Cwen Xeraphion



2 years, 15 days ago



Cwen Xeraphion

pronouns she/her (female)
profession police officer
age 28
height 5'10" (177cm)
orientation omnisexual
blood type A-
race sylvacan
theme song


Depending on how attractive Cwen Xeraphion finds you to be, she can be a difficult person to get along with. She has a tendency to push people’s buttons to get a reaction out of them. Anyone she looks down on, she will poke and prod in a teasing manner to show off her dominance in social situations. However, if you are a cute femme willing to humor Cwen’s flirty nature, she will treat you with respect and reverence. In all honesty, Cwen can be a fun friend to have around when she remembers to be considerate. Her laid-back, rebellious attitude gives others a breath of fresh air from the workaholic mentality plaguing the country. This sliver of kindness from Cwen does not make up for her megalomaniac behavior.

Coming from a wealthy family has tainted her mind into believing she deserves more than she truly does. Growing up as a spoiled rich kid never allowed Cwen to learn how to give. All she knows how to do is take. Naturally, Cwen was drawn to careers where she could satisfy her desire for control. She now works as an officer for the Corundum Agency of Propriety (C.A.P. ), the official police force of Corundum City. The C.A.P. doesn’t have the best reputation in the city due to their excessive enforcement of the law. Breaking a small, insignificant law will not go unnoticed by their invasive eyes. Cappers—or better known as crappers—are universally hated by bulwarks. Their rivalry over being the protectors of Corundum City runs deep. Cwen just adds more fuel to the fire by messing with all the bulwarks forced to work with her. Any bulwarks that are close to Cwen are seen as an anomaly.

Cwen’s irreverence doesn’t end there. Seeing how blood type determines how strong one’s magic is, Cwen looks down on anyone with a weak blood type. While magic isn’t an important factor in the modern society she lives in, it does play a deciding role for those who wish to have a job that involves fighting. Cwen’s A- blood type makes her an ideal candidate for fighting crime. The idea of someone with a weak blood type becoming a capper or bulwark annoys her to no end. She holds the belief that every person has a role in society and that weak-blooded people need to learn their place. As such, it’s not surprising that she has a deep hatred for Mai.

[click the arrow to read more]


Mai Kallikos [Ex-Friend?]

The complicated relationship Cwen has with Mai can only be described as toxic and unhealthy. After previously studying together in university, Cwen and Mai broke it off six years ago due to a difference in morals. In present time, Cwen spends her free time teasing Mai about all their downfalls, as she still holds a grudge against Mai for all those years ago. Mai never retaliates to Cwen’s insults.

Zach Kallikos [Acquaintance?]

The first time Cwen met Zach was when Mai had transferred back to the city. She was always aware that Mai had a brother but had only learned about him through their stories. Now that Cwen frequently sees Zach for work-related reasons, she finds him to be a rather interesting individual. His overtly naive personality makes him a prime target for Cwen’s antics.

Greyson Donald [Ex-Lover]

Cwen never took the advice about how “looks can be deceiving” seriously until she met Greyson. He’s cute, feminine, and submissive—it’s every quality she looks for in a partner. It wasn’t until they decided to start dating did Cwen realize how delirious Greyson was behind that facade. They broke it off after an explosive argument over Cwen’s questionable friendship with Mai.

Owen Draktetos [Adversary]

Cwen knows that Owen is hiding something sinister behind that smile. After the disappearance of Rocky, she can only look at him with scorn. The way he’s constantly avoiding the police when they visit makes him come off as a suspicious individual. For now, Cwen will lay low on the investigation until more evidence comes up.

Abieyuwa Praxion [Acquaintance]

When Cwen heard that Mai had gotten a new partner, she was very excited to see who it could be. She thought that Yuwa was going to have a cutesy, bubbly character, which is the type of person Mai is often paired with. Cwen was very shocked to see that Yuwa turned out to be very assertive. To say the least, Cwen felt immense disappointment upon meeting Yuwa. She grows to appreciate Yuwa's presence, though, as she brings out a new side of Mai that Cwen has never seen.

Angelo Cosilas [Friend]

Angelo is one of the few people able to tolerate Cwen’s personality thus making him her best friend. She is drawn to his self-centered personality because he never confronts her about her poor behavior. Angelo doesn't care about what Cwen’s doing unless it directly affects him or his family. Unfortunately for him, a lot of what Cwen does involves his family and he has no idea.

Rocky Cosilas [Lover]

Cwen had taken an interest in Rocky as she frequently saw her visiting the station to bring Angelo’s forgotten lunch. She adored Rocky’s gentle older sister personality. After continuously flirting with her, they eventually became girlfriends, much to Angelo’s disgust. Out of all the lovers Cwen has had throughout her life, Rocky has been with Cwen the longest. They lasted a solid 2.5 years until Rocky was discovered dead in an alleyway.

Banyu Menodios [Friend]

Cwen met Banyu through Angelo when he was introduced as Angelo's long-term boyfriend. Wanting to be a supportive friend, Cwen was very polite towards him. Surprisingly, to Cwen, Banyu was actually very fun to be around. She adores his acquiescent personality and his overdependence on others. It felt good to be needed.

Gavin Calpraxia [Acquaintance]

Due to the recent events, Gavin and Cwen now work closely together. She looks down on Gavin as a young worker because he lacks experience in the field. She believes that he doesn't have what it takes to be a leader and thus doesn't deserve his position. When speaking to him, hints of jealousy can be heard in her speech.

Sienna Herastus [Superior]

Although Captain Herastus' strict personality often clashes with Cwen's laid-back, rebellious attitude, Cwen is very attached to her. She speaks fondly of the captain as if she were her own kin. In a way, Captain Herastus acts as the mother figure that Cwen never knew she needed.


Design Notes

  • Has a muscular hourglass figure.
  • She’s not wearing her uniform correctly...
  • Dark round pupils with brown eyes.
  • Wears a black watch on her right arm and two rings on each hand. The black rings go on her index fingers while the white ones go on her ring finger.
  • Eyebrows have cuts on their ends.
  • She’s hot...