromantic Exploration: As Pepper continues to explore and master her pyromantic abilities, she may uncover new facets of this power that bring both challenges and opportunities.
